Comments You Will Not Hear at the 9-18-05 WT Study (Glory)

by blondie 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    COMMENTS YOU WILL NOT HEAR AT THE 9-18-05 WT STUDY (GLORY) Review comments will be in redWT material from today's WT will be in black
    Quotes from other sources will be in quotes boxes


    "We ... reflect like mirrors the glory of Jehovah."-2 CORINTHIANS 3:18.

    (...what did the WTS leave out? Why would they leave it out?)

    2 Corinthians 3:18 And all of us, while we with unveiled faces reflect
    like mirrors the glory of Jehovah, are transformed into the same image
    from glory to glory, exactly as done by Jehovah [the] Spirit.

    Did "Jehovah" appear in the original manuscript? Were you told that the
    places that the WTS replaced Lord or God in the NT was where it was a direct
    quote from the OT? What about the phrase "Jehovah [the] Spirit"?

    Opening Comments

    Pardon, the lateness of this. My computer was in the shop. Reflecting God's glory, or the WTS glory? Are JWs the only people reflecting God's glory? And where is Jesus in this article on how to reflect God's glory? How does the WTS fumble around with applying scriptures addressed to the anointed but not the great crowd?


    IT WAS one of the most awe-inspiring visions any man had ever experienced.
    Alone, high up on Mount Sinai, Moses was granted an unusual request. He was
    allowed to see what no human had ever seen-the glory of Jehovah. Of course,
    Moses did not see Jehovah directly. So splendid is the appearance of God
    that no man may behold him and yet live. Instead, Jehovah put his "palm"
    over Moses as a protective screen until He had passed by, evidently using an
    angelic representative. Then Jehovah allowed Moses to see the afterglow of
    this divine manifestation of glory. Jehovah also spoke with Moses through an
    angel. The Bible describes what happened afterward: "Now it came about when
    Moses came down from Mount Sinai ... that the skin of his face emitted rays
    because of his having spoken with [Jehovah]."-Exodus 33:18-34:7,29.

    Of course--there is no explanation of how Moses "saw" God but did not "see" God.

    "palm"--did you know that the Mormons/LDS teach that God has a "flesh and bone"
    body and that references to "eye" or "palm" in reference to God are literal.

    God is perfect, all-wise, and all-powerful--the ruler of the universe. He is also
    merciful, kind, and just. He is our Father in Heaven. We are created in His
    image (Genesis 1:27). He has a body that looks like ours, but God's body is immortal,

    evidently--means the next statement is not in the scripture

    using an angelic representative

    Exodus 34:27 (Jehovah went on to say...nothing about an angel)

    27 And Jehovah went on to say to Moses: ?Write down for yourself these words,
    because it is in accordance with these words that I do conclude a covenant with you and

    How does the WTS "reason" on this?

    w70 5/15 p. 318 Questions from Readers

    As reported at Exodus 3:4-6,...Verse 2 says: Jehovah's angel appeared to him
    in a flame of fire in the midst of a thornbush.? So, it was not Jehovah himself who there
    appeared to Moses and spoke to him, but it was Jehovah's angel who, as the representative of God,
    spoke in His name.
    At Jehovah's direction, Moses went into Egypt to appear before Pharaoh and to
    lead the Israelites out of the land. There Jehovah continued to speak to Moses, giving him specific
    messages to deliver to Pharaoh and advance notice of plagues that were to come on the land. It is
    reasonable to conclude that during this time Jehovah continued to speak to Moses, not directly, but
    through an angelic representative, just as He had done in Horeb.

    [Jehovah]--brackets means the WTS has inserted a word that is not in the
    original scripture, originally "him."

    2 Imagine yourself on that mountain with Moses. How thrilling it would be to
    behold the dazzling splendor of the Almighty and to listen to his words!
    What a privilege it would be to walk down Mount Sinai alongside Moses, the
    mediator of the Law covenant! Did you know, though, that in some ways true
    Christians reflect God's glory in a way that surpasses even the way Moses
    reflected it? That thought-provoking fact is found in a letter written by
    the apostle Paul. He wrote that anointed Christians "reflect like mirrors
    the glory of Jehovah." (2 Corinthians 3:7, 8, 18) In a sense, Christians
    with an earthly hope also reflect God's glory.

    Listen to his words--not directly from God per the WTS, only through an angel
    and the WTS supposes that angel was Jesus in his pre-human form.

    True Christians--only JWs

    w97 1/15 p. 22 What Does God Require of Us?

    There is only one religious organization on this earth that has all these marks
    of true Christianity? Jehovah?s Witnesses!

    He wrote that anointed Christians "reflect like a mirror the glory of Jehovah"--
    The WTS is getting smarter and acknowledging that the NT only applies to
    Christians who are going to heaven.

