Watchtower Society's respect for Christ

by stichione 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stichione

    In the December 15th 2002 Watchtower magazine we find the article "View matters from God's Standpoint", relating to the 113th Graduating Class of Gilead. On page 24 is presented a statement which Gerrit Losch, a member of the Governing Body made during a talk at that graduation: "...He called attention to many occasions when Jehovah said to his servants :I am with you."

    However, Jesus Christ is conspicuously absent, since his words which close the Gospel of Matthew are pratically identical, when he said :" I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things." (Matthew 28: 20). God's spoke these words to the old nation of Israel and are not in force anymore, whereas Jesus' words apply to Christians who lived as of the first century all the way to modern times, who have faith in Him. These Christians who are replacing ancient Israel.

    Another sad example of the Watchtower Society pushing Christ out of the picture so that the Governing Body can take his place.

  • larc

    I agree with you. For a so called Christian religion, they give very little attention to Jesus Christ.

  • metatron

    When do you ever hear a Witness refer to "the Lord Jesus Christ" or any similar phrase
    in ordinary conversation? If a Witness did refer to "the Lord" as early Christians did,
    would they be viewed with suspicion, as a possible apostate?

    Jehovah's Witnesses barely qualify as Christians - in eastern European countries they
    have been justly called "Jehovists" - partly because of the absence of common, personal
    references to Jesus Christ that were typical of first century Christians.


  • RR

    That's because the JW's are more Jewish than anything else. They tend to quote more of the old testament and have structured themselves up like the old Jewish ways. Re,member the the "J" in JW is Jehovah, NOT Jesus.


  • Beans

    Now I'm really confused!


  • blondie

    On the 1997 WT-CD

    Watchtower occurrences of

    Jehovah 121,150

    Jesus (Christ) 104,706

    Lord Jesus (Christ) is used fairly often but when used tends to be a scriptural quote rather than a reference by the WTS to the Savior.

    I have noticed that the WTS tacks on Jesus after Jehovah more often in the last 5 years, e.g., Jehovah God and Jesus Christ

    New name of Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses is what people see on the marquees now instead of Watchtower Convention. I had someone ask me if the CCOJW was an offshoot of the JWs.


  • stichione

    Thanks for your feedback all.

    Its remarkable what you say Scully, that the word Jehovah (or God for that matter) is printed more often than Jesus (or Christ) in the Watchtower Society publications.

    Jesus is mentionned more times than Jehovah by the writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures. Incredibly however, this ratio is not respected in the Society literature.

  • wannaexit

    Since the scales have come off, I too have noticed how Jesus is conveniently put aside. But week after week the watchtower continues to praise the FDS and GB. Matt 24:45 is in 99% of the study articles. It makes me sick!

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