reproach and loyalty

by zev 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • zev

    Reproach and loyalty.

    Consider the following points from the publishing house in brooklyn ny, usa.

    *** w96 3/15 15-20 Meeting the Challenge of Loyalty *** 4 Loyalty to Jehovah God will also keep us from doing anything that would bring reproach upon his name and Kingdom. For example, two Christians once got into such difficulty with each other that they improperly resorted to a worldly law court. The judge asked, Are both of you Jehovahs Witnesses? Evidently he could not understand what they were doing in court. What a reproach that was! Loyalty to Jehovah God would have caused those brothers to heed the counsel of the apostle Paul: Really, then, it means altogether a defeat for you that you are having lawsuits with one another. Why do you not rather let yourselves be wronged? Why do you not rather let yourselves be defrauded? (1 Corinthians 6:7) Certainly, the course of loyalty to Jehovah God is to suffer personal loss rather than bring reproach upon Jehovah and his organization.

    Loyalty to Jehovahs Organization

    9 We now come to the matter of being loyal to Jehovahs visible organization . Certainly, we owe loyalty to it, including the faithful and discreet slave, through which the Christian congregation is fed spiritually. (Matthew 24:45-47) Suppose that something appears in publications that we do not understand or agree with at the moment. What will we do? Take offense and leave the organization ? That is what some did when TheWatchTower, many years ago, applied the new covenant to the Millennium. Others took offense at what TheWatchtower once said on the issue of neutrality. If those who stumbled over these matters had been loyal to the organization and to their brothers, they would have waited on Jehovah to clarify these matters, which he did in his due time. Thus, loyalty includes waiting patiently until further understanding is published by the faithful and discreet slave.

    10 Loyalty to Jehovahs visible organization also means having nothing to do with apostates. Loyal Christians will not be curious about what such people have to say. True, those being used by Jehovah God to direct his work on earth are not perfect. But what does Gods Word tell us to do? Leave Gods organization ? No. Brotherly affection should keep us loyal to it, and we should continue to love one another intensely from the heart.1 Peter 1:22.

    *** w95 4/1 26-9 How Christians Cope With Public Reproach *** Firsthand Information Is Vital

    In the first century, people spread lies about Jesus Christ in order to damage his reputation, some even presenting him as treasonous. (Luke 7:34; 23:2; compare Matthew 22:21.) Later, the young Christian congregation encountered broad-based opposition from both religious and worldly elements. Since God chose the foolish things of the world, many looked down on his servants. (1 Corinthians 1:22-29) True Christians today must reckon with reproach , which is a form of persecution .John 15:20.

    Respond to Criticism?

    Jesus said of his followers: You are no part of the world . . . On this account the world hates you. (John 15:19) Many press reports that heap reproach on Jehovahs Witnesses are an expression of this hatred, and such should be ignored. However, the media may at times present information that reflects a lack of knowledge about the Witnesses or that distorts and misinterprets certain facts. Some journalists might draw material from biased sources. Whether we ignore false information in the media or defend the truth by appropriate means depends on the circumstances, the instigator of the criticism, and his goal.

    Do Not Be Frightened by Opposers

    How encouraging to know that reproach does not stop people from becoming Witnesses! During a TV talk show in , apostates wove a fabric of lies about the Witnesses. A viewer recognized the apostate embellishments as being fantasy and was moved to resume his Bible study with the Witnesses. Yes, public reproach sometimes leads to positive results!Compare Philippians , 13.


    Reproach on gods visible organization to me has been the focus on everything we do as sinners being imperfect humans that we are. All my years as a jehovers witness, this was what was focused on whenever a wrongdoing or anything of the sort was being discussed.

    Personally I hate the phrase, Jehovers earthy spirit directed visible organization or anything of the sort. Attendance at the last DC 2001 for me, made me sick with the number of times I heard this phrase. I groaned and became sick physically with what I heard.

    This organization has in effect replaced God in the minds of jws and once I started becoming aware of what I was learning, and feeling deep down inside, it all became so obvious.

    The programming and brainwashing done to keep people in this organization is very subtle and effective.

    But all you have to do is start your own investigations into what you believe, and have been taught.

