Who’s That Knocking on the Door? Research Examines the Jehovah's Witnesses

by jgnat 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jgnat

    One of my favorite Christian pollsters, Barna Group, surveys Jehovah's Witnesses. I am tickled. I wonder how they found members to poll, considering the society has warned against participation in these sorts of polls?


    I'm off happily reading the results.

  • jgnat

    From the report,

    Demographically, Jehovah’s Witnesses are substantially different from the born again community in that they are less likely to get married; much less likely to hold conservative political and social views; and are a decidedly downscale group (only one-third as likely to have graduated from college, and their household income levels are one-quarter below the born again average). The Jehovah’s Witnesses community is predominantly non-white (62%) and is shockingly removed from the political process: only 29% are registered to vote, compared to 87% among the born again constituency.

  • jgnat

    It's nice to get a reliable number on the "unchurched", or non-practicing Witnesses. 28%. Which the article says is higher than for evangelical churches, and is lower than the national average.

    Perhaps it is this proportion of "unchurched" which inspired the July 15 article.

  • Junction-Guy

    Thanks for sharing. I couldn't access the actual poll, but from what you report I would agree with. The only thing that puzzles me is the 29% registered voters. I don't believe it is nearly that high, and if it really is, then alot of JW's are secretly voting.

  • BurnTheShips
    Thanks for sharing. I couldn't access the actual poll, but from what you report I would agree with. The only thing that puzzles me is the 29% registered voters. I don't believe it is nearly that high, and if it really is, then alot of JW's are secretly voting.

    Or they were already registered before becoming JWs. BTS

  • Junction-Guy

    Thanks Burn, that thought had come to my mind also.

  • Not Feeling It
    Not Feeling It


    The link goes to an article from 2004 titled "How "Christianized" Do Americans Want Their Country To Be?"

    I'm not seeing the statistics you mention. I'll search again in case the answer is in front of my face.

    -- Not Seeing It ;-)

  • Samuel Thorsen
    Samuel Thorsen

    -- Not Seeing It ;-)

    Just put the word 'Jehovah' in the search field and it will show up.

  • Not Feeling It
    Not Feeling It

    The URL that I found is very similar to that above. But goes to a different place. Odd. Try this: http://www.barna.org/FlexPage.aspx?Page=BarnaUpdateNarrow&BarnaUpdateID=298

    That said, I enjoyed reading the article. Thanks for brining it to our attention!

    I think the key reason for differences in what we expect from Organizational JWs versus those polled is the phrase "unchurched". If someone asked me two years ago I would have identified more with JWs despite having differences in doctrine even though I haven't regularly attended meetings in almost 10 years. In the following citation you would expect that 100% of JWs would believe these things. I think that those who are "unchurched" or the fringe element (you've met them before -- right?) in congregations would account for the variance.

    Witnesses are almost 50% more likely than born again adults to strongly believe that Satan exists (61% versus 42%, respectively). They are more likely than born again adults to argue that Jesus Christ lived a sinless life on earth (77%, compared to 63% among born agains). They are also much more likely to have a firm conviction that sharing their faith with other people is a personal responsibility (74% compared to 54% among all born agains). They also have widespread faith in the Bible, with a higher proportion (88%) contending that the Bible is totally accurate in all of the principles it teaches (71% among born again people).

    The final paragraph also intrigues me.

    Demographically, Jehovah’s Witnesses are substantially different from the born again community in that they are less likely to get married; much less likely to hold conservative political and social views; and are a decidedly downscale group (only one-third as likely to have graduated from college, and their household income levels are one-quarter below the born again average). The Jehovah’s Witnesses community is predominantly non-white (62%) and is shockingly removed from the political process: only 29% are registered to vote, compared to 87% among the born again constituency.

    This coincides pretty well with the findings of the recent Pew survey (http://religions.pewforum.org/) as well as what we all "know" or have experienced in the Witness faith. Marriage is discouraged publicly as is higher education. The effect of less education is lower wages on the whole. And of course, political neutrality results in the "shocking" removal from the political process. (Shocking to whom? Do they not know this about JWs?). I'm not so sure about the ethnic makeup. I've always thought that it was about 50/50 from the places I've lived and attended. District Conventions seemed to be the most demographically diverse. I never noticed a preponderance of non-whites. The bulk of my JW life was spent born and raised in the Northeast USA. The Pew survey seems to bear this out as well.

    The biggest thing I noticed was the comment "much less likely to hold conservative political and social views". I don't see how this is possible. Granted Witnesses would not typically vocally identify with Republican -- or Democrat -- politics. But to say they aren't socially conservative? What part of anti-abortion, anti-drug, anti-premarital sex did they not get? Granted they are also anti-government but that is ALL government types. Kind of like: I'm not a bigot -- I just hate everyone.

    For the record, I identify myself as socially liberal and fiscally conservative. Do what makes you happy with consenting adults but keep your hand out of my wallet.

    Thanks again for the great read.

    -- Not Feeling It

  • Not Feeling It
    Not Feeling It
    Just put the word 'Jehovah' in the search field and it will show up.

    Thanks Sammy T. I did just that. Funny how that is the secret to many a fall from grace in JW-Land! "OMG! I searched teh Intarnets for Jehovah and my world fell apart!"

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