Comments You Will Not Hear at the 6-26-05 WT Study (God's Ways)

by blondie 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 6-26-05 WT Study (May 15, 2005)

    Review comments will be in black and parentheses ()

    WT quotes from today’s WT
    will be in red and quotes ""

    Quotes from other sources
    will be in blue


    "Make me know. . . your ways , that I may know you. "-EXODUS 33:13.

    Opening Comments

    Another OT article

    Another OT theme scripture.

    Where is Jesus?

    What is the only way a person today can come to know Gods ways according to the WTS?

    w87 3/1 p. 14 ‘Upon the Watchtower I Am Standing’ ***

    The "faithful and discreet slave" class, the "watchman," today uses the Watchtower magazine under the direction of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses as its main channel for dispensing spiritual "food at the proper time." (Matthew 24:45) This follows the pattern of the first-century congregation, which put clarifying information on doctrine and morals into written form "to be read to all the brothers." (1 Thessalonians 5:27)

    So the Watchtower is the same as the spirit-inspired letter to the Thessalonians? Is the WT inspired?

    w87 7/15 p. 19 Prayers Require Works ***

    Because Jehovah God does not give his holy spirit apart from his Word, and we cannot hope to receive holy spirit if we ignore the earthly channel Jehovah is using today, "the faithful and discreet slave," represented by the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Without help from this "slave," we would neither be able to understand the full import of what we read nor know how to apply what we learn.—Matthew 24:45-47.

    So, we cannot hope to receive holy spirit if we ignore the earthly channel God is using today (FDS/GB)?

    w66 1/15 p. 44 The Value of Right Association Through Congregational Meetings

    Today the anointed spirit-begotten witnesses of Jehovah, comprising the "faithful and discreet slave," serve as an earthly channel of communication
    for the great crowd of people who will survive Armageddon. These anointed witnesses along with the "great crowd" of companions form the modern-day Christian organization through which God’s spirit is in operation. (Matt. 24:45-51; Rev. 7:9-17) Never has God had more than one channel of communication at one time. Failure to recognize and associate with his anointed witnesses would certainly indicate that one is not in Jehovah God’s organization and under his spirit.
    One is not under Gods spirit unless he/she is a member of the WTS?

    w59 10/1 p. 583 Have You Been Baptized for Life?

    Although today the Greater Noah, Jesus Christ, is not visibly present, God’s people are not left without visible direction
    . The facts show that Christ has a composite "faithful and discreet slave," the remaining ones of the body of Christ, to represent him. This slave serves as God’s channel of communication. To act consistently with our baptism for life and into the Greater Noah we must submit to and cooperate with that slave and its legal instrument, the Watch Tower Society.

    Because Christ is not visibly present, he cannot direct his followers without a human organization?

    w52 2/1 p. 79 Jehovah’s Theocratic Organization Today ***

    Jehovah God deals with his people as a servant class. He does not feed each one individually nor does he appoint an individual over them. No individual student of God’s Word reveals God’s will or interprets His Word. (2 Pet. 1:20, 21) God interprets and teaches, through Christ the Chief Servant, who in turn uses the discreet slave as the visible channel, the visible theocratic organization.

    1. God

    2. Christ

    3. FDS

    4. All others

    Notice how a person must go through the WTS/FDS to get to Christ.

    w52 2/1 p. 81 Jehovah’s Theocratic Organization Today ***

    Some of the speculating ones are more rebellious than others, disagreeing dogmatically with the discreet slave’s provisions, exalting themselves above the Lord’s established channel. They argue that the theocratic organization has not always been right, and that they once had ideas the organization rejected but now teaches, and thus imply that their present theories will likewise be accepted in time. They never mention the numerous speculations they have advanced in the past that were never adopted. That would spoil their campaign to get their present ideas gobbled up. What their conceit blinds them to is that the visible theocratic organization has never claimed infallibility, that it knows the message will be continually purified by the elimination of erroneous ideas, that it expects new truths to become manifest as more prophecies are fulfilled, that gradually the light will shine more and more until the perfect day, and that the clarifications will come through the discreet slave and not self-exalting speculators. (Prov. 4:18; Isa. 6:5-7; Mal. 3:1-3)

    So the WTS admits that their message is not pure and they have erroneous ideas that members had ideas that the WTS once rejected but now teaches.

    w52 4/15 p. 253 Aids for Understanding Prophecy ***

    Jehovah as the great Interpreter makes known the meaning of his revelations in his due time, and speculation by men cannot bring to light the true meaning of prophecy before time. Jehovah has provided a channel, the "faithful and discreet slave" class, who are given spiritual "food at the proper time", and this spiritual food includes among other things the understandings of the prophecies in the course of their fulfillments. (Matt. 24:45, NW) Jehovah’s witnesses themselves are not nor can they be interpreters of prophecies.
    But as fast as the "superior authorities" Jehovah and Christ Jesus reveal the interpretations through their provided channel that fast do God’s people publish them the world over to strengthen the faith of all lovers of righteousness.
    It took 10 years, 1962, for God and Jesus to reveal to the FDS/WTS that the secular governments are the superior authorities, something that Russell taught and was changed by Rutherford in 1929.