    In a sense, Christians with an earthly hope also reflect God's glory--"in a
    sense" is like the phrase "by extension" that the WTS tries to use to include the non-anointed JWs. In a sense meaning there is no scripture to back this statement up.

    How Christians Reflect God's Glory

    3 How could we possibly reflect God's glory? We have not beheld or heard
    Jehovah in the way that Moses did. We have, however, come to know Jehovah in
    ways that Moses could not. Jesus did not appear as the Messiah until nearly
    1,500 years after Moses died. Consequently, Moses could not have known how
    the Law would be fulfilled in Jesus, who died to redeem humans from the
    terrible oppression of sin and death. (Romans 5:20, 21; Galatians 3:19)
    Moreover, Moses could perceive only in a limited way the magnificence of
    Jehovah's purpose, centered on the Messianic Kingdom and the earthly
    Paradise it will bring. We thus perceive Jehovah's glory, not with our
    literal eyes, but with eyes of faith based on Bible teachings. Furthermore,
    we have heard Jehovah's voice, not by means of an angel, but through the
    Bible, particularly the Gospels, which so beautifully describe the teachings
    and the ministry of Jesus.

    We have not beheld or heard Jehovah in the same way that Moses did--But Moses
    did not see God or hear him (supposedly an angel).

    Eyes of faith fased on Bible teachings--based on WTS teachings

    Heard Jehovah's voice...through the Bible, particularly the Gospels--through WTS

    w94 10/1 The Bible--A Book Meant to Be Understood

    All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the greatly diversified wisdom of God can become known only through Jehovah?s channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave.

    The teachings and the ministry of Jesus--notice how this is in passive voice
    taking away the person of Jesus, why not, how Jesus taught and ministered to
    humans for whom he had special affection.

    4 Though Christians do not reflect God's glory by means of rays that beam
    from their faces, their faces fairly beam as they tell others about
    Jehovah's glorious personality and purposes. Concerning our day, the prophet
    Isaiah foretold that God's people would "for certain tell about [Jehovah's]
    glory among the nations." (Isaiah 66:19) Furthermore, at 2 Corinthians 4:1,
    2, we read: "Since we have this ministry..., we have renounced the
    underhanded things of which to be ashamed, not walking with cunning, neither
    adulterating the word of God, but by making the truth manifest recommending
    ourselves to every human conscience in the sight of God." Paul was referring
    in particular to anointed Christians, who are "ministers of a new covenant."
    (2 Corinthians 3:6) But their ministry has had an effect on countless
    numbers who have gained the hope of everlasting life on earth. The ministry
    of both groups involves reflecting the glory of Jehovah not only in what
    they teach but also in how they live. It is our responsibility and our
    privilege to mirror the glory of the Most High God!

    Blurb on page 15: Moses' face reflected glory

    Christians--only JWs

    Faces fairly beam as they tell others--obviously this writer has not gone door
    to door with the JWs I have know over the last 45 years. JWs beam for about the
    first 6 months after baptism until reality sinks in.

    Jehovah's glorious personality--where's Jesus?

    Paul was referring in particular to anointed Christians, who are "ministers of
    a new covenant"--
    in particular? Only to anointed christians, not even "in a sense"
    or "by extension."

    Countless numbers who have gained the hope of everlasting life on earth--until
    1935 the WTS preached only to find the remaining ones of the anointed until the
    numbers started approaching 55,000.

    God's people--only JWs.

    Both groups--I thought they were one flock?

    Reflecting God's glory--in the area of child abuse?

    5 Today, the glorious good news of God's Kingdom is being preached in all
    the inhabited earth, as Jesus foretold. (Matthew 24:14) Individuals of all
    nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues have enthusiastically responded to the
    good news and have transformed their lives in order to do the will of God.
    (Romans 12:2; Revelation 7:9) Like the early Christians, they cannot stop
    speaking about the things they have seen and heard. (Acts 4:20) Over six
    million people, more than at any other time in human history, are reflecting
    God's glory today. Are you among them? The spiritual prosperity of God's
    people gives convincing evidence of Jehovah's blessing and protection. That
    Jehovah's spirit is upon us is all the more evident in view of the powerful
    forces arrayed against us. Let us now see why that is so.

    Today, the glorious good news of God's Kingdom is being preached in all the
    inhabited earth
    --what about China, Saudia Arabia, Pakistan, India (where the
    birth rate outpaces the "diligence" of the few JWs there)?

