"Mission to Africa" Revisited

by Lady Lee 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Atlantis posted this booklet a few days ago "Mission To Africa" (with scans)

    This little known booklet published by the WTS, called "Mission to Africa" I have formatted it as a pdf file with text on the left (that you should be able to copy and paste into a word processor) and the scans on the right.

    Pay particular note to page 9 (info underlined).

    Our activity was often hindered by difficulties particular to the region. Distances are vast and lines of communication almost nonexistent. The best form of travel, if not the only one, is the airplane. Often we used the H.C.R.'s (United Nations High Commission for Refugees) planes.

    The WTS sometimes used the United Nations plane for their distributions. Could this be another way the WTS benefitted by being an NGO?

    Any research minded people interested in finding out if there is a connection between being an NGO and using the UN plane to distribute relief supplies to fulfill their obligation to support the goals of the UN?

    Is it possible that as an NGO they used more than a library card???

  • Lady Lee
  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    The plot thickens. I found this on e-watchman. After going through thousands of threads on JWD I have never seen this before.


    The Watchtower and the United Nations: Strange Bedfellows


    It is true: Politics does make strange bedfellows. And religion and politics makes even stranger bedfellows. Nowhere is that more evident than in the unlikely political partnership between the professedly “politically neutral” Watchtower and the purported “disgusting thing”—the United Nations. It is so incredible, even when informed of the matter many of Jehovah’s Witnesses refuse to believe that the Watchtower could ever have made such a compromising alliance. But it did. Here are the facts of the distasteful affair.

    "A Mission to Africa"

    Jehovah’s Witnesses should not be naïve to the fact that the Watchtower Society gained some political stature with the United Nations by registering as an NGO. Ostensibly, their rationale for doing so was in order to muster support in behalf of Jehovah’s Witnesses facing difficult situations in various countries throughout the world. Evidently partnering with the United Nations has not gone unrewarded, which is betrayed in small ways by the organization itself, such as the following brief report in the July 22nd, 2001, Awake:

    “One newspaper in Congo (Kinshasa) praised the humanitarian work of Jehovah's Witnesses as "practical rather than formal." Officials of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) have likewise expressed their support. One UNHCR official in the Democratic Republic of Congo was so pleased with the orderliness of the relief efforts carried out by the Witnesses that she put her vehicle at the disposal of the volunteers.”

    To what extent has the Watchtower received help directly from the United Nations? It is hard to say. However, it turns out that it was much more than the use of a vehicle on one occasion. In trying to get to the bottom of the Watchtower’s dealings with the UN, this researcher has discovered that the Society has spawned nearly a dozen subsidiary NGOs in various European nations. For instance, prior to the Watchtower gaining associate NGO status in 1992, in 1990 an NGO called Aidafrique was set up in France. What was its intended purpose? The Zambia Daily Mail of June 17th, 1999, under the heading: “French NGO officials jet in to help Congo DR refugees,” reported the following:

    “TWO officials from the Aid Afrique are expected in the country today to provide additional humanitarian support to thousands refugees who have fled trouble-torn Congo DR. Aid Afrique chairman Mr. Claude Hamel and Mr. Louis De Wit from France and Belgium respectively are expected to hold talks with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Ministry of Health and other humanitarian organisations to see what assistance could be given to refugees. A statement to the Mail yesterday said the two officials would be in the country for a week-long visit during which they would be assisted by two Aid Afrique local representatives, Mr. Edward Finch and Mr. Estime Mbayo.

    "Over US$30,000 is expected to be spent in providing blankets, clothes, food, household utensils, farming tools and implements as well as medicines to the refugees from Congo," read the statement. The relief supplies are being provided by congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses in Belgium, France and Switzerland. Aid Afrique is a European-based international humanitarian organisation founded in France in 1990 with the objective of bringing relief to critical areas of Africa.

    Through the UNHCR efforts in Tanzania, the organisation last year distributed over 20 tonnes of food and medicine to refugees in the Kigoma region. In 1997, Aid Afrique spent US$820,000 in humanitarian aid to the former Zaire.”

