NEW Article: Head Coverings for Women

by SYN 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SYN

    Scully, this is for you

    THE WATCHTOWER JULY 15. 2002 pages 26-27

    Questions From Readers

    In what situations is it appropriate for a Christian woman to wear a head covering for spiritual reasons?

    "Every woman that prays or prophesies with her head uncovered shames her head," wrote the apostle Paul. Why? Because of the divine principle of headship: "The head of a woman is the man." Praying or preaching in the Christian congregation is normally the responsibility of a man. Hence, when a Christian woman cares for matters pertaining to worship that ordinarily would be performed by her husband or by a baptized man, she should wear a head cover-
    ing.-1 Corinthians 11:3-10.

    Situations in which a Christian woman ought to wear a head covering may arise in her marriage relationship. For example, when the family comes together for a Bible study or for a meal, the husband normally takes the lead in teaching them and in representing them in prayer to God. If he is an unbeliever, however, this responsibility may fall on his wife. therefore, when praying aloud on behalf of herself and others or when conducting a Bible study with her children in the presence of her husband, a christian sister rightly wears a head covering. If her husband is not present, the wife need not wear a head covering since she is divinely authrized to do so.
    Proverbs 1:8; 6:20.

    What, though, if a young son in the family is a dedicated, baptized servant of Jehovah God? Since the son is a member of the Christian congregation, he should receive instruction from its male members. (1 Timothy 2:12) If his father is a believer, the son should be taught by him. However, if the father is absent, then the mother should wear a head covering if she conducts a Bible study with the young baptized son and the other children. Whether she calls on the baptized son to pray at such a study or at meal-time is left to her discretion. She may feel that he is not yet sufficiently capable and may choose to offer prayer herself. If she chooses to pray on such an occasion, she should wear a head covering.

    While sharing in certain congregation activities, Christian women may need to wear a head covering. At a midweek meeting for field service, for example, there may only be Christian sisters present, no baptized males. There may be other occasions when no baptized males are
    present at a congregation meeting. If a sister has to handle duties usually performed by a brother at a congregationally arranged meeting or meeting for field service, she should wear a head covering.

    Must Christian women wear a head covering when giving oral or sign-language translation of Bible discourses or when publicly reading the paragraphs from a Bible study aid that is being used at a congregation meeting? No. Sisters handling these duties are not presiding or teaching. similiarly, no head covering is required for sisters taking part in demonstrations, relating experiences, or handling student talks in the Theocratic Ministry School.

    While teaching within the congregation is to be done by baptized men, both men and women have the responsibility of preaching and teaching outside the congregation. (Matthew 24:14; 28:19, 20) So when a Christian woman is speaking to outsiders about God's Word in the
    presence of a male Witness of Jehovah, she would not need to wear a head covering. However, the situation is different when a regular, scheduled Bible study is being conducted in a home and a dedicated, baptized male is present. This is a prearranged session of
    teaching where the one conducting the study actually presides. Under these circumstances, a study becomes an extension of the congregation. If a baptized female Witness conducts such a study with a baptized male Witness present, she would rightly wear a head cover-
    ing. However, the dedicated brother should offer prayer. A sister would not pray in the presence of a dedicated brother unless there were some exceptional reason, such as the brother's having lost the physical power of speech.

    A Christian sister may on occasion be accompanied on a Bible study by an unbaptized male Kingdom publisher. If she wishes, she may ask him to conduct the study. But since he could not properly represent the baptized sister in prayer to Jehovah, it would be proper for her to
    pray at the study. When conducting the study and when praying under these circumstances, the sister should cover her head. Even though the male publisher is not yet baptized, outsiders identify him with the congregation because of his preaching activity.
    "The woman ought to have a sign of authority upon her head because of the angels," wrote the apostle Paul. Yes, Christian sisters have the privilege of being good examples to the millions of angels who loyally continue to subject themselves to Jehovah. How appropriate that godly women give due consideration to wearing a head covering when the occasion calls for it!
    THE WATCHTOWER JULY 15. 2002 pages 26-27

    Hopefully y'all have your scarves and umbrellas and dishcloths ready for those "situations" where your young son is baptized and you aren't!

  • bluesapphire

    God knows how I hated this crap!!! They are running out of things to write about so they have to regurgitate this women-thumping bs. I wish the women in this organization would wake up!

