Baptism talk from June 12, 1982 New Jersey Meadowlands

by euripides 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • euripides

    Recently I found a cassette recording of the baptism talk from June 12, 1982 at the New Jersey Meadowlands and I decided to transcribe it for posterity. Below is an entire transcription of the talk, with only a minimum of editorial intrusion. It was scheduled for 35 minutes, as I recall, to give you an idea of the speaker's pace.

    The Speaker:

    We are particularly happy that you brothers and sisters are lovers of?.you have dedicated your lives to Jehovah, to do his will without reservation, as he reveals it to us through Christ Jesus, the Holy Scriptures, and by the power of the Holy Spirit. And this morning, you are symbolizing this publicly, by water baptism, before all onlookers. You are certainly doing the right thing. What you are doing this morning is the most important thing you have done so far in your lives. The scripture at Ecclesiastes 12:13 clearly says, ?The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is, fear the true God, keep his commandments. This is the whole obligation of man.? Others who are not here for baptism this morning may still be vacillating, limping between two decisions, as the prophet Elisha said. But you, Brothers and Sisters, by your dedication and baptism are showing where you stand. You have chosen to become an ordained minister of Jehovah and His Kingdom. You have chosen to become a preacher and supporter of Jehovah and His Kingdom. We rejoice with you in your decision! (Applause.)

    Now this morning you?re going to be baptized, but we have a question for you. What does your baptism signify? In our presentation this morning, we?re going to draw attention to four points particularly signified by your baptism.

    Number 1: Your baptism has saving power. Would you like to turn to First Peter chapter three? In First Peter chapter three, verse 20 mentions Noah?s day, and that a few people were carried safely through the water. Then after referring to the floodwaters, in verse 21 the Apostle Peter goes on to say, ?That which corresponds to this is also now saving you, namely, baptism.? Yes, that verse indicates that baptism is now saving you. In Noah?s day, the floodwaters destroyed the wicked, but at the same time they saved Noah and his family from that wicked generation. Likewise today, baptism, entered into in Jehovah?s way, with faith in Christ Jesus, is one of the things necessary in pursuit of baptism. [?] Baptism has saving power?its importance is not to be minimized.