    The Zambian news reveals that it was only through their cooperation with UNHCR that the Aidafrique NGO was able to accomplish its humanitarian objectives. But if such cooperative ventures with various agencies of the United Nations are openly reported on by the secular media in Africa, why isn’t the Watchtower more forthright in informing Jehovah’s Witnesses about their accomplishments as a result of their partnership with the UNHCR? If the Watchtower’s relationship with the United Nations is such an honorable arrangement, why not publicize it—as they have so many other UN-sponsored programs? Most likely the reason subsidiary NGOs like Aidafrique were set up in the first place was in order to keep the more familiar Watchtower brand name in the background and off the front page.

    Interestingly, a few years ago Jehovah’s Witnesses in France independently published a brochure entitled “A Mission to Africa.” In it they explained in detail the activities of the Aidafrique NGO. On pages 9-10 the revealing comment was made:

    “Our activity was often hindered by difficulties particular to the region. Distances are vast and lines of communication almost nonexistent. The best form of travel, if not the only one, is the airplane. Often we used the H.C.R.'s (United Nations High Commission for Refugees) planes. Administrative formalities also held us up”

    Certainly no one is questioning the motives of Jehovah’s Witnesses in seeking to render lifesaving emergency aid to our suffering brothers in Africa. It was the right and Christian thing to do. But the question is: at what price? Is it worth cutting a deal with the Devil to save a soul? Jehovah’s Witnesses in Malawi didn’t think so. They were not even willing to buy a 25-cent political ID card; even though their not doing so unleashed a horrific pogrom against them.

    The frequent use of UN aircraft is a very expensive perk and no doubt the Watchtower saw that there were benefits to be had in becoming an associate NGO and setting up auxiliary NGOs, like Aidafrique, in order to work more closely with the United Nations. At the very least it is evident that the Watchtower’s relationship with the UN is more complicated than the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses has thus far been willing to admit. Indeed, the Watchtower is much more politically involved than Jehovah’s Witnesses are aware.

    In October, 2000, the branch overseer of the Watchtower Society in Portugal was interviewed by the Portuguese newspaper, Publico. While denying that any compromise had taken place, in a moment of unguarded candor Brother Candeias inadvertently admitted that the reason the Watchtower cultivated relations with the UN was a matter of political expediency in providing humanitarian help for Jehovah’s Witnesses. He is quoted as saying: “Without the support of the UN it would not be possible to distribute humanitarian help.”

    The Portuguese Branch Overseer was apparently also the correspondent who was assigned to write an article in the August 22nd, 1997, Awake, pertaining to the OSCE. (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) The reason the Portuguese correspondent took up the topic is because the OSCE held an important political summit in Lisbon, Portugal, in December, 1996. Evidently, Brother Candeias personally attended the conference, which is why the article he most likely penned oddly concluded by reporting on the weather conditions of the day of the summit from the standpoint of an observer; along with a hackneyed comment about God’s kingdom. Below is an excerpt:

    “A summit meeting of the OSCE was held in Lisbon, Portugal, on December 2-3, 1996. At first, attention was focused on NATO, since several NATO members, including the United States, are in favor of the expansion of NATO to include more nations from Central and Eastern Europe. But rather than support the enlargement of NATO to include former Eastern bloc allies, Russia and some of her former Eastern bloc allies want the OSCE to become the forum for matters of European security…The radiant afternoon sun seemed to create a climate of general optimism at the close of the summit, despite the comments of the press regarding its nebulous results. Whatever success or failure the OSCE may realize, peace lovers everywhere can be assured that true peace and security will soon be realized earth wide under the rule of God’s Kingdom.”

    While only superficially reporting on the OSCE powwow in Lisbon, the Awake magazine did not mention that the summit was attended by numerous NGO representatives. However, the OSCE website carries a detailed record of the proceedings and reveals that some NGOs even participated in the conference. Most likely the Portuguese correspondent was only permitted to attend the high level political conference in the capacity of a representative of a European NGO—in this case the “Association of Jehovah’s Witnesses.” It is not surprising, then, that the overseer later candidly admitted the political motivation behind the Watchtower’s partnering with the UN, seeing that he had apparently been assigned to personally observe and report on the goings on of a political summit of governmental and non-governmental organizations.