  • Nowhere

    where your young son is baptized and you aren't

    Notice that this implies, also when the mother IS baptized.

  • ItsJustlittleoldme
    What, though, if a young son in the family is a dedicated, baptized servant of Jehovah God? Since the son is a member of the Christian congregation, he should receive instruction from its male members. (1 Timothy 2:12) If his father is a believer, the son should be taught by him. However, if the father is absent, then the mother should wear a head covering if she conducts a Bible study with the young baptized son and the other children. Whether she calls on the baptized son to pray at such a study or at meal-time is left to her discretion. She may feel that he is not yet sufficiently capable and may choose to offer prayer herself

    How can a 'young son' choose for himself to say that he is ready to dedicate himself to Jehovah, study and prepare and 'pass' all the requirements, and become baptized, yet not be sufficiently capable of offering prayer to Jehovah?

    How can this happen?

    Things that make ya go, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..................................

  • dungbeetle

    I gotta jump in here:

    IF it is customary for women to wear headcoveings IN GENERAL (which it was in that culture) then women should maintain their headcovering when they pray; That makes so much sense and there is nothing mysogonistic about it.

    It is customary for men to men to go out in public fully dressed, and so they should be fully dressed when they pray.

    Don't you just love how Watchtower totally ignores the verse 4 I think it is: if her head is shaved she doesn't have to wear a head covering. Go JW women GO GO GO!!!

    What Paul was talking about was LOCAL customs;;In spite of the fact that there is now 'neither male nor felmale' and 'god is no respecter of persons' nevertheless 'as far as it depends on you be peaceable with all men'.; Paul had to tell the Christians OVER and OVER again not to take a stand where a stand did not need to be taken.

    Those that wish to eat meat. eat it; Those that do not, do not. He even went so far as to okay the eating of improperly bled meat and meat offered to idols. But all these things were within the context of THEIR cultural NORMS. He made it very clear that if the Christians behaved in a way that was offensive to their neighbors, thus bringing problems on themsleves, that this was NOT PERSECUTION FOR THE SAKE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS.

    And as for his statement about women being the glory of men, this makes absolutely no sense within the context of both the Jewish culture and the Christian culture. ; Where the Bible, and even the words of one Biblical author, conflict so much, it can't hurt to step back and take a good hard look at the cultural context. In Jewish culture, women were property period. ; In the Christian culture, men and women were equal. ; So what was Paul talking about?

    The observance of LOCAL customs and sensitivities.

    Watchtower is really good at sending ;thousands of years' worth ;of cultural advances that humans have striven to make, back to the 'stone age'.

    HAH!!!; Well, no more.

  • Kenneson

    1 Cor. 10:6 states: "For if a woman does not cover herself, let her also be shorn; but if it is disgraceful for a woman to be shorn or shaved, let her be covered." Of course, this is when she is praying or prophesying (vs. 5). What Jw women have to do is begin a new fad; shave their heads and voila the problem will be solved.

    After going through this lengthy explanation of why he felt that women should cover their heads while praying, ( vs. 7-10 and 14-15) Paul is forced to admit in vs. 16 that it is a custom in the congregations. What he failed to mention is that customs are never set in stone.

    What the W.T. needs to acknowledge is that customs do change. Today's world is different from that of Paul's world.

  • SYN

    Yeah, there were no Smurfs in Biblical Times (TM).

  • MrMoe

    This crap makes me wanna puke, just like the Awake they had months back in regards to women and domestic abuse. I recall the article stating that a fellow sister in the congregation should not be advised to leave her mate unless the circumstances are extreme. Like what the heck is extreme, I mean geesh... I have got to find that thread around here somewhere. At the time I wrote it, my viewpoints were a bit clouded, as I was actually living with my abusive husband at the time. And, it just so happens, my parents and others (I had just left the borg) knew of the abuse and siad nothing. Well, my mom and dad from time to time blurted out for me to "Leave the creep" but those were my parents, you know?

    Anyhow, crap makes me wanna puke, it really does.

  • Scully


    What I really want to know is this:

    Do the headcoverings come with matching thongs?

    Love, Scully

  • MrMoe

    Scully -- *insert the opposite of my American accent here - but rather a sophisticated English accent* Excellent question darling, but it all depends on where you shop. Victoria's Secret sells headcover-panties sets, but they are really quite pricey. I suggest going with the option of Target.



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