    km 9/02 p. 8 Avoid the Pursuit of "Valueless Things" ***

    God’s Appointed Channel: Bear in mind that our heavenly Father has an appointed channel of communication, "the faithful and discreet slave." That "slave" has the responsibility to determine what information is made available to the household of faith, as well as "the proper time" for it to be dispensed. This spiritual food is available only through the theocratic organization. We should always look to God’s appointed channel for reliable information, not to a network of Internet users .—Matt. 24:45.

    Reliable information from the WTS

    Christ’s presence was in 1874 or was that 1914 (I’m sure you can think of more)

    w03 3/15 p. 27 ‘The Lips of Truth Will Endure Forever’ ***

    Jehovah gives us sound counsel through his Word and through his organization, using the publications provided by "the faithful and discreet slave."
    (Matthew 24:45; 2 Timothy 3:16) How foolish to reject good advice and insist on our own way! We "must be swift about hearing" when Jehovah, "the One teaching men knowledge," counsels us through his channel of communication.—James 1:19; Psalm 94:10.

    How foolish to insist on our own way and not do it the WTS way.

    w94 10/1 p. 8 The Bible—A Book Meant to Be Understood ***

    Even as Bible prophecy pointed forward to the Messiah, it also directs us to the close-knit body of anointed Christian Witnesses that now serve as the faithful and discreet slave. All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the "greatly diversified wisdom of God" can become known only through Jehovah’s channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave.—John 6:68.

    Note: the "greatly diversified wisdom of God" can become known only through Jehovah’s channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave


    MOSES had been reared in the household of Pharaoh and had been educated in

    the wisdom esteemed by the nobility of Egypt.
    Yet, Moses realized that he

    was not an Egyptian. He was born to Hebrew parents. In his 40th year, he

    went out to make an inspection of his brothers, the sons of Israel. When he

    saw an Egyptian mistreat one of the Hebrews, Moses was not indifferent. He

    struck down the Egyptian
    . Moses chose to side with Jehovah's people and

    thought that God was using him to provide deliverance for his brothers

    (Acts 7:21-25; Hebrews 11:24, 25) When this incident became known, Egypt's

    royal house
    viewed Moses as an outlaw, and he had to flee for his life .

    (Exodus 2:11-15)
    If Moses was to be used by God, he had to become better

    acquainted with Jehovah's ways
    . Would Moses be teachable?-Psalm 25:9.

    Moses OT example

    Thought God was using him

    If Moses was to be used by God, he had to become better acquainted with

    Jehovah’s ways

    Which he did without a religious organization.

    2 For the next 40 years, Moses lived as an exile and a shepherd . Instead of

    letting himself be consumed with bitterness because his Hebrew brothers

    apparently did not appreciate him
    , Moses submitted to what God permitted .

    Although many
    years passed during which he received no apparent recognition ,

    Moses allowed Jehovah to shape him
    . Not as a personal estimate, but under

    the influence of God's holy spirit, he later wrote
    : "The man Moses was by

    far the
    meekest of all the men who were upon the surface of the ground ."

    (Numbers 12:3) Jehovah used Moses in outstanding ways. If we
    too seek

    Jehovah will bless us.-Zephaniah 2:3.

    Not consumed with bitterness because his Hebrew brothers apparently did not appreciate him


    Buzzword that the WTS uses to place the blame on Moses. Moses perception of his treatment was not valid.

    Does this sound like they appreciated him?

    Exodus 2:11-14

    Now it came about in those days, as Moses was becoming strong, that he went out to his brothers that he might look at the burdens they were bearing; and he caught sight of a certain Egyptian striking a certain Hebrew of his brothers. So he turned this way and that and saw there was nobody in sight. Then he struck the Egyptian down and hid him in the sand. However, he went out on the following day and here there were two Hebrew men struggling with each other. So he said to the one in the wrong: "Why should you strike your companion?" At this he said: "Who appointed you as a prince and judge over us? Are you intending to kill me just as you killed the Egyptian?" Moses now got afraid and said: "Surely the thing has become known!"

    Moses submitted to what God permitted

    Another way of saying "Wait on Jehovah". The WTS says this when they want the victim to suffer and understand why they are going to reward the abusive JW.

    Shape him

    Meekest of all men

    Notice how they have to explain that Moses wrote this about himself.

    Given a Commission

    3 One day
    an angel representing Jehovah spoke to Moses near Mount Horeb on

    the Sinai Peninsula. Moses was told: "Unquestionably I have seen the

    affliction of my people who are in Egypt, and I have heard their outcry as a

    result of those who drive them to work; because I well know the pains they

    suffer. And
    I am proceeding to go down to deliver them out of the hand of

    the Egyptians
    and to bring them up out of that land to a land good and

    spacious, to a land flowing with milk and honey." (Exodus 3:2, 7, 8) In this

    God had work for Moses to do, but it had to be done Jehovah's way .