    Point Number 2: Your baptism today shows something about you and your recent development and progress as a Christian. Would you like to turn to Colossians chapter one, verses nine and ten? In the first few verses of chapter one, the Apostle Paul mentions the love shown by the Colossians. Then, in verse nine, he stated, ?That is also why we, from the day we heard of it, have not ceased praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the accurate knowledge of his will.? In verse ten, Paul mentions walking worthily of Jehovah, and bearing fruit. But he also mentions, ?increasing in the accurate knowledge of God.? Now those verses show that the gaining of accurate knowledge is very important and increasing in accurate knowledge is also important. Through your study of the scriptures, you have gained an accurate knowledge of God?s will on many vital matters and you appreciate what you have learned. That?s why you have begun to walk in the way that?s pleasing to Jehovah. That?s why you are here today. To be sure that you really have an accurate knowledge of God?s will, the elders have recently gone over ?the 80 questions? in the Organization book with you. It was a review of important basic teachings of the Bible. And what are some of things you have learned and come to appreciate? Appropriate to our discussion this morning you have come to appreciate the need to repent from your former course, to turn around and get busy in Jehovah?s service. Acts 3:17 mentions the need to repent and turn around, that seasons of refreshing may come to you from the person of Jehovah. But now, what does it mean to repent? How would you describe it? To repent means to feel regret for what you have done in violation of God?s law, or, to feel regret for what you have failed to do. Let?s take these two parts one at a time. From your study of the scriptures you have to learn the high moral standards that must be adhered to by ordained ministers of Jehovah?s Kingdom. Perhaps you are one who has not always kept these high standards in the past. But now you have repented, feeling regret for your former course. You?ve turned around and changed your ways. That is as it should be. And Jehovah is willing to forgive you for your past misconduct, forgive you because of your faith in Christ Jesus and the ransom he has provided. The Apostle Paul clearly stated at 1 Corinthians 6:9 and 10 that unrighteous persons will not inherit God?s Kingdom. He said bluntly, ?Do not be misled. Fornicators, idolaters, men kept for unnatural purposes, men who lie with men,? or homosexuals, ?thieves, greedy persons, drunkards, revilers, extortioners, will not inherit God?s Kingdom. Yet,? he acknowledged, ?that is what some of you were.? But he went on to say, ?You have been washed clean. You have been sanctified. You have been declared righteous in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.? And we know that you Brothers and Sisters appreciate Jehovah?s forgiveness to you on the basis of the ransom sacrifice provided by his son. There are, however, some who have been associating with Jehovah?s people for a period of time who have held back from dedicating their lives to Jehovah and being baptized, feeling they are not good enough. But you have come to realize that this is not what Jehovah looks for. Rather Jehovah is willing by his undeserved kindness to forgive our sins. He does it on the basis of our repentance and Jesus? ransom. And He not only forgives us but he blesses us as we daily put forth an effort to make progress in both learning and doing his will.
    Now concerning the need to repent over what we have failed to do. It may be that you are one who has endeavored to live a clean moral life, and you pride yourself in this. And it may be also that you are one who has been most conscientious in looking after your own responsibilities in life and you are pride yourself in this also. But, is it possible that in the past, while you have been busy taking care of your own affairs in life, you were at the same time self-serving when it came to God?s service, and you were not using your time and energy and mind in God?s service as you should have been. If this was the case with you, then in your case too there is a need to repent, to feel regret over this failure on your part. Yes, there is a need to turn around and get busy in Jehovah?s service. [Hoots and whistles.] The Apostle Paul, at 2 Corinthians 5:14 and 15 was very clear in stating that Christ died ?that we might live no longer for ourselves but for him.? In harmony with these verses, we have come to appreciate that we must use our time and energy in the service of our God and His son Christ Jesus, but note that Paul also said in those verses, ?It is the love the Christ has that compels us to live no longer for ourselves.? And when we consider what Christ did, how, he set aside his own personal interest to come to the earth. He showed subjection to his earthly parents when was a youth. He zealously preached the good news. He [bore reproaches?] a vindicator of Jehovah. He provided a ransom so that our sins might be forgiven. Yes, when we consider all the things Jesus did, we are indeed compelled by such love to live our lives no longer for ourselves, but to spend our time and energy in his service and that of his Father, IS NOT THAT THE WAY YOU FEEL ABOUT IT? [Applause.] Yes, these things that we have just mentioned are all very important things. They are things you have learned and come to appreciate. You have been progressing very nicely.
    Now a third point signified by your baptism. Would you like to turn to Matthew chapter 16 verse 24? Your baptism this morning testifies that you are dedicating your life to be a minister of Jehovah God and a follower of Jesus Christ. In Matthew 16:24 it says, ?Then Jesus said to his disciples, ?If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself, and pick up his torture stake and continually follow me.?? Now Jesus said clearly, if we desire to be his disciples, we need to disown ourselves and follow him continually. From your study of the Scriptures, you?ve come to appreciate that the ministry and spiritual things must be paramount in your life. A materialistic, self-seeking course can no longer be your primary concern. You are not and cannot be your own leader, following an independent course of self-determination. Christ is your leader and you recognize this. Yes your baptism this morning is evidence that you are dedicating your life to Jehovah, to follow His direction and the leading of His son.