    For a fact, the Lisbon OSCE summit has not been the only political conference that Jehovah’s Witnesses have attended. For example, in October 2000, the Balkans Human Rights organization published a petition to the OSCE that was signed by numerous NGOs. (No doubt many of the same NGOs that attended the Lisbon summit a few years prior) One of which was an NGO called the “Administrative Center for Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia.” Just what is the Administrative Center for Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia? It is another non-governmental organization set up to represent Jehovah’s Witnesses. Admittedly, it is not an NGO in the same way that the Watchtower was an international NGO associated with the UN/DPI, but it evidently serves a similar purpose. The OSCE petition that the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia signed stated:

    “The undersigned NGOs have all valued the Human Dimension meetings, throughout the years and in their various formats, as significant for both governments and NGOs to raise human rights concerns in the participating states. Consequently, they have actively participated in them with reports and interventions, and have been encouraging other NGOs to do likewise.”

    The petition verifies that the subsidiary Russian NGO, representing the Watchtower and Jehovah’s Witnesses, willingly participated with numerous other NGOs, including the Church of Scientology, in raising “human rights concerns in participating states.” By signing the petition the Administrative Center for Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia admits to actively “encouraging other NGOs” to take up the cause of human rights interventions. And, of course, the evidence is overwhelming that the parent organization in Brooklyn used its resources to “raise human rights concerns.”

    Among the other NGO signatories of the OSCE petition was the organization, Human Rights Without Frontiers. It is noteworthy that HRWF has had significant dealings with the Watchtower Society over the years; to the extent that the Society’s media website has numerous articles published by HRWF and even has a link to the Humans Rights Without Frontiers website. (www. hrwf.net)

    Besides gaining greater access to UN officials, no doubt having NGO status enhanced the Watchtower’s political stature and credibility with influential human rights groups like Amnesty International, Oxfam, Human Rights Without Frontiers, World Watch, and others. Admittedly, those organizations have done much to publicize and alleviate the plight of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    Amnesty International, for instance, has vigorously campaigned in behalf of Jehovah’s Witnesses. And as an NGO with consultative status at the United Nations, Amnesty has direct access to the UN human rights office—which associate NGOs do not have. Having a friend with political connections like could be a very valuable asset to a persecuted religion like Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    But there is more.

    There are, in fact, numerous subsidiary NGOs that the Watchtower has set up in order to legally represent Jehovah’s Witnesses in governmental affairs.

    In May, 1999, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights held their annual conference in Geneva. Among the many governmental and non-governmental organizations present were three NGOs representing Jehovah’s Witnesses. They were the aforementioned “Association of Jehovah's Witnesses” and “Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia,” as well as a third NGO called the “European Association of Jehovah's Witnesses for the Protection of Religious Freedom.” (The list of NGO attendees is listed on the United Nations Commission on Human Rights website.)

    Other NGOS are: “Consistoire National des Temoins de Jehovah”; “Union of the Jehovah's Witnesses” and “Representation of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society in Pennsylvania”; which are NGOs functioning in Georgia. (Not USA) And, lastly: “Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, Poland.” The Watchtower’s political activities as an NGO are not confined to Europe either. In 1999, the Australian government held hearings with invited NGO representatives of numerous religions in order to advance cooperation and human rights. The official record lists the Watchtower’s representatives as Donald MacLean—Director of the Australian branch office—and Vincent Toole, legal counsel of the Watchtower Society. The record of the Official Committee Hansard is available online.

    "Friendship with the world "
  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Wait. There's more. The link given to Balkans Human Rights organization states the following:

    23 October 2000


    The undersigned NGOs have all valued the Human Dimension meetings, throughout the years and in their various formats, as significant for both governments and NGOs to raise human rights concerns in the participating states. Consequently, they have actively participated in them with reports and interventions, and have been encouraging other NGOs to do likewise.