    Angel representing God spoke to Moses

    Did you know that the WTS surmises that this angel was Jesus?

    Insight book Volume 2 p. 1203 Word, The ***

    It is reasonable to think that prior to Jesus’ coming to earth, on many of the occasions when God communicated with humans he used the Word as his angelic mouthpiece. (Ge 16:7-11; 22:11; 31:11; Ex 3:2-5 ; Jg 2:1-4; 6:11, 12; 13:3)

    Yes, it is reasonable to think but the Bible does not say despite the scriptures cited.
    It had to be done Jehovah’s way

    It had to be done the WTS way.

    4 Jehovah's angel continued: "Now come and let me send you to Pharaoh , and

    you bring my people the sons of Israel out of Egypt
    ." Moses hesitated. He

    did not feel qualified
    , and in himself, he was not. However, Jehovah assured

    Moses: "I shall prove to be with you." (Exodus 3:10-12)
    Jehovah empowered

    Moses to perform miraculous signs that would serve as credentials

    that he had truly been sent by God. Moses' brother
    , Aaron, was to go along

    as spokesman.
    Jehovah would teach them what should be said and done . (Exodus 4:1-17) Would Moses faithfully fulfill that assignment ?

    Did not feel qualified

    He probably wasn’t making the national average in hours.

    Perform miraculous signs that would serve as credentials

    What miraculous signs do the elders perform?

    Aaron as spokesman
    Jehovah would teach them what should be said or done.

    Translation : The angel would tell Moses and Moses would tell Aaron

    I would feel more comfortable if an angel were guiding the elders rather than the CO, DO, and the FDS.

    5 Israel's older men initially believed Moses and Aaron . (Exodus 4:29-31)

    Soon, however, "the officers of the sons of Israel
    " blamed Moses and his

    brother for making them "smell offensive" before Pharaoh and his servants

    (Exodus 5:19-21; 6:9) When the Israelites were leaving Egypt, they were

    alarmed to see Egyptian chariots in pursuit. With the Red Sea before them

    and war chariots behind them
    , the Israelites felt trapped, and they blamed

    How would you have reacted? Though the Israelites had no boats, at

    Jehovah's direction Moses urged the people to break camp. Then God pushed

    back the waters of the Red Sea, and the seabed became dry land so that

    Israel could pass through.—-Exodus 14:1-22.

    Initially believed/Blame Moses and his brother
    Israelites felt trapped, and they blamed Moses
    How would you have reacted?

    So if the WTS/FDS gets the organization between a rock and a hard place, God will part the Atlantic Ocean?

    If Moses had said they would get to the Promised Land by 1914, 1925, 1975 and was wrong all three times, who would they blame, Moses or God?

    An Issue Greater Than Deliverance

    6 On commissioning Moses, Jehovah emphasized the importance of the divine

    name. Respect for that name and the One whom it represents was vital. When

    asked about his name, Jehovah told Moses : "I shall prove to be what I shall

    prove to be." Further, Moses was to tell the sons of Israel: "Jehovah the

    God of your forefathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of

    Jacob, has sent me to you." Jehovah added: "This is my name to time

    indefinite, and this is the memorial of me to generation after generation."

    (Exodus 3:13-15) Jehovah is still the name by which God is known
    to his

    around the earth .-Isaiah 12:4, 5; 43:10-12.

    Importance of divine name

    Jehovah or Yahweh

    Jehovah is still the name by which God is known
    To his servants

    To the WTS

    While Russell used the name Jehovah in his publications, it was not on every page, maybe every 20 th page. It wasn’t until 1931 that the WTS started peppering the publications with Jehovah in an attempt to ditch the Bible Student persona after ¾ left the organization by 1925.

    7 Appearing before Pharaoh, Moses and Aaron delivered their message in the

    name of Jehovah . But Pharaoh arrogantly said: "Who is Jehovah, so that I

    should obey his voice to send Israel away? I do not know Jehovah at all and,

    what is more, I am not going to send Israel away." (Exodus 5:1, 2) Pharaoh

    proved to be both hardhearted and deceitful, yet Jehovah urged Moses to

    deliver messages to him again and again. (Exodus 7:14-16, 20-23; 8:1, 2, 20)

    Moses could see that Pharaoh was irritated. Would any good come from

    confronting him again? Israel was eager for deliverance. Pharaoh was adamant

    in his refusal.
    What would you have done?
    Pharaoh arrogantly said I do not know Jehovah

    Did that mean he did not know the name by which the Israelites called their god?

    It meant he did not acknowledge the Hebrew gods authority over him.

    What would you have done?
    Would any good come from confronting him again?

