QFR on blood reprinted in Watchtower magazine

by stichione 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stichione

    In the June 15, 2000 issue of the Watchtower magazine, the WTS printed a Question from readers entitled "Do Jehovah's Witnesses accept any minor fractions of blood? Well, guess what? 4 years to the day later, the WTS reprinted that very same QFR word for word!

    To my knowledge, this is the first time in over 50 years the WTS reprinted a QFR word for word. I wonder if this means that in the last 4 years they received countless letters, phonecalls and inquiries into their stand on blood transfusions, perhaps even criticism, and they think that by simply repeating a QFR like a mantra would be enough to make everyone shut-up.

    Any thoughts or comments on this?

  • rocketman

    I haven't seen the QFR in question, though I did read the one in 2000. However, I wouldn't be surprised, since they showed a tendency to do that when, for example, in the 8/2002 KM, they addressed the treatment of Df'd and DA'd jws by pretty much rehashing WT articles from 1981.

  • little witch
    little witch

    QFR? Does anyone really believe that nonsense? With so many questions that are truly wanting answered by the members (the un involvement, jehovah loves life over death so why deny blood, why shun when it is a failure, why not help victims of abuse, why the return to old light, etc), These questions it appears according to the lit, are not important enough to answer.

    I find it very difficult to believe that the qfr is anything of the sort. It is IMO another deception to make the members believe that some degree of care and concern is given them, when nothing could be further from the truth.

  • blondie

    It only proves that most JWs don't read their WTS, the study articles maybe.


  • metatron

    Most Witlesses don't even think about how much of the magazines is simply 'cut and paste'.

    They're really 'phoning it in' these days - with Freddie gone and no inspiration whatsoever.


  • Elsewhere
    It only proves that most JWs don't read their WTS, the study articles maybe.

    The only time I ever read the study article was durring the actual study at the KH.

    The only time I ever read the mags outside of the KH was when I was walking up to the first house in FS... I would thumb through the mags and scan a few headings and subheadings. That way I would have at least a *general* idea of what the mags were about for doing my presentation

    At no time did I ever actually *read* the mags. And yes, they made wonderful padding for my trash bags.

  • blondie
    The only time I ever read the study article was durring the actual study at the KH.

    Yes, I guess that is what I meant. The WTS realized that many side articles were not being read in the WTS and started having them given as the instruction talk during the school.

    Has anyone ever called someone on the HLC about hemoglobin-based products and their scripturalness?


  • UnDisfellowshipped

    This issue of the Watchtower that you are discussing (June 15, 2004 Issue) contains massive amounts of contradictory statements about their own Blood Policies.

    I am going to start a new Thread all about this one Watchtower magazine tonight!

    I was shocked to see so many statements that completely contradicted each other in the SAME magazine!

    The two Study Articles are all about Blood Fractions, and then they also reprinted the June 15, 2000 QFR all about Blood Fractions.

  • stichione

    I took forward to reading your post UD!

  • stichione

    Elsewhere, I too read the study articles only during the Watch Tower study itself!

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