    We, and many other NGOs, have therefore become concerned during the meeting’s first week with the significant decrease of the time limit for interventions: from the traditional seven minutes, always respected in recent years, to six, five, four or even two minutes during almost all sessions, often unequally distributed to the speakers (contrary to the "equal access" rule). This is the result exclusively of a combination of two factors. One fewer working day (nine instead of ten called by the 1992 modalities) and, for the first time, the presence of fifteen "Introducers" to the respective Session topics, plus a few rapporteurs from side activities.

    The Moderator decided on Friday evening, October 20, to address these problems in the second week not by extending the sessions time but by curtailing the interventions to five minutes, hence introducing a formal 30% reduction. Such decision strengthens the impression that this year’s changes were made in order to limit the NGO interventions (as state delegations have plenty of opportunities throughout they year to exchange such information).

    We appeal to all participating states to see that the traditional seven-minute time limit be restored during this and the next Human Dimension meetings. Otherwise, NGOs may have to reconsider their participation in such meetings, made at a considerable financial cost and sometimes assorted with sacrifices and risks for their work.

    1. Human Rights Without Frontiers
    2. Greek Helsinki Monitor
    3. Minority Rights Group International
    4. Minority Rights Group - Greece
    5. Kyrgyz Committee for Human Rights
    6. Administrative Center for Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia
    7. Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe
    8. Baden Turk Dernekleri Koordinasyon Kurulu
    9. European Human Rights Office, Church of Scientology
    10. Slovak Helsinki Committee
    11. International Helsinki Federation
    12. European Roma Rights Center
    13. Society for the Protection of National Minorities in Central Europe
  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    the next link on the pages is really interesting. From the UN itself. (I'm just going to cite the pertinent parts


    Sub-Commission on Prevention of
    Discrimination and Protection
    of Minorities
    Fifty-first session
    Item 8 of the provisional agenda


    Report of the Working Group on Minorities on its fifth session (Geneva, 25-31 May 1999) Introduction

    1. The creation of the Working Group on Minorities was recommended by the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities in its resolution 1994/4 of 19 August 1994, authorized by the Commission on Human Rights in its resolution 1995/24 of 3 March 1995, and endorsed by the Economic and Social Council in its resolution 1995/31 of 25 July 1995. By decision 1998/246 of 30 July 1998, the Economic and Social Council extended the mandate of the Working Group with a view to its holding one session of five working days annually.

    2. In accordance with its mandate, the Working Group has been entrusted to:

    (a) Review the promotion and practical realization of the Declaration;

    (b) Examine possible solutions to problems involving minorities, including the promotion of mutual understanding between and among minorities and Governments;

    (c) Recommend further measures, as appropriate, for the promotion and protection of the rights of persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities.

    3. In compliance with the above-mentioned resolutions, the Working Group held nine public meetings from 25 to 31 May 1999, and one closed meeting on 31 May.

    . . .