    Translated: JWs should continue to go in the door to door work although no one is at home (or listens).

    8 Moses delivered yet another message, saying: "This is what Jehovah the God

    of the Hebrews has said: 'Send my people away that they may serve me.'" God

    also said: "By now I could have thrust my hand out that I might strike you

    and your people with pestilence and that you might be effaced from the

    earth. But, in fact, for this cause I have kept you in existence, for the

    sake of showing you my power and in order to have my name declared in all

    the earth." (Exodus 9:13-16) Because of what would be done with hardhearted

    Pharaoh, Jehovah purposed to demonstrate his power in a way that would serve

    notice on all who defy him
    . This would include Satan the Devil, the one whom

    Jesus Christ later called "the ruler of the world." (John 14:30; Romans

    9:17-24) As foretold, Jehovah's name was declared around the earth. His

    long-suffering led to preservation for the Israelites and a vast mixed

    multitude that joined them in worshiping him. (Exodus 9:20, 21; 12:37, 38)

    Since then, the declaration of Jehovah's name has benefited millions more

    who have taken up true worship

    Jehovah the God of the Hebrews

    Jehovah the God of the WTS only

    Pharaoh = apostates

    Dealing With a Difficult People

    9 The Hebrews knew the divine name. Moses used that name when speaking to

    them, but they did not always show proper respect for the One to whom it

    belongs. Soon after Jehovah miraculously delivered the Israelites from

    Egypt, what happened when they did not quickly find suitable drinking water?

    They murmured against Moses . Next they complained about the food. Moses

    cautioned them that their murmuring was not merely against him and Aaron but

    against Jehovah
    . (Exodus 15:22-24; 16:2-12) At Mount Sinai, Jehovah gave the

    Israelites the Law, and this was accompanied by supernatural displays. The

    people, however,
    disobediently made a golden calf for worship and claimed

    that they were having "a festival toJehovah.
    "-Exodus 32:1-9.

    The Hebrews knew the divine name
    Not always show proper respect for the One
    They murmured against Moses and Aaron
    Moses cautioned them that their murmuring was not merely against him and Aaron but against Jehovah.

    Moses and Aaron = Jehovah

    Translation: WTS = Jehovah

    The people, however, disobediently made a golden calf for worship and claimed that they were having "a festival to Jehovah.

    The WTS leaves out Aarons major part in this. Would an Israelite have been accused of murmuring against God if they had said this was wrong?

    Exodus 32:2-6 ***

    At this Aaron said to them: "Tear off the gold earrings that are in the ears of YOUR wives, of YOUR sons and of YOUR daughters and bring them to me." And all the people began tearing off the gold earrings that were in their ears and bringing them to Aaron. Then he took [the gold] from their hands, and he formed it with a graving tool and proceeded to make it into a molten statue of a calf. And they began to say: "This is your God, O Israel, who led you up out of the land of Egypt." When Aaron got to see this, he went to building an altar before it. Finally Aaron called out and said: "There is a festival to Jehovah tomorrow." So on the next day they were early in rising, and they began offering up burnt offerings and presenting communion sacrifices. After that the people sat down to eat and drink. Then they got up to have a good time.

    10 How was Moses to deal with a people whom Jehovah himself described as

    stiff-necked? Moses petitioned Jehovah: "If, please, I have found favor in

    your eyes,
    make me know, please, your ways , that I may know you, in order

    that I may find favor in your eyes." (Exodus 33:13) In caring for Jehovah's

    modern-day Witnesses, Christian overseers shepherd a far more humble flock.

    Yet, they similarly pray: "Make me know your own ways, O Jehovah; teach me

    your own paths." (Psalm 25:4
    ) Knowledge of Jehovah's ways enables overseers

    to deal with situations in a manner that is in harmony with God's Word and

    that is consistent with his personality.

    What Jehovah Expects of His People

    11 What Jehovah expected of his people was disclosed orally at Mount Sinai.

    Moses later received two tablets containing the Ten Commandments in written

    form. Upon descending from the mountain, he saw the Israelites worshiping

    the molten calf and angrily threw down the tablets, shattering them. Jehovah

    again inscribed the Ten Commandments on stone tablets that Moses had carved

    out. (Exodus 32:19; 34:1) These commandments had not changed since they were first given. Moses was to act in harmony with them. God also impressed upon Moses the sort of person that He is, thus showing Moses how to conduct himself as Jehovah's representative. Christians are not under the Mosaic Law, but what Jehovah told Moses embodies many basic principles that have not changed and that continue to apply to all who worship Jehovah. (Romans 6:14; 13:8-10) Let us consider a few of these.

    What Jehovah expected of his people was disclosed orally

    Proof per the WTS that JWs should attend 5 weekly meetings

    Two tablets containing the Ten Commandments in written form

    But was anyone but Moses able to read or touch them? Did they have personal copies to bring to the meetings?