    To every individual?

    w00 1/15 p. 13 Keep on the Watch

    Fifth, we see a global preaching work being accomplished, which Jesus said
    would take place just before the end of this system. Jesus stated: ?This good news of the
    kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then
    the end will come.--(Matthew 24:14) Today, that prophecy is in the course of fulfillment on
    an unprecedented scale. True, untouched territories still exist, and it may be that in Jehovah?s
    due time, a large door leading to greater activity will open. (1 Corinthians 16:9)
    Nevertheless, the Bible does not state that Jehovah will wait until every individual on earth has
    received a personal witness
    . Rather, the good news must be preached to Jehovah?s
    satisfaction. Then the end will come.--Compare Matthew 10:23.

    So the WTS is saying that people are going to be destroyed forever without ever
    hearing the WTS message once

    Will of God--as interpreted by the WTS and its cohort the FDS.

    Over six million people--only JWs

    The spiritual prosperity of God's people (only JWs)--and what would that
    prosperity be?

    Convincing evidence of Jehovah's blessing and protection--blessed with what,
    protected from what?

    That Jehovah's spirit is on us--as a group or as individuals?

    Powerful forces arrayed against us--persecution proves that the WTS is the only
    true religion?
    (religious persecution throughout the world; notice the small part the WTS

    God's People Will Not Be Silenced

    6 Suppose you were called to testify in court against a ruthless criminal.
    You know that the criminal has a powerful organization and will use every
    means to prevent you from exposing him. For you to bear witness against such
    a criminal would require courage as well as confidence that the authorities
    would protect you from him. We are in a similar situation. In bearing
    witness to Jehovah and his purposes, we testify against Satan the Devil,
    exposing him as a manslayer and a liar who is misleading the entire
    inhabited earth. (John 8:44; Revelation 12:9) To take your stand for Jehovah
    and against the Devil requires both faith and courage.

    Suppose you were called to testify in court against a ruthless criminal.
    You know that the criminal has a powerful organization and will use every
    means to prevent you from exposing him.--Is your mind going the same direction
    mine is?

    Ruthless criminal--Governing Body
    Powerful organization--WTS
    Use every means to prevent you from exposing him--The WTS legal case against
    Quotes' website?

    Bearing witness to Jehovah--the NT says that Christians are witnesses of Jesus
    (Acts 1:8)
    Name one scripture where Jesus said Christians were to bear witness to Jehovah?

    We testify against the WTS (not Satan) exposing them (not him) as a manslayer
    and a liar.

    7 Jehovah is, of course, the Supreme One. His power is infinitely superior
    to that of Satan. We may be sure that Jehovah is not only able but also
    eager to protect us as we serve him loyally. (2 Chronicles 16:9)
    Nevertheless, Satan is ruler of both the demons and the world of mankind
    alienated from God. (Matthew 12:24, 26; John 14:30) Confined to the vicinity
    of the earth and filled with "great anger," Satan bitterly opposes Jehovah's
    servants and uses the world under his control to try to shut the mouths of
    all who preach the good news. (Revelation 12: 7-9, 12, 17) How does he do
    this? In at least three ways.

    Of course--the WTS is so confident that it feels no proof is necessary and why
    not, only JWs are reading the WTs if even they do.

    Eager to protect us as we serve him loyally--Loyalty to God = Loyalty to the

    w01 10/1 p. 22 What Does It Mean to Be Loyal?

    Loyalty to God also includes loyalty to his organization. Necessarily, over the
    years there have been corrections and adjustments to our understanding of certain
    scriptures. The fact is that no one is as spiritually well fed as we are. (Matthew 24:45-47)
    Unquestionably, Jehovah has stuck with his modern-day organization. Can we not do likewise?

    World of mankind alienated from God--All non-JWs.

    Jehovah's servants--only JWs.

    8 One way in which Satan tries to distract us is through the cares of life.
    People in these last days are lovers of money, lovers of themselves, and
    lovers of pleasures. They are not lovers of God. (2 Timothy 3:1-4)
    Preoccupied with the everyday affairs of life, most people `take no note' of
    the good news we bring to them. They are simply not interested in learning
    Bible truth. (Matthew 24:37-39) Such an attitude can be contagious, lulling
    us into a state of spiritual lethargy. If we allow ourselves to cultivate
    love for material things and the pleasures of life, our love of God will
    grow cold.-Matthew 24:12.

    Cares of life--and at Bethel the writers of this article have their "cares of life"
    met by the donations of the rank and file indirectly and directly, housing, food, clothing,
    medical care, flights/hotels to locales all over the world (to give talks), cash donations
    from family, friends, and publishers for the "poor Bethelites."

    Lovers of money, lovers of themselves, not lovers of God--all non-JWs.

    Take no note of good news the WTS brings--6 billion people are soon to be
    destroyed including small children even if not everyone receives a "witness."

    Bible truth--only true if filtered through the WTS.

    Love for material things--like a warm, dry bed and food.

