by DannyHaszard 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • DannyHaszard

    I don't even want to touch thisyet,but if it turns out that he's the perp this JW connection will be explored further This is the biggest news in Europe the reward is up to $5 million as big a case as JonBenet Ramsey was in the USA

    Madeleine: Is Robert Murat suspect or scapegoat?
    Daily Mail, UK -
    She's a Jehovah's Witness and she's still married. I'm not a Witness, but I attend study classes." In recent months, Murat says, he has been striving to ...

    ''They have been described as lovers, but Murat denies this. "She's my partner, and we are very, very, very close- but she's not my girlfriend because she can't be. She's a Jehovah's Witness and she's still married. I'm not a Witness, but I attend study classes."

  • DannyHaszard
  • needproof

    I agree, let us not go down this road - innocent until proven guilty. Personally I think he is a scapegoat, the press should leave him alone - what a terrible time for him being hounded if he is innocent!

  • katiekitten

    Murat is a strange character, but I think hes being used as a scapegoat. Theres no evidence connecting him.

    I really hate the fact that these parents have never come out and admitted they were complete dingbats for leaving three children alone for several hours while they went out for a meal.

    And I hate the fact that they have had so much media stardom (meeting the Pope - for goodness sake!!), when the same thing has happened to other parents and they never had half the help. Poor Ben Needhams mother is now trying to get things going for her boy again - hes been missing for about 16 years, same scenario - toddler got snatched on holiday. Only Bens mum didnt go off for a meal and leave him in the room on his own.

    Silly silly parents. Im sick of seeing Madeleine posters to be honest. I truly wish she had been found, but I honestly think whatever has happened has happened now.

  • Gill

    This is a bizarre case.

    The elephant in the room that no one wishes to mention is the irresponsible behaviour of the parents in leaving such young children alone.

    However, that was a foolish mistake. The real criminal is whoever took the child.

    The Murats, both son and Mother are a strange duo. The mother set up a stall in the village believing that people might be more comfortable talking to her about anything they may have seen rather than the police. Rather odd, I thought at the time. The son was thrown, or threw himself into assisting the police with translation. Perhaps they both have a personality disorder, but strange non the less.

    The mystery is how so many people manage to vanish without a trace.

    Mistake by the parents over and done with, I think they are right to continue their frantic search as they NEED to know the fate of their little girl.

    A lesson for us all however, NEVER to leave our children unattended for a moment, if at all possible and certainly NOT to go out and have a good time.

    I remember of a case in the UK where a single mother left her 2 or 3 year old daughter unattended in a caravan on holiday to go out to the pub. Whilst she was gone, a man stole the screaming child, (other holiday makers ignored the screams of this toddler as she was carried away by this man). She was raped and thrown into a water filled ditch to die with her hands tied behind her back. The mother was villified in the press for her irresponsible behaviour. The picture of that pretty little child in all the newspapers day after day haunt me still. But I remembered the lesson. Others seem to have forgotten it.

  • katiekitten

    I totally agree with Gill. I realise the parents will do anything they can. I think what irks me is that these nice middle class parents have had full support for their actions. The british press have printed articles saying "any parent would leave their children in a room while they went out for a meal".

    But if they had been white trash on Costa Del Crappy I think they would have been vilified and not received one tenth of the help they have received.

    And the really tragic thing was that the hotel they were in offered a creche facility AND a child minding service and nether option was taken up.

    Now I know you dont expect your kid to be snatched but you SHOULD expect that they might wake up and call for you and be distressed when they realise you are not in the house at all. Or they might wake up and start playing with electrical things / matches / things that might be sharp. Or they might fall over and hurt themselves. Or they might decide they are going to see what happens when they put a bag over their brothers head. Or anything that requires a parent being nearby to stop it happening.

    No hindsight was needed in this case. Its just a no brainer that you dont leave 3 children under the age of 3 in a hotel room in a foreign country and go out for a meal. Its just tragic for the little girl that the very worst thing imaginable happened.

  • Gill

    KK - Isn't the press a bizarre animal!

    I have spoken to a lot of people on this in casual conversation, virtually NONE would have left their child unattended and gone out for dinner. The father said that it was just as if they were having dinner at the bottom of their garden in self defence of himself and his wife. Sadly, this picture was not true. Few would have been so foolish.

    On a similar thread I told of what happened when my single mother next door neighbour went on holiday with her boyfriend leaving her 9 year old, 14 year old and 17 year old on their own. When she came back, the 14 year old daughter was pregnant. The girlfriend of the old son was pregnant. In the two weeks they were gone, there were so many chavs hanging about the house that the Police had a van regularly situated across the road filming the comings and goings on next door. People took advantage of the fact that MUM was away. This is what happens.

    I hope the fate of this small child is discovered soon.

    I cannot imagine how the parents will deal with the fact that they may have to live another 50 + years and never know what happened to their little Madeline. Heaven alone knows what will happen to them if time goes on, they have to go home, they have to continue with their lives and they never find out where she is.

    This case needs resolution, whether the resolution is good, bad or ugly. It remains a tragedy. But the story needs and ending.

  • DannyHaszard

    All responsible post above,my poor Mum was born legally blind (totally blind in one eye and 20/200 'good' eye.)

    She went on to raise 5 little ones and now as a 50 year old adult i can appreciate what horrible anxiety she had trying to watch us.

  • needproof

    I myself am sick to death of the media bandwagon concerning this case. Has David Cameron said anything about it yet? I wouldn't be surprised.

    I understand that the parents are doing whatever they can to get the kid back, but remember, they have two other kids whom they are leaving for long periods of time whilst they go galavanting around and meeting plonkers like the Pope. Forgive me if I am wrong, but surely the Catholic Church would be the last place to ask for protection of your child? I wouldn't trust the Pope as far as I could throw him.

    I have said this for a while, I still think she is alive and well. Thousands of kids go missing every year and not a hint of the media circus surrounds them, money racketeering perhaps?

  • BluesBrother

    Have to agree with the posts above. Do the Press know they are being counter productive and turning people off? BTW it is always a pretty blue eyed little girl with great photos for the front page, that get the treatment

    The J W connection is interesting. I wonder what the real status of his girl friend is. Married to one man, having a "relationship" albeit not physical with Murat, - It is my guess she may profess belief but not actually be a baptised dub???

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