    These commandments had not changed since they were first given

    Unlike the commandments from the WTS, for example, until 1967, organ transplants were a conscience matter, from 1967-1980 it was a disfellowshipping offense, but then the tablets had to be redone in 1980 when transplants again were a conscience matter again.

    Showing Moses how to conduct himself as Jehovah’s representative

    And who only are God’s representatives on earth now?

    Proclaimers Book chap. 15 p. 219 Development of the Organization Structure ***

    The June 15, 1938, issue of The Watchtower now invited all the other congregations to take similar action. To that end, the following resolution was suggested:

    "We, the company of God’s people taken out for his name, and now at . . . . . . . . . . . . , recognize that God’s government is a pure theocracy and that Christ Jesus is at the temple and in full charge and control of the visible organization of Jehovah, as well as the invisible, and
    that ‘THE SOCIETY’ is the visible representative of the Lord on earth , and we therefore request ‘The Society’ to organize this company for service and to appoint the various servants thereof, so that all of us may work together in peace, righteousness, harmony and complete unity. We attach hereto a list of names of persons in this company that to us appear more fully mature and who therefore appear to be best suited to fill the respective positions designated for service."

    Give Jehovah exclusive devotion . The nation of Israel was present when

    Jehovah declared that he requires exclusive devotion. (Exodus 20:2-5) The

    Israelites had seen abundant evidence that Jehovah is the true God.

    (Deuteronomy 4:33-35) Jehovah made it clear that regardless of what other

    nations were doing, he would not tolerate any form of idolatry or spiritism

    among his people. Their devotion to him was to be no mere formality. All of

    them were to love Jehovah with their whole heart, their whole soul, and all

    their vital force . (Deuteronomy 6:5, 6) This would involve their speech,

    their conduct —indeed, every aspect of their lives. (Leviticus 20:27; 24:15,

    16; 26:1) Jesus Christ also made it clear that Jehovah requires exclusive

    devotion.-Mark 12:28-30; Luke 4:8.
    Give Jehovah exclusive devotion or the WTS?
    Not tolerate any form of idolatry or spiritism; but the WTS was associated with the UN for 10 years from 1991-2001, the image of the wild beast.
    Every aspect of their lives

    And the WTS has a rule for every aspect.

    13 Strictly obey Jehovah's commandments . The people of Israel needed to be

    reminded that when they entered into a covenant relationship with Jehovah

    they vowed to obey him strictly. They enjoyed much personal freedom, but in

    matters on which Jehovah had given them commandments, they had to be

    strictly obedient

    . Doing so would give evidence of their love for God and

    would benefit them and their offspring because all of Jehovah's requirements

    were for their good

    .-Exodus 19:5-8; Deuteronomy 5:27-33; 11:22, 23.
    Whose commandments?
    Did you know that only the 144,000 are in a covenant relationship with God? That is why the WTS says Jesus is mediator only for them.
    Strictly obey; obey him strictly; had to be strictly obedient
    Personal freedom except where the WTS has given commandments

    14 Give priority to spiritual matters. The nation of Israel was not to allow

    caring for physical needs to crowd out

    attention given to spiritual

    activities. The Israelites' lives were not to be devoted solely to mundane


    . Jehovah set aside time each week that he designated as sacred,

    time used exclusively for activity related to worship of the true God.

    (Exodus 35:1-3; Numbers 15:32-36) Each year , additional time was to be set

    aside for specified holy conventions.

    (Leviticus 23:4-44) These would

    provide opportunities to recount Jehovah's mighty acts, to be reminded of

    his ways, and to express gratitude to him for all of his goodness

    . As the

    people expressed their devotion to Jehovah, they would grow in godly fear

    and love and would be helped to walk in his ways. (Deuteronomy 10:12, 13)

    The wholesome principles embodied in those instructions
    benefit Jehovah's

    servants today.-Hebrews 10: 24, 25.
    Priority to spiritual matters

    5 meetings a week

    2 hours field service a week

    Personal study

    Family study

    Meeting preparation
    Physical needs which crowd out spiritual


    Earning a living

    Taking care of children/spouse

    Taking care of household
    Set aside time each week

    Sabbath = meetings

    Didn’t they stay home and study with their family?

    Synagogues didn’t develop till later in the history of Israel

    Holy conventions = circuit assembly, special assembly day, district convention

    Is this a Christian or a Jewish religion?

    Appreciating Jehovah's Qualities

    15 Appreciation for Jehovah's qualities would also help Moses in dealing

    with the people. Exodus 34:5-7 states that God passed by before Moses' face

    and declared: "Jehovah, Jehovah, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger

    and abundant in loving-kindness and truth, preserving loving-kindness for

    thousands, pardoning error and transgression and sin , but by no means will

    he give exemption from punishment, bringing punishment for the error of

    fathers upon sons and upon grandsons, upon the third generation and upon the

    fourth generation ." Take time to meditate on those words. Ask yourself:

    'What does each quality mean? How did Jehovah demonstrate it? How can

    Christian overseers display this quality? How should the particular quality

    influence what each one of us does?' Consider just a few examples.
    Bringing punishment for the error of fathers upon sons
    What does this quality mean?
    How did Jehovah demonstrate it?
    How can Christian (JW) overseers (once called servants) display this quality?