    9 For this reason, Christians carefully choose those with whom they
    associate. "He that is walking with wise persons will become wise," wrote
    King Solomon, "but he that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare
    badly." (Proverbs 13:20) May we 'walk' with those who reflect God's glory.
    How pleasant it is to do so! As we gather together with our spiritual
    brothers and sisters at our meetings and at other times, we find
    encouragement in their love, their faith, their joy, and their wisdom. Such
    wholesome association strengthens our determination to persevere in our

    Christians/Modern-day servants of Jehovah--only JWs

    Carefully choose those with whom they associate--even being careful about
    associating with certain JWs.

    Gather together with our spiritual brothers and sisters--only JWs

    *** w97 7/15 p. 18 Are You Pursuing Virtue? ***

    Naturally, we do not want to shun our spiritual brothers and sisters because they do not happen
    to agree with some purely personal view that we hold. (Matthew 7:4, 5; Romans 14:1-12)
    Nevertheless, caution is needed if some in the congregation engage in questionable conduct
    or display a bitter or complaining spirit. (2 Timothy 2:20-22)

    At other times--only if they are worthy of association. Jws will not associate socially
    with some JWs outside the KH and field service even if they are not officially marked since
    JWs are allowed to "personally" mark certain JWs they judge to be personally dangerous (or
    socially unacceptable, single mothers, those with non-JW spouses, people who aren't at
    their economic level).

    we find encouragement in their love, their faith, their joy, and their wisdom--I should would like
    to find that congregation of JWs. As my hubbie would say sarcastically as we wallked into the KH,
    "don't you feel the love!" No greetings, no acknowledgements, a brother running up to my husband
    to point out some error he made or something he overlooked (only to find out he had the wrong brother),
    the sisters who moved your books to another seat because they wanted your seat, the sisters who came up to tell the woes of various members of the congregation, seeing the wisdom of the elders who once again did not remember they had a part, were preparing it right then in the back room, decided just to wing it, and the encouragement from the platform that every had to DO MORE.

    Blurb on page 16: We reflect the glory of God in our ministry

    A picture of 2 sisters on the beach talking to a "surfer-dude" (a brother dressed in a t-shirt and shorts holdin a surfboard).
    See you could talk to one surferdude, quick change into your beach clothes and spend time having fun on the beach, put back on your "service" clothes, talk to another surfer-dude and go home (could be 7 or 8 hours).

    10 A second way that Satan tries to stop all Christians from reflecting
    God's glory is by ridicule. This tactic should come as no surprise. During
    his ministry on earth, Jesus Christ was ridiculed-laughed at, sneered at,
    made fun of, treated insolently, and even spit upon. (Mark 5:40; Luke 16:14;
    18:32) Early Christians were also objects of mockery. (Acts 2:13; 17:32)
    Modern-day servants of Jehovah face similar abuse. According to the apostle
    Peter, they would, in effect, be labeled "false prophets." "In the last
    days," foretold Peter, "there will come ridiculers with their ridicule,
    proceeding according to their own desires and saying: `Where is this
    promised presence of his? Why, ... all things are continuing exactly as from
    creation's beginning."' (2 Peter 3:3, 4) God's people are ridiculed as being
    out of touch with reality. The Bible's moral standards are viewed as
    oldfashioned. To many, the message that we preach is foolishness. (1
    Corinthians 1:18,19) As Christians, we may face ridicule at school, at work,
    and at times even in the family circle. Undeterred, we continue to reflect
    God's glory through our preaching, knowing as did Jesus that God's Word is
    truth. John 17:17.

    Ridicule--from people outside or inside the congregation?--Laughed at, sneered at, made fun of,
    treated insolently, even spit upon...objects of mockery.--JWs that don't dress stylishly enough,
    whose children aren't well-behaved (ridiculed by parents with unruly children themselves), spit upon
    figuratively as not good enough to associate with socially (economically disadvantaged), treated
    insolently by the elders for not turning in time, not turning in enough time and making the elder look
    bad when the CO comes to visit.

    Ridicule...promised presence of his--The WTS taught officially until 1943 that Christ's presence was in 1874 not 1914 as they teach now. Could non-JWs rightly ask then where is this promised presence of his?

    *** Proclaimers Book chap. 28 p. 632 Testing and Sifting From Within ***

    Based on the premise that events of the first century might find parallels in related events later, they also concluded that if Jesus' baptism and anointing in the autumn of 29 C.E. paralleled the beginning of an
    invisible presence in 1874,

    Interestingly, this part is hard to find in the WT Index (hiding it)

    w74 8/15 p. 507 No Spiritual "Energy Crisis" for Discreet Ones *** Footnote

    In 1943 the Watch Tower Society's book "The Truth Shall Make You Free" did away with the nonexistent extra 100 years in the period of the Judges and placed the end of 6,000 years of man's existence in the 1970's. It also fixed the beginning of Christ's presence, not in 1874, but in 1914 C.E.