    And the fourth point concerning your baptism this morning. Your baptism this morning is viewed by Jehovah?s organization as an indication of your ordination as a minister of Jehovah God. Today is the day of your baptism and today is also the day of your ordination. Would you like to turn to 2 Corinthians chapter three verses 1 through 3? Both history and the Scriptures testify that an elaborate ceremony and a certificate are not necessary for an ordination to the Christian ministry. In 2 Corinthians chapter three the Apostle Paul revealed that those things usually looked to by humans as evidence of ordination are not necessary. In 2 Corinthians 3:1 the Apostle Paul asked, ?Are we starting again to recommend ourselves, or do we perhaps, like some men need letters of recommendation to you or from you. You yourselves are our letter, inscribed on our hearts and known and being read by all mankind, for you are shown to be a letter of Christ WRITTEN BY US, AS MINISTERS, inscribed not with ink but with spirit of the living God, not on stone tablets, but on fleshly tablets, on hearts.? Here Paul indicates that it was those to whom he had preached, those who responded to the truth and served as the strongest evidence that he was a minister, indeed a very effective minister of the good news. You may be interested to know that McClintock and Strong?s Cyclopedia of the Bible clearly says that ordination signifies the appointment or designation of a person to a ministerial office with or without attendant ceremony. In the case of Jesus, it was after the simple ceremony of Jesus? baptism that he first acknowledged his appointment as a minister and began to serve in that capacity. Do you remember that it was after Jesus? baptism that he stood up in the synagogue of Nazareth and read the account from Isaiah 61 stating that Jehovah?s spirit was upon him, anointing him to declare the good news and to preach about Jehovah?s [acceptable year.] So in your case too. This date, June 12th, 1982 is a very important date for you. Remember it. It is the date of your baptism. It is also the date of your ordination as a minister of Jehovah God and his Kingdom. [Applause.]
    Now another question for you. After your baptism, what will you do? As you give thought to that question, would you like to turn to Luke 13 verse 24? In Luke 13:24, it was God?s son Jesus Christ who said, ?Exert yourselves vigorously to get in through the narrow door, because many I tell you will seek to get in but will not be able. In this account an interested person had just asked Jesus about who would be saved. Now, we mentioned previously that baptism is an essential step toward salvation. But it is not the only step, it is not the last step, there is more to be done! And that is why Jesus said to ?Exert yourselves vigorously.? And one of the best places to exert ourselves is in Kingdom preaching. Now that you will become an ordained minister of Jehovah and his Kingdom, there will be a need for you to bring forth fruit as a minister in Kingdom preaching. Remember Paul told the Corinthians to whom he had preached saying ?You yourselves are our letter?being read by all mankind?.You are the proof we are ministers.? Yes had preached to them, he had taught them, and they had learned the truth through his ministry. And in our case, too, if we are busy preaching, there will people who observe us, and who will be able to say, ?Oh Yes! He?s been preaching in our home!? or ?Oh Yes! She?s been preaching in our neighborhood!? and it may be also that some will learn the truth, and thus be letters read by all men in further evidence that we are ministers of Jehovah God and the good news of His Kingdom.
    There are some other things you will need to do, too. Now that you have come this far, the Apostle Paul wrote, ?Do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together, as some have the custom.? This is very important. Because, as you regularly attend the meetings, not only will you be fed and strengthened spiritually, but you will be able to incite others who are in attendance to love and right works and to encourage them. Well, you can be sure that you will be able to do this only if we keep in close association with the congregation, only if you regularly attend the meetings. There will also be a need for you to watch yourself and your schedule. Take time regularly, yes, make time, daily, for personal study and prayer. And as you study, meditate on God?s word and what it says to you. Make needed adjustments in your thinking in your life. Make progress in doing God?s will. Keep filling your mind and heart with God?s thoughts. Only then can you bring good things out of your heart because it is a heart filled with God?s thoughts. Jesus said, a good man brings forth good out of the good treasure of his heart. And it is out of the hearts abundance that the mouth speaks. Also, as you watch yourself and your schedule, by all means do not neglect regular prayer to Jehovah, and it is not only at mealtime, and when you get up or retire that we need to keep matters before Jehovah in prayer. Surely you have come to appreciate this! Peter counseled all of us to be diligent with a view to prayer. And in all that you do, remember Paul?s counsel that ?Bad associations spoil useful habits. Do not be misled.? Your seeking bad associations will surely have a corrupting influence on you.
    As we have been talking, I am sure that you have come to realize that in order to look after your many responsibilities call for good balance and good planning on your part. To help you show proper balance, the Apostle Paul said, ?Make sure of the more important things.? Jesus said, ?Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness.? Jesus did this. We should too. Jesus was field oriented. We should be too. And as we follow Jesus? example, making spiritual things and the Kingdom preaching our primary concerns, we will be fulfilling our ministry and Jehovah?s favor and blessings will surely go with us. [Applause.] Now would you please turn to Romans chapter ten verse nine? Verse nine says, ?For if you publicly declare that word with your own mouth,? the end of the verse says, ?you will be saved.? Verse ten repeats the point. For with the heart one exercises faith for righteousness, but with the mouth one makes public declaration for salvation.
    Those of you planning to be baptized this morning now have an opportunity to make a public declaration of where you stand on these important matters, and we would like to request that the baptismal candidates please stand, so you will be in a position to reply with a strong voice to the questions that are asked. [Wild applause, local gasps. Approximately 699 individuals were standing.] Surely our brothers and sisters here in the stadium would like to be able to hear your response.
    Our first question: Have you repented of your sin and turned around, recognizing yourself before Jehovah God as a condemned sinner who needs salvation and have you acknowledged to Him that salvation proceeds from Him the Father through His son Christ Jesus? HAVE YOU?!