    16 Jehovah is "a God merciful and gracious." If you have the reference work

    Insight on the Scriptures , why not read what it says under "Mercy"? Or do

    research on that subject with the use of the Watch Tower Publications Index

    or the computer program Watchtower Library (CD-ROM ).* (* All published by

    Jehovah's Witnesses.) Use a concordance to find scriptures referring to

    mercy. You will see that in addition to allowing for a lightening of

    punishment at times , Jehovah's mercy includes tender compassion. It moves

    God to take action to bring his people relief. As evidence of this, God

    provided for the Israelites both physically and spiritually during their

    trek to the Promised Land. (Deuteronomy 1: 30-33; 8:4 ) Jehovah mercifully

    allowed for forgiveness when mistakes were made. He showed mercy toward his

    ancient people. How much more so should his present-day servants show

    compassion to one another ! -Matthew 9:13; 18:21-35.
    Lightening of punishment at times
    Jehovah mercifully allowed for forgiveness when mistakes were made
    How much more so should his present-day servants show compassion to one another
    Insight Book Volume 1 p. 10 Aaron ***

    Why was Aaron not punished for making the golden calf?

    Despite his privileged position, Aaron had his shortcomings. During Moses’ first 40-day stay on Mount Sinai, "the people congregated themselves about Aaron and said to him: ‘Get up, make for us a god who will go ahead of us, because as regards this Moses, the man who led us up out of the land of Egypt, we certainly do not know what has happened to him.’" (Ex 32:1) Aaron acceded and cooperated with these rebellious ones in making a golden calf statue. (Ex 32:2-6) When later confronted by Moses, he gave a weak excuse. (Ex 32:22-24) However, Jehovah did not single him out as the prime wrongdoer but told Moses: "So now let me be, that my anger may blaze against them and I may exterminate them." (Ex 32:10) Moses brought the matter to a showdown by crying: "Who is on Jehovah’s side? To me!" (Ex 32:26) All the sons of Levi responded, and this
    undoubtedly included Aaron. Three thousand idolaters, probably the prime movers of the rebellion, were slain by them . (Ex 32:28) Nevertheless, Moses later reminded the rest of the people that they, too, bore guilt. (Ex 32:30) Aaron, therefore, was not alone in receiving God’s mercy. His subsequent actions indicated that he was not in heart harmony with the idolatrous movement but simply gave in to the pressure of the rebels. (Ex 32:35) Jehovah showed that Aaron had received his forgiveness by maintaining as valid Aaron’s appointment to become high priest.—Ex 40:12, 13.
    Undoubtedly included Aaron
    Probably the prime movers
    Simply gave in to the pressure of the rebels
    So all you have to do is switch sides at the last minute and say the bad guys made you do it and you will stay an elder, ms, pioneer, publisher.

    17 Jehovah's mercy is coupled with graciousness. If you have a dictionary,

    read what it says under "gracious." Compare this with scriptures that speak

    of Jehovah as being gracious. The Bible shows that graciousness on Jehovah's

    part includes loving concern for disadvantaged ones among his people.

    (Exodus 22:26, 27) In any country , aliens as well as others may find

    themselves at a disadvantage . When teaching his people to be impartial and

    to show kindness toward such ones, Jehovah reminded them that they too had

    been aliens- -in Egypt. (Deuteronomy 24:17-22) What about us as God's people

    today? Graciousness on our part helps to unite us and to attract others to

    the worship of Jehovah .-Acts 10:34, 35; Revelation 7:9,10.

    If you have a dictonary

    Loving concern for disadvantaged ones among this people

    Graciousness unites and attracts

    18 Kind concern for people of other nations, however, was not to override

    Israel's love for Jehovah and his moral standards. Thus, the Israelites were

    taught not to take up the ways of the surrounding nations, not to adopt

    their religious customs and immoral life-styles. (Exodus 34:11-16;

    Deuteronomy 7:1-4) That also applies to us today. We are to be a holy

    people, even as our God, Jehovah, is holy.-1 Peter 1:15,16.

    Concern for non-JWs not to overlook standards

    Religious customs

    Immoral life-styles

    But it is all right not to report a pedophile and it is forbidden to tell anyone in the congregation that he is one.

    19 So that Moses would understand His ways, Jehovah made it clear that

    although he does not approve of sin, he is slow to anger . He allows time for

    people to learn his requirements and comply with them . When there is

    repentance, Jehovah pardons sin , but he does not give exemption from

    deserved punishment for serious wrongs . He cautioned Moses that future

    generations could be affected, for good or for bad, by what the Israelites

    did. Having appreciation for Jehovah's ways can safeguard God's people from

    blaming God for situations that they have brought on themselves or from

    concluding that he is slow.
    Allows time for people to learn his requirements

    6-month Bible study program starting in 1968; no progress and study was ended.
    Safeguard God’s people (JWs) from blaming God (blame the WTS) for situations they have brought on the rank and file.