    10. The following other non-governmental organizations were represented by observers: Adalah-Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, African Americans in the United States of America, African Bureau of Educational Sciences, African Indigenous and Minority Peoples Organization, Ahmadiyya Muslim Association, American Friends Service Committee, Arab Association for Human Rights, Association culturelle berbere, Association of Jehovah's Witnesses, Association of Western Thrace Minority Graduates, Assyrian Universal Alliance, Bahrain Human Rights Organization, Black Reparations Commission, Canadian-Egyptian Organization for Human Rights, Centre for the Advancement of Women, Centre for the Coordination of Non-Governmental Tribal Development Organizations, Centre for Documentation and Information in Europe, Centre for Human, Civil and Autonomous Rights, Centre for International and Comparative Law, Centre for the Protection of Minorities and Against Racism and Discrimination in Bhutan, Centro de Derechos Humanos, Ciudadanos y Autonómicos, Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Delhi Forum-Banjara People, Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania, Droit des minorités indigènes au Cameroon, Espacio Afroamericano, European Association of Jehovah's Witnesses for the Protection of Religious Freedom, European Centre for Minority Issues, Fafan Development Organization, Ford Foundation, High Commissioner Consultant for Minority Groups in San Andreas, Human Rights Alliance, Human Rights Commission of Northern Ireland, Human Rights Committee-World Wide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Human Rights Defence Group, Indo–American Kashmir Forum, Indo-Canadian Kashmir Forum, Indo-European Kashmir Forum, Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, Kurdish Human Rights Project, Kurdish Reconstruction Organization, Legal Centre for Arab Minority in Israel, Legal Information Centre for Human Rights, Ligua Pro Europa, Macedonian Human Rights Movement in Greece, Macedonian Human Rights Movement of Canada, Mécs Laszlo Association, Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, Million Youth March Organisation, Minelres, Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People, National Commission for Minorities, National Commission for Reparations, N'COBRA-The National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America, National Movement for the Human Rights of the Afro-Colombian Communities-Cimarron, National Society for Human Rights of Namibia, Pan African International Nationalist Movement, Proceso de Comunidades Negras de Colombia, Rescue Ethiopian Pastoralists, Research and Support of the Indigenous Peoples of the Crimea Foundation, Romani Centre for Social Intervention and Study, Romanian Institute for Human Rights, Sikh Human Rights Group, Solai Program, Southern Cameroon Peoples' Conference, Summer Institute of Linguistics, Swiss Federal Commission against Racism, Uganda Land Alliance, Universal Defender of Democracy, Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation, Vedika-National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights, Western Thrace Turkish Muslim Minority in Greece, World Federation of Hungarians and Zentralrat Deutscher Roma und Sinti.

    . . .

    29. Reference was made to minorities whose right to profess and practise their own religion was curtailed. The following situations were described: the persecution of the Ahmadis in Pakistan on the grounds of un-Islamic activities, blasphemy, and even calling themselves Muslims (Ahmadiyya Muslim Association); the increasing communalism in India which was threatening the basic secular credentials as well as the right to freedom of religion and created a sense of insecurity among Christians (Solai Program); the climate of intolerance and discrimination in several European countries where religious minorities were assimilated to sectarian movements (European Association of Jehovah's Witnesses for the Protection of Religious Freedom); the denial of the existence and the religious rights of the Turkish Muslim minority in Western Thrace (Western Thrace Turkish Muslim Minority in Greece); the denial of the right to respect and tolerance to religious minorities (Fraternité Notre Dame); discrimination against religious minorities by the financing of a few religious confessions by States (International Association for Religious Freedom); religious discrimination against the Coptic minority in Egypt owing to the fact that Islamic law was considered the principal source of legislation (Canadian-Egyptian Organization for Human Rights).


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    the link at the bottom of the e-watchman page goes to this:

    "Friendship with the world"
    In view of the facts presented here, including not only the requirements for NGOs published by the UN itself, but also the abundant evidence that the Watchtower fulfilled their obligation as an NGO by informing the public about the United Nations activities; as well as the corroborative proof of direct participation by Watchtower officials in numerous political conferences, including signing a petition, the Watchtower’s deceit and hypocrisy is laid bare.

    Regardless of the seemingly noble motive for such political involvement, does acting in behalf of humanitarian or even theocratic objectives ever justify making friends with the world? Where is the trust and fear of God? If it is “Jehovah’s organization,” as it is purported to be, the consequences for the Watchtower’s duplicity in spiritually prostituting itself with her strange bedfellow cannot be understated. The Bible speaks very plainly to Christians on the matter at James 4:4, which reads: “Adulteresses, do you not know that the friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever, therefore, wants to be a friend of the world is constituting himself an enemy of God.”

    But was the Watchtower’s activities as an NGO really as serious as all that? Yes, at least according to the Watchtower it is very significant. Here is what the January 1st, 1978, Watchtower said about Christendom giving its support to the UN:

    “Christendom’s “works” have included her giving support to man-made schemes for peace, whereas Jesus taught true Christians to pray for God’s kingdom as the instrument for bringing peace to this earth. (Matt. 6:10) Catholic and Protestant leaders alike have hailed the United Nations as ‘man’s last hope for peace.’”

