Zeitgeist: Addendum

by What-A-Coincidence 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • What-A-Coincidence
  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate


    Alright, I finally had the time to watch this very long video. I believe that (roughly) the first half was excellent. Very well researched, presented and produced. However, the second half of this video is such complete and utter nonsense that it is laughable. Technology is the answer. ROTFLMAO. Great first half, completely negated by the second half.

    BA- WAC, I think you may recall what industry I work in.

    PS- Total BS in the second half.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    bA - I have only watched the 1st half ... blew my mind. I was reading other reviews on the other parts ... pretty much bunk.

    btw: Just got in "The Creature from Jekyll Island" .... damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • PrimateDave

    It's a real mixed bag. There are some facts mixed in with a lot of unsubstantiated nonsense. I like several of the points that are made, but the cornucopist high technology Venus Project solution is simply laughable in its naivete. The inaccuracies and lack of critical research on the part of the creator of "Zeitgeist: Addendum" prevent me from recommending it.

    There is nothing substantially new or useful here. One would be far better off reading Thoreau, Zerzan, or Jensen for starters. If you are looking for solutions, forget the Venus Project with its vague technological utopia and consider instead the ecologically based Permaculture system. Granted, I don't expect any of these ideas to ever become "mainstream." video Dave

  • frankiespeakin
  • frankiespeakin
  • frankiespeakin

    Have error problem.

    Upper post is about the case mentioned 18 minutes into the video.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse
    Alright, I finally had the time to watch this very long video. I believe that (roughly) the first half was excellent. Very well researched, presented and produced. However, the second half of this video is such complete and utter nonsense that it is laughable. Technology is the answer. ROTFLMAO. Great first half, completely negated by the second half.

    I agree. The second half was bollocks.

  • zagor

    What this video proposes is something that people have tried and failed every single time, from say Pythagoras commune to the latest debacle and fall of communism. Utopian society cannot succeed for one simple reason, it works against natural urges of who and what we are as human beings . People love competition, they love earning potential and making of wealth and it is only idealists who think that by shifting our way of thinking something far greater can be achieved. Well it can't. If it was possible someone would have done it already. Only thing you get are few idealist zealots who go around aggressively preaching their version of the "new world" until they get tired of trying or start fighting among themselves when they get delusional, and they do it for one simple reason, they don't know diddly squat how human mind operates. If they did they'd be joining the rest of the world, and perhaps with their own example set higher standards; not by 'destroying' the whole system and starting over.

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