    Only then, can the wt wall built inside of you come crumbling down.

    Loud, hard and fast.

    Only then can you see the REAL light.

    Only then can you see "REAL" truth.

    73s de zev

    Edited by - zev on 1 August 2002 8:56:27

    Edited by - zev on 1 August 2002 8:57:1

  • expatbrit
    For example, two Christians once got into such difficulty with each other that they improperly resorted to a worldly law court. The judge asked, Are both of you Jehovahs Witnesses? Evidently he could not understand what they were doing in court. What a reproach that was! Loyalty to Jehovah God would have caused those brothers to heed the counsel of the apostle Paul: Really, then, it means altogether a defeat for you that you are having lawsuits with one another. Why do you not rather let yourselves be wronged? Why do you not rather let yourselves be defrauded? (1 Corinthians 6:7) Certainly, the course of loyalty to Jehovah God is to suffer personal loss rather than bring reproach upon Jehovah and his organization.

    Excellent quote Zev! And so recent too. A perfect example of the coercion from Brooklyn that exerts pressure on JW's not to involve "worldly" authorities. The omission of any statements that these principles would not apply in certain cases of serious crime is telling.


  • minimus

    Wouldn't the Society have to accept their own statement and refuse to inform worldly authorities of allegations of child abuse?

  • SYN

    *DOH* Of course, we should rather let our kids be raped than go to the WORLD!

  • Robert_V_Frazier

    The omission of any statements that these principles would not apply in certain cases of serious crime is telling.

    A correction, if I may: these principles would NEVER apply in the case of ANY crime -- Paul was talking about civil lawsuits, and civil lawsuits ONLY.

    Robert Frazier

  • Reborn2002

    A powerful quote which exposes the real agenda of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, and written in their own publication.

    Certainly, the course of loyalty to Jehovah God is to suffer personal loss rather than bring reproach upon Jehovah or his organization.

    A disgusting, filthy, vile suggestion... the thought of it alone makes me physically ill.

    In essence this means..

    • Let children be sexually molested and raped...
    • Murder innocent people by having them follow a blood doctrine which changes every few years...
    • Divide families and break up households over ideologies which have no scriptural basis...
    • Destroy the quality of life for millions by discouraging higher education for decades...
    • Instill fear in the membership by threatening expulsion for speaking out against these crimes...


    I fucking hate you Watchtower...

    Your day will come.

    Edited by - Reborn2002 on 1 August 2002 14:19:34

  • expatbrit

    Hi Robert:

    I was referring more to the lack of clarifying statements by the WT, rather than what Paul may or may not have meant.


  • Robert_V_Frazier

    Expatbrit, I agree. The problem is, the Society doesn't distinguish among sins against God, crimes against humanity, and civil lawsuit grievances against an individual person. To them, all are sins, none are crimes, all must be handled internally by the Org, and none need involve outside authorities, such as the police, child welfare agencies, the FBI, Interpol, etc.

    By keeping it "in the family", their precious reputation can't be harmed, they think. As if the Society EVER had a good reputation outside its own ranks!

    You're right; they don't clarify when the advice not to take a brother to court might not apply, because in their minds, it always applies.

    Robert Frazier

  • zev


    By keeping it "in the family", their precious reputation can't be harmed

    and there you have the essence of their reasoning: bringing reproach on jehovers name and his organization.

    they think in perfection terms. no one is perfect, they will readily admit that. but you are EXPECTED to be perfect, live a perfect life, never "sin" and when you ask for forgiveness, and confess your "sin" what happens to you?

    your excommunicated, disfellowshipped, and shunned like your dead, handed over to satan to have your eyes rot in their sockets and be a feast for maggots.

    Edited by - zev on 1 August 2002 15:57:49

  • somebody


    Sickening what low levels that the WBT s will go to HIDE their own evil.

    Personally I hate the phrase, Jehovers earthy spirit directed visible organization or anything of the sort.

    Sorta like the s ociety telling their loyal followers that satan engages in "spiritual bacteriologic warfare" and that by attending meetings, they won't be leaving themselves open for such attacks. It makes me wonder how many hours writers up at the printing plant spend coming up with these phrases.

    I guess if I were living in such a place, I'd love to have that job!



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