    THE THRONG: Yes!

    The second question: On the basis of this faith in God and His provision for salvation, have you dedicated yourselves unreservedly to God, to do His will, henceforth as He reveals it to you through Christ Jesus, through the Bible, and under the enlightening power of His Holy Spirit? HAVE YOU?!?

    THE THRONG: Yes!

    Those of you who have been able to reply yes to these questions and who have thus publicly acknowledged these things should be baptized today as ordained ministers of Jehovah God and His Kingdom.
    Now before the baptism, shall we express ourselves in prayer to Jehovah?

    Our Father Jehovah, we sincerely appreciate that we can come to you in prayer in Jesus? name to express to you our thanks and our praise and also to ask your blessing. Dear Father, we sincerely appreciate that we can be here. We?re happy for this large and wonderful convention and all our brothers and sisters who have worked so hard to make it possible. But Dear Father, this morning we are very happy that so many dear ones, young and old, are joining us as brothers and sisters in your Service. We?re thankful, Dear Father, for those who have presented themselves this morning to be servants of yours and presented themselves for baptism. And our prayer this morning is with them, Dear Father, that you will strengthen them and bless them. May this be a very happy day for all of them, the first of an eternity of days in your service. Dear Father, we pray that you will bless and strengthen them as they carry out their resolve to serve you faithfully. Help them, Dear Father, always to be humble, to appreciate that they are in Your Service, the service of Your son, and the service of their brothers and sisters. Help them to serve in a faithful way. Help them to appreciate that they are followers of Your son, and help them to follow his humble and faithful example. Dear Father we pray that you will also help them to grow in knowledge now that they have progressed to this point both they and all of us have so much to learn from you. Help us to grow in knowledge, help us to grow in wisdom, help us to grow in love of you so we always delight to do your will. And Dear Father we pray that you will bless these dear ones, and help them to be faithful ministers of You and Your kingdom, so they will always be happy in your service and their service will always be an honor to You. We thank you sincerely for your patience with us and Your forgiveness, and beg that you forgive us now and in the future through the merits of Your son Christ Jesus, and help us to make progress in doing Your will. For your goodness to us, and in happy occasion we thank you sincerely in Jesus? name. Amen. [Applause.]
    Well, as you can tell all of your brothers and sisters here rejoice with you, and we would like to request that the baptismal candidates please remain standing, our chairman has further direction for you.

    Other notes: 61,120 were announced as in attendance at the morning session. 699 were recorded as immersion candidates. Song number 82 in the former Singing book was used.


  • Odrade

    It's interesting to see the previous incarnation of baptismal questions, but even more interesting, IMO is this:

    Those of you who have been able to reply yes to these questions and who have thus publicly acknowledged these things should be baptized today as ordained ministers of Jehovah God and His Kingdom.

    Again, no mention of the WTS, baptism is a symbol of ordination to be ministers of Jehovah, not the WTS.

    And yet, if you point out this critical difference to an active JW, they probably just won't see it.


  • Neo

    Thanks, euripedes.

    Well, by no means I have the will to read all of this, but, as Odrade has said, one thing stands out: the baptism questions.

    Our first question: Have you repented of your sin and turned around, recognizing yourself before Jehovah God as a condemned sinner who needs salvation and have you acknowledged to Him that salvation proceeds from Him the Father through His son Christ Jesus? HAVE YOU?!

    The second question: On the basis of this faith in God and His provision for salvation, have you dedicated yourselves unreservedly to God, to do His will, henceforth as He reveals it to you through Christ Jesus, through the Bible, and under the enlightening power of His Holy Spirit? HAVE YOU?!?

    There is no "organization" in those questions. They sound as standard Christian speech, with even some trinitarian overtones ('God, through Christ Jesus, under the Holy Spirit').

    They shamelessly changed the baptism questions to include the Organization concept in the eighties:

    The first question is: On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will?

    The second is: Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah?s Witnesses in association with God?s spirit-directed organization?

    They said that change was a "simplification":

    *** w87 4/15 12 Gaining Peace With God Through Dedication and Baptism ***
    Recently the two questions addressed to baptismal candidates were simplified so that candidates could answer with full comprehension of what is involved in coming into intimate relationship with God and his earthly organization.

    Weird concept, isn't it?

    That's the JW's Holy Trinity: (1) The Father, (2) The Son, (3) The spirit-directed Faithful and Discreet Slave. And the three are One. ("Obey the Organization!")


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