    11 A third tactic that the Devil uses in an attempt to silence us is
    opposition or persecution. Jesus said to his followers: "People will deliver
    you up to tribulation and will kill you, and you will be objects of hatred
    by all the nations on account of my name." (Matthew 24:9) Indeed, as
    Jehovah's Witnesses, we have faced vicious persecution in many parts of the
    earth. We are aware that Jehovah long ago foretold that hatred, or enmity,
    would develop between those who serve God and those who serve Satan the
    Devil. (Genesis 3: 15) We also know that by maintaining integrity under
    trial, we testify to the rightfulness of Jehovah's universal sovereignty.
    Knowing this can make us strong even under the most extreme circumstances.
    No persecution will ever permanently silence us if we remain determined to
    reflect the glory of God.

    Persecution--notice questions says "Satan used persecution to try to silence Christians" but in the paragraph only "Jehovah's Witnesses" is mentioned.

    Christians = only JWs.

    Those who serve God--only JWs
    Those who serve Satan the Devil--everyone else on earth

    You might be interested in this website that documents religious persecution throughout the world. You will find that many other "Christians" are persecuted for their beliefs, not just JWs.

    By maintaining integrity we testify to the rightfulness of Jehovah's universal sovereignty--where's Jesus and the Messianic Kingdon?

    An example of life under the WTS rule after Armageddon

    12 Do you resist the allure of the world and prove faithful despite ridicule
    and opposition? Then you have reason to rejoice. Jesus assured those who
    would follow him: "Happy are you when people reproach you and persecute you
    and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against you for my sake. Rejoice
    and leap for joy, since your reward is great in the heavens; for in that way
    they persecuted the prophets prior to you." (Matthew 5:11, 12) Your
    endurance gives evidence that Jehovah's powerful holy spirit is upon you,
    empowering you to reflect his glory.-2 Corinthians 12:9.

    Persecute you and lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against your for my sake.

    Is it a lie that the WTS taught that

    1879-1929 superior authorities are secular governments
    1929-1962 superior authorities are God and Jesus
    1962-now superior authorities are secular governments

    1874--Christ's presence

    Man's Salvation Book chap. 16 p. 287 Awaiting the "New Heavens and a New Earth" ***

    This was why, when he began publishing a new religious magazine in defense of the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ, Russell entitled it "Zion's Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence."

    *** Proclaimers Book chap. 28 p. 632 Testing and Sifting From Within ***

    Based on the premise that events of the first century might find parallels in related events later, they (Charles Taze Russell/Bible Students) also concluded that if Jesus' baptism and anointing in the autumn of 29 C.E. paralleled the beginning of an invisible presence in 1874...

    1914--Christ's presence

    *** w93 1/15 p. 5 'Caught Away to Meet the Lord'-How? ***

    The Watchtower has consistently presented evidence to honesthearted students of Bible prophecy that Jesus' presence in heavenly Kingdom power began in 1914.

    1967-1980 organ transplant disfellowshipping offense
    1980-now organ transplant conscience matter

    That in 1919 when the WTS says they were free of Satanic/false religious doctrine they were still:

    Using the cross on the cover of the WT as well in other publications
    Celebrating birthdays
    Celebrating Christmas
    Still using pyramidology to determine Bible chronology
    That polygamy in the African congregations was not eliminated until 1947
    (add your own)

    Persecuted the prophets--the WTS is comparing itself to the prophets in the Bible.

    Evidence that Jehovah's powerful holy spirit is upon you--how does a JW know that they are filled with holy spirit? Aren't only the anointed/144,000 privileged in that way?

    Endurance Comes From Jehovah

    13 A key reason why we endure in the ministry is that we love Jehovah and
    delight to reflect his glory. Humans tend to imitate those whom they love
    and respect, and no one is more worthy of imitation than Jehovah God.
    Because of his own great love, he sent his Son to the earth to bear witness
    to the truth and to redeem obedient mankind. (John 3:16; 18: 37) Like God,
    we desire that people of all sorts attain to repentance and salvation; that
    is why we preach to them. (2 Peter 3:9) This desire, along with our
    determination to imitate God, moves us to persevere in reflecting his glory
    through our ministry.

    Endure in the ministry--notice now that endure and ministry is mentioned together? Isn't the ministry supposed to be a joy?Persevere...through our ministry

    Imitation...Jehovah God--where's Jesus?

    (1 Corinthians 11:1) 11 Become imitators of me, even as I am of Christ.

    (1 Peter 2:21) 21 In fact, to this [course] YOU were called, because even Christ suffered for YOU, leaving YOU a model for YOU to follow his steps closely.