    1967-1980 Death to JWs who did not have organ transplants

    1980-2005 Life to JWs who can have tranplants now

    Blame the WTS because this was not from God.

    And he himself made his own sons pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hin´nom, and practiced magic and used divination and practiced sorcery and made spiritistic mediums and professional foretellers of events. He did on a grand scale what was bad in the eyes of Jehovah, to offend him
    . 2 CHRONICLES 33:6

    20 If you desire to deepen your own knowledge of Jehovah and his ways,

    continue to do research and to meditate when you read the Bible . Carefully

    examine the various fascinating aspects of Jehovah's personality.

    Prayerfully consider how you might imitate God and conform your life more

    fully to his purpose. This will help you to avoid pitfalls, to deal

    appropriately with fellow believers, and to aid others in coming to know and

    love our magnificent God.
    Continue to do research

    Only in WTS publications

    Concluding Comments

    Is there only one organization that teaches God’s ways?

    Is there only one organization?

    Isn’t the only place to find what God’s ways are in is the Bible?

    Do you verify what others tell you about the Bible?

    Are you a Berean?

    Love, Blondie

    I’m off to the BRCI convention in Chicago. Come and say hey.


    1, 2. (a) Why did Moses react as he did when he saw an Egyptian mistreat a

    Hebrew? (b) To be suitable for Jehovah's service, what did Moses need to


    3, 4. (a) What commission did Jehovah give Moses? (b) What support was

    provided for Moses?

    5. Why did Israel's attitude present a challenge to Moses?

    6. What did Jehovah emphasize when commissioning Moses?

    7. What did God urge Moses to do despite Pharaoh's arrogance?

    8. What benefit came from the way that Jehovah dealt with the situation

    involving Pharaoh, and how should those events affect us?

    9. How did Moses' own people show disrespect for Jehovah?

    10. Why is Moses' request recorded at Exodus 33:13 of special interest to

    Christian overseers today?

    11. What guidelines did Jehovah provide for Moses, and why are we interested

    in them?

    12. How should Jehovah's exacting exclusive devotion have affected Israel?

    13. Why did Israel owe God strict obedience, and what should motivate us to

    obey him? (Ecclesiastes 12:13)

    14. How did God emphasize to Israel the importance of giving priority to

    spiritual pursuits?

    15. (a) Why was appreciation for Jehovah's qualities beneficial to Moses?

    (b) What questions might help us to think deeply about each of Jehovah's


    16. How might we deepen our appreciation for God's mercy, and why is doing

    this important?

    17. How can our understanding of Jehovah's graciousness promote true


    18. What do we learn from the limitations that Jehovah taught Israel

    regarding the ways of people of other nations?

    19. How can understanding Jehovah's view of wrongdoing safeguard his people?

    20. What can help us to deal appropriately with fellow believers and with

    those we meet in our ministry? (Psalm 86:11)

    What Did You Learn?

    Why was meekness important for Moses, and why is it vital for us?

    What good was accomplished by repeatedly confronting Pharaoh with Jehovah's


    What are some outstanding principles that Moses was taught and that also

    apply to us?

    How can we deepen our understanding of Jehovah's qualities?

  • heathen

    I just love these types of articles . Sounds like they are using the antithesis of sheep and goats once again . So let me see if I'm getting this right , this week they are once again spirit directed and or inspired ? I really can't believe the gall they show with their history of false prophesy and denial that they are the evil slave but nooooooooooooooo, it's still we hope to get it right one day so that's good enough for jehovah and you better not question our teachings or we'll pull the old rebellious Israelite story on ya again . I guess it was about due that they compare themselves to moses , they have been through all the other old testament prophets (mind you they still don't claim to be prophets even, or do they? , I don't even know where they stand on that one anymore ) so maybe they will have more success this time .LOL Slapping forhead with palm ........

  • yesidid

    Dear Blondie,

    Your reports continue to blow me away.

    Have a wonderful time at the conference.

    Would just love to be there.


  • jula71

    The indoctrination is amazing. Another article displaying the authority, they believe is by god, the WTBTS have. And not recognizing this authority means certain death. What I think is great is how Blondie started it. Such hypocrisy to point out "failed prophecies" from other faiths while ignoring their own are just not revealed clearly and will be in time, "new light."

    Once again, well done Blondie!!

  • Elsewhere

    Sounds like the title of soft porn on cable.

  • Honesty

    God interprets and teaches, through Christ the Chief Servant, who in turn uses the discreet slave as the visible channel, the visible theocratic organization.

    Just like the jews who had to see signs before they believed.