    As has been shown, though, all NGOs associated with the UN are required to lend their support by conducting information campaigns in behalf of the United Nations, which the Watchtower, incontrovertibly, carried out. That means that the Watchtower, and by extension all of Jehovah’s Witnesses, are guilty of indirectly supporting a manmade political scheme. Ironically, in its condemnation of Christendom, the Society inadvertently condemns itself with the following statement taken from the November 1st, 1972, Watchtower:

    “Logically, then, Christendom, by belonging to the United Nations, is for human (not divine) rulership…Christendom has belied her name, and there is no excuse for it.”

    If Christendom is inexcusable and has belied her claim of being Christian “by belonging to the United Nations,” how much more so is the Watchtower’s partnership with the United Nations inexcusable? At least Christendom has been open and honest about their support for the United Nations; whereas the Watchtower is guilty of gross hypocrisy. The Watchtower has behaved just like an immoral adulteress; sneaking surreptitiously in the shadows and lying when found out. Admittedly, these are strong words. Is it really fair to accuse the Watchtower of practicing idolatry, spiritual prostitution and hypocrisy? Again, according to the Watchtower's own words in condemnation of Christendom, the answer is yes:

    “Christendom's perpetual friendliness with the politicians, and military forces and the big business profiteers of this world is a public scandal… The religious sects of Christendom have committed spiritual adultery also "with their dungy idols." One of the latest and biggest things to be idolized by her is the "image" of the symbolic wild beast of world politics, namely, the United Nations, to which most of the professedly Christian nations belong.”— The Nations Shall Know

    If Christendom’s “perpetual friendliness with the politicians” is a public scandal, the Watchtower's secret liaison with the United Nations is more reprehensible by reason of the fact Jehovah’s Witnesses boast of being untainted by such worldliness. In what way has Christendom idolized the United Nations that the Watchtower has not? While the Watchtower may not have blasphemously proclaimed the UN or League of Nations to be the political manifestation of the kingdom of God on earth, as some of the clergy of Christendom have done, yet, if the United Nations is really the "disgusting thing" of prophecy, as Jehovah’s Witnesses believe, does not the Watchtower’s constant attendance to its every utterance amount to glorifying a "dungy idol," as Jehovah expressed it?

    The fact is that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society became political partners with an agency of Satan's world and the evidence abounds testifying to the fact that the Society has subserviently carried out the obligation of that partnership. Not only that, but in their service to the United Nations the Watchtower has misappropriated the use of resources (both human and material) that are dedicated exclusively to Jehovah God. In Jehovah's judgment that amounts to spiritual prostitution, idolatry and apostasy.

    There are unavoidable consequences for such wickedness.

    In 1951, more than a half century ago, the September 15th issue of the Watchtower boasted that Jehovah’s Witnesses were “refusing to enter partnership with the abominable League of Nations or the United Nations.”

    O how things have changed!

    No wonder Jehovah expresses his own disappointment and astonishment at the deplorable hypocrisy of his organized people, saying at Isaiah 1:21: “O how the faithful town has become a prostitute!” In view of the Watchtower’s practicing the very thing they have roundly condemned Christendom for doing, it can be better understood why Jehovah long ago stated at Ezekiel 7:27: “According to their way I shall act toward them, and with their judgments I shall judge them; and they will have to know that I am Jehovah.”

  • Atlantis

    Lady Lee:

    Thank you Lady Lee for all your hard work! We appreciate your excellent posts!


  • Think

    They are selfpromoting, selfbragging con artist, peddlers of their own Sales Letter.

    They Bible said: " Don't brag, let the other mouth exalt you ".

    Well, nobody much talking about them, so they have to preach themselves.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    think They do indeed find every opportunity to do their own self-promotion

  • wednesday


    good catch. thanks for bringing it here to jwd. I can't wait for my husband to read it. We need to let Dannyhazard get going with this. JWS are indeed the most two-faced religion in the world.


    btw, how is the weather? it is supposed to be 82 today but toinight a "norther" blows in and by saturday it will be 38. ((((cold))))

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