    (John 13:15) 15 For I set the pattern for YOU, that, just as I did to YOU, YOU should do also.

    Obedient mankind--only JWs

    Reflecting his glory through our ministry--which is of no value if your life does not reflect God's glory.

    14 Ultimately, though, our strength to endure in the Christian ministry
    comes from Jehovah. He sustains and fortifies us by means of his spirit, his
    organization, and his Word, the Bible. Jehovah "supplies endurance" to those
    who are willing to reflect his glory. He answers our prayers and gives us
    the wisdom to deal with trials. (Romans 15:5; James 1:5) What is more,
    Jehovah does not allow us to be subjected to any trial that is impossible to
    bear. If we trust in Jehovah, he will make the way out so that we can
    continue to reflect his glory.-1 Corinthians 10:13.

    Endure in the Christian ministry--only JWs

    Fortifies us by means of his spirit, his organization, and his Word, the Bible.---WTS trinity: spirit, organization, Bible (notice Bible is last)

    He answers our prayers--how?

    *** w92 4/15 p. 5 Does God Listen When You Pray?/Answers to Prayers

    The prayers cited above were answered in dramatic, miraculous ways. Please bear in mind, though, that even in Bible times, the most frequent answers to prayers were not so easily discernible. This is because they related to giving moral strength and enlightenment, enabling God's servants to hold to a righteous course. Especially for Christians, answers to prayers involved matters that were mainly spiritual, not spectacular or powerful acts.-Colossians 1:9.
    Hence, do not be disappointed if your prayers are not always answered in the way that you expect or prefer. For example, rather than remove a trial, God might choose to give you "power beyond what is normal" to endure it. (2 Corinthians 4:7; 2 Timothy 4:17) Never should we minimize the value of such power, nor should we conclude that Jehovah did not really answer our prayer at all.

    Gives us wisdom--only through the WTS

    15 Endurance in our ministry gives evidence that God's spirit is upon us. To
    illustrate: Suppose someone asked you to distribute a certain type of bread
    from door to door, free of charge. You are instructed to do this at your own
    expense and on your own time. Further, you soon learn that only a very few
    people actually want your bread; some will even oppose your efforts to
    distribute it. Do you think you would continue working at that task month
    after month, year after year? Probably not. Yet, you may have exerted
    yourself in declaring the good news on your own time and at your own expense
    for years, even decades. Why? Is it not because you love Jehovah and through
    his spirit he has blessed your efforts by helping you to endure? By all

    Endurance in our ministry gives evidence that God's spirit is upon us--what about other Christian groups that have endured?

    Lame Illustration--wouldn't a person's effort be different if they were merely selling bread that people can get from other vendors compared to something that is unique and life-saving which the message Jesus preached is considered?

    Month after month, year after year...even decades--Do you think they are addressing the JWs that have been saying the end is near, VERY SOON NOW, for 40 or more years?

    Because you love Jehovah--Where's Jesus?

    Helping you to endure--can you imagine telling your wife or husband you have endured the last 40 years being married to them (some of you probably shouldn't answer that)?

    A Work to Be Remembered

    16 The ministry of the new covenant is a gift beyond compare. (2 Corinthians
    4:7) Similarly, the Christian ministry carried on by the other sheep around
    the globe is a treasure. As you continue to endure in your ministry, you
    can, as Paul wrote to Timothy, "save both yourself and those who listen to
    you." (1 Timothy 4:16) Think of what that means. The good news that you
    preach offers to others the opportunity to live forever. You can forge a
    strong bond of friendship with those whom you help spiritually. Imagine what
    a joy it will be to live eternally in Paradise with those whom you have
    helped to learn about God! Surely they will never forget your efforts to
    help them. What a cause for satisfaction!

    Ministry of the new beyond compare--only 144,000/anointed.

    Christian ministry...other sheep...treasure--but secondary to what the 144,000 receive.

    Continue to endure in your ministry--endure.............

    CARROT--opportunity to live eternally in Paradise--only JWs (see Armargeddon story above)

    Learn about God--Where's Jesus

    17 You live in a unique period in human history. Never again will the good
    news be preached amid a world alienated from God. Noah lived in such a
    world, and he saw it pass away. How he must have rejoiced to know that he
    faithfully carried out God's will in building an ark, which led to the
    preservation of him and his family! (Hebrews 11:7) You too can have such
    joy. Think of how you will feel in the new world as you look back on your
    activity during these last days, knowing that you did what you could to
    promote Kingdom interests.

    Unique period in human history--JWs expect to see 6 billion plus people, women and children, die forever, even if they didn't get a personal witness or their only crime was having parents who did not listen to JWs the one time they dropped by without an appointment.

    Faithfully carried out God's will--Noah didn't have an organization telling him what to do.