    Thankyou for that commentary on more Witch Tower Crapola, Blondie

  • garybuss

    Exodus Chapter 12
    37 The Israelites journeyed from Rameses to Succoth. There were about six hundred thousand men on foot, besides women and children. 38 Many other people went up with them, as well as large droves of livestock, both flocks and herds.

    Biggest Mathematical Miracle in the World
    Moses and his people were in the desert, but what was he going to do with them? They had to be fed, and fed is what he did, according to the Quartermaster General in the Army.
    It is reported that Moses would have to have had 1500 tons of food each day. Do you know that to bring that much food each day, two freight trains, each a mile long, would be required!
    Besides you must remember, they were out in the desert, so they would have to have firewood to use in cooking the food. This would take 4000 tons of wood and a few more freight trains, each a mile long just for one day.
    And just think, they were forty years in transit.
    And oh yes! They would have to have water. If they only had enough to drink and wash a few dishes, it would take 11,000,000 gallons each day, and a freight train with tank cars, 1800 miles long, just to bring water!
    And then another thing! They had to get across the Red Sea at night.
    Now if they went on a narrow path, double file, the line would be 800 miles long and would require 35 days and nights to get through. So, there had to be a space in the Red Sea, 3 miles wide so that they could walk 5000 abreast to get over in one night.
    But then, there is another problem.
    Each time they camped at the end of the day, a campground two-thirds the size of the state of Rhode Island was required, or a total of 750 square miles long...think of it! This space just for nightly camping.

  • Scully
    17 Jehovah's mercy is coupled with graciousness. If you have a dictionary, read what it says under "gracious." Compare this with scriptures that speak of Jehovah as being gracious. The Bible shows that graciousness on Jehovah's part includes loving concern for disadvantaged ones among his people. (Exodus 22:26, 27) In any country, aliens as well as others may find themselves at a disadvantage. When teaching his people to be impartial and to show kindness toward such ones, Jehovah reminded them that they too had been aliens--in Egypt. (Deuteronomy 24:17-22) What about us as God's people today? Graciousness on our part helps to unite us and to attract others to the worship of Jehovah.-Acts 10:34, 35; Revelation 7:9,10.

    "loving concern for disadvantaged ones" apparently does not include people who are afflicted with mental health problems like depression, anxiety, and panic disorders. The distinct lack of this "graciousness" and "kindness toward such ones" is what made me realize that JWs were not Jesus' true disciples.

    The indoctrination is amazing. Another article displaying the authority, they believe is by god, the WTBTS have. And not recognizing this authority means certain death. What I think is great is how Blondie started it. Such hypocrisy to point out "failed prophecies" from other faiths while ignoring their own are just not revealed clearly and will be in time, "new light."

    This is a quote from When God Becomes a Drug (Leo Booth), p. 60, in describing the symptoms of religious addiction:

    Inability to think, doubt, or question information or authority. This is the primary symptom of any dysfunctional belief system, for if you cannot question or examine what you are taught, if you cannot doubt or challenge authority, you are in danger of being victimized and abused. You miss the messages and miracles God places in your life because you literally do not know how to recognize them.

    In refusing to think or question, you hand over responsibility for your beliefs, finances, relationships, employment, and destiny to a clergyman or other so-called master. You are usually told that not thinking, doubting, or questioning is a sign of faith - so you become a religious slave. Often if you use your critical faculties, you are told that this is the devil at work in your life. Faith is said to mean unquestioning obedience. This is how religious abusers control; it is how ministers and leaders are able to financially or sexually abuse their followers. It leads to brainwashing and mind control, for when you have no choices or freedom to decide for yourself, you are not in control of your own mind.

    If you are not permitted to think for yourself, to question, you stop your spiritual growth because you do not know how to see the ways God is working with you and through you. When you use your critical faculties to analyze, interpret, explore, and question, you discover new shades of meaning and greater richness in God's truth. Questioning and exploring is a means of having a dialogue with God. To refuse to doubt, think about, or question what you are told is to miss an opportunity to talk with God.

    The trouble with legislating authority, the way the WTS has done by continually beating JWs over the head with reminders that The Faithful And Discreet Slave™ is the approved channel of communication between Jehovah and His Chosen People™, is that obedience to the authority must constantly be mandated and legislated as well. Jesus didn't command that his authority be recognized, he said that God's laws would be 'written on the hearts' of his followers, or something that they would do effortlessly because it was a part of their natural way of being.

  • heathen

    Yah that was a pretty sick article that they should justify their attempts to discredit people for not believing what was in print and blaming them for not waiting on jehovah's channel of communication to clear things up . Who really does look like the evil slave here ? They are the only ones claiming to be the slave class .They are the first to condemn people over a difference of opinion . Yikes! the corruption of the ORG. is really starting to show ......

  • xjwms

    Thanks again Blondie.

    Another excellent jot

    Have a very safe drive for the weekend.

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