    New world--current WTS buzzword for past ones, "new order," "new system," "new system of things," "new world society."

    You did what you could--what the WTS determines you could, DO MORE.

    18 Let us keep on, then, reflecting God's glory. Our doing so will be
    something that we will remember forever. Jehovah remembers our works too.
    The Bible provides this encouragement: "God is not unrighteous so as to
    forget your work and the love you showed for his name, in that you have
    ministered to the holy ones and continue ministering. But we desire each one
    of you to show the same industriousness so as to have the full assurance of
    the hope down to the end, in order that you may not become sluggish, but be
    imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises."
    -Hebrews 6:10-12.

    Jehovah remembers our works--the WTS wants to remember too so fill out that time slip, the only works that matter to them.

    Ministered to the holy ones--blindly obeyed the WTS/FDS/GB letting them tell you what the Bible says.

    Hope/inherit the promises--Paul was talking about the hope of going to heaven to rule with Christ, not live forever on a Paradise earth.

    Concluding Comments

    Well this is only the first article of three: second, Christians Reflect the Glory of Jehovah, third A Law of Love in Hearts.

    This article is dwelling on the slowdown in preaching (God's People Will Not Be Silenced) and the apathy and discouragement that the End is taking so long in coming (Endurance Comes from Jehovah). Also that God's glory can only be reflected in association with the WTS. Next week, Missed Opportunities, Why the Good News is Veiled (only the WTS can explain it). Third week, To Love Means To Obey and Love in Action (contains a Vomit Alert).

    Love, Blondie

    I gave blood this morning and there were 5 people waiting...the Katrina effect, I think. Men and men, some in their 20's all the way up to their 70's. They had Girl Scout Thin Mints (among other things), yay!


    1. What did Moses behold, and what happened afterward?
    2. What did the apostle Paul write about the glory that Christians reflect?
    3. How have we come to know Jehovah in ways that Moses could not?
    4. (a) How do anointed Christians reflect God's glory? (b) In what ways can
    those who have the
    earthly hope reflect God's glory?
    5. Of what does our spiritual prosperity give evidence?
    6. Why are faith and courage required in order to take a stand for Jehovah?
    7. How influential is Satan, and what does he try to do?
    8, 9. How does Satan use misguided love, and why should we choose our
    associates carefully?
    10. In what ways has Satan used ridicule against those who reflect God's
    11. How has Satan used persecution to try to silence Christians?
    12. Why should we rejoice as we remain faithful in the face of Satan's
    13. What is a key reason why we endure in our Christian ministry?
    14. How does Jehovah strengthen us to endure in our ministry?
    15. What helps us to endure?
    16. Endurance in our ministry means what for us and for those who listen to
    17. Why is ours a unique period in human history?
    18. What assurance and encouragement does Jehovah give his servants?

    Can You Explain?

    - How do Christians reflect the glory of God?
    - What are some tactics that Satan uses in his attempt to silence God's
    - What evidence is there that God's spirit is upon us?

  • aniron

    Beautiful dissection of the article.

    If only the JW's could see what it really contains and says.

  • Honesty

    Thanks, Blondie!!!

    God's people are ridiculed as being out of touch with reality.

    JW's are only ridiculed because they believe the WTBTS's lies.

  • jgnat

    Nice to see you around, Blondie. Give Irreverent a big smooch from me. I see your sense of irony is in fine form:

    Suppose you were called to testify in court against a ruthless criminal. You know that the criminal has a powerful organization and will use every means to prevent you from exposing him.-- Is your mind going the same direction mine is? Ruthless criminal--Governing Body Powerful organization--WTS Use every means to prevent you from exposing him--The WTS legal case against Quotes' website?

  • anewme

    Thankyou Blondie for the Watchtower review and comments. One thing I have learned from this forum is how to think more critically regarding the WBTS.

  • Shania

    So many buzz words pop out at me now, even before I read your thoughts, I can't believe how things like that would slip right by my brain.

    Blondie, I loved your thoughts on parg.9 about what love was like in the true, no love in the hall, car groups, everyone is just so critical and gossip all over the gives me chills thinking about how I had to go and "endure" (word fits) going, I actually started getting that sick feeling walking in the hall, and out in service.(I'm a happy person, not negative, always wants to have fun) so it was hard being with all those old friend of mine came home from service all day and said" I felt like I was in a car full of hate, those people are miserable". That is the real truth my friends.............

  • Flash

    "We ... reflect like mirrors the glory of Jehovah."-2 CORINTHIANS 3:18.

    Once again the foundation of the study comes from the words of Paul. They should change their name to 'Jehovah's Paulite Witnesses.'

    10 A second way that Satan WTS tries to stop all thinking Christians (falsely labeled apostates) from reflecting God's glory is by ridicule. This tactic should come as no surprise. During his ministry on earth, Jesus Christ was ridiculed-laughed at, sneered at, made fun of, treated insolently, and even spit upon by both those who were leading God's Organization and by its followers (Mark 5:40; Luke 16:14; 18:32)

    Statements in RED come from me.


    Thanks Blondie!

  • blondie

    Hey Honesty

    God's people are ridiculed as being out of touch with reality

    I have know JWs that figured every time someone was "mean" to them it was because they were a JW, at work, in the neighborhood, in school. After talking to a non-JW woman I knew who worked with one sister who complained of being "picked on," I found that she was a big discipline problem, argued with the other employees constantly, had a bad temper (I had seen that at the KH), and was lazy. I always hated working with JWs because they would come to be and try and make me part of their work problems. I finally told one sister that her problem with one woman was due to this sister’s unchristian behavior, because I had no problems getting along with the non-JW woman.

    JWs are out of touch with reality because WTS reality is always changing at a moment’s notice. The END, 1914, 1915, 1925, 1940’s, 1975, 1984, 1994, VERY SOON NOW after 130 years.

    Hi Jgnat,

    I enjoyed crafting it; it just jumped out at me.

    I see your sense of irony is in fine form:

    Suppose you were called to testify in court against a ruthless criminal. You know that the criminal has a powerful organization and will use every means to prevent you from exposing him.—
    Is your mind going the same direction mine is?

    Ruthless criminal--Governing Body

    Powerful organization--WTS

    Use every means to prevent you from exposing him--The WTS legal case against

    Quotes' website?

    Hello, anewme,

    One thing I have learned from this forum is how to think more critically regarding the WBTS.

    That’s good to hear. It used to cause to cognitive dissonance and it didn’t realize why until I took my first philosophy class.

    A new me or really finding the old me that was tucked away as no good because of WTS propaganda.

    Dear Shania,

    Blondie, I loved your thoughts on parg.9 about what love was like in the congregation

    Just a composite of all the congregations I have been in over the years. No matter how often I switched, I found these same personalities and treatments in every one. Not the kind of unity God is looking for.

    Good translation, Flash,

    A second way that Satan

    WTS tries to stop all thinking Christians (falsely labeled apostates) from reflecting God's glory is by ridicule. This tactic should come as no surprise. During his ministry on earth, Jesus Christ was ridiculed-laughed at, sneered at, made fun of, treated insolently, and even spit upon by both those who were leading God's Organization and by its followers (Mark 5:40; Luke 16:14; 18:32)

    Love Blondie
  • BluesBrother

    Great minds think alike Blondie.

    I took it in my head to read the context of the theme scripture, 2 Cor 3.18.. It was evident that Paul was contrasting the old Jewish Law covenant with the New Covenant that applied to the Christian Congregation. Vs 12 - 15 say that the traditional Jews had their "Mental powers dulled"as if under a veil , Vs 16" But when there is a turning to [ Interlinier Kurios or Lord ] the veil is taken away"

    Surely the context is clear that he is talking about Jesus Christ? but the NWT says "Jehovah , and again in vs17 and 18

    I am not a scholar but it sure looks to me as though the use of the word Jehovah here inserted in the text,is put so as to direct the reader to Jehovah's Witnesses, rather than Christ as the writer had intended .,

    Surely "Reflecting Gods glory" is a multi faceted thing that involves ones whole life and thinking, not just how much you achieve in "The Ministry"? , as this article concentrates on.

    It has some bizarre reasoning too. The illustration of delivering bread in p15 hardly fits because, "Would you continue delivering unwanted bread?" "Probably not" theysay. But you might, if you thought that a wonderful reward was yours for the taking, if you kept pleasing the breadmaker by thrusting his unwanted loaves on the populace !. The paragraph fails to mention this.

    There must be a technical terrm for the type of reasoning in p 16 - 17 "Imagine what a joy it will be to live eternally in paradise with those whom you helped to learn about God"..... and "Think how you will feel in the new world as you look back on your activity during these last days"

    I will call it an appeal to wishful thinking.

    Btw .. Does anybody in the USA actually go down to the beach to witness to bathers, as shown in the picture on page 16? I am sure it never happens over here. I think the congo would not want to do it, and the bathers would soon tell you where to go!!

  • gaybeat

    Lol i totally slept through this article. There was a comment though. A lady had an experience of going to a house studying the bible to a lady who used to do witchcraft. She said something about how scary it was because some thing was flying around and she had to do a long hard pray. Then Jehovah Blessed the lady because her husband and children left her so she could study the Bible and become Dub'd.

    I asked my mom and she said that she didn't understand what the comment meant.

    Awake Magazine (9-15-2038) "Witches! Do scary things fly in your house?"

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