1874 v. 1914 date change?a masterpiece... (Part TWO)

by MacHislopp 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • MacHislopp

    Hello everyone,

    As I have mentioned already, here below I?m presenting the material for the :

    Part TWO : The WTBS Inc. worldwide teaching about

    the change of date, from 1874 to 1914;

    To begin, the earliest known WTBS Inc.?s published material , about the change of date -from the year 1874 to the year 1914 - can be traced in one of their publication i.e. themagazine called ? The Golden Age ?.-

    * Quote from the year 1930:

    ? The Golden Age ? page 503

    "In Matthew 24 Jesus gives his disciples some proofs that he would be present...These tangible evidences will be the beginning of the work of destroying the present evil conditions and systems. This work of destruction began in 1914... If it is true that Jesus has been present since the year 1914 , then it must be admitted that nobody has seen Him with his natural eyes." -

    * Quote from the year 1949:

    In ?The Watchtower? July 15th, 1949 (page 215, paragraph 22), the statement is made:

    ? . . . Messiah, the Son of man, came into Kingdom power A.D. 1914 and . . . this constitutes his second coming and the beginning of his second parousía or presence.?

    The above quote is also given as a reminder in the year 1973, in

    the book : " God's Kingdom of a Thousand Years Has Approached' ,

    page 209 paragraph 55 .-

    Strangely enough, this claim is a rather surprising one. Because in another WTBS Inc.?s publication , a different claim is made - that the change took place in 1943 - rather than 1930.

    As usual we have to proceed by leaps and bonds, back and forward and in this case , the statement , published in 1973 concerns events relating to the year ?1943 !

    * * Quote from the year 1973:

    From the book : " God's Kingdom of a Thousand Years Has Approached' ,

    published by the WTBS Inc. in the year 1973 , pages 206-211, §§ 48- 57

    *** ka 206-11 11 "Here Is the Bridegroom!" ***


    48 It is true that the editor and publisher of Zion?s Watch Tower and Herald of Christ?s Presence calculated that the ?presence? or parousia of the heavenly Bridegroom began in the year 1874 C.E.

    Also, that the date of the first man?s creation by Jehovah God was in the year 4128 B.C.E., which meant that six thousand years of man?s existence on the earth ended in the year 1872 C.E., as calculated by Russell and his associates.

    This reckoning began to be announced on the front page of Zion?s Watch Tower and Herald of Christ?s Presence beginning with the issue of July 1, 1906, and this practice continued down through the issue of September 15, 1928. For instance, on the first of such mentioned issues appeared the date of issue: ?July 1, A.D. 1906?A.M., 6034?; whereas the dating of the last mentioned issue was: ?Anno Mundi 6056?September 15, 1928.? The Anno Mundi or ?Year of the World? date was calculated to be the year 4128 before our Common Era.

    49 Two years, however, were allowed for the innocence of the perfect man and woman in the Garden of Eden before sin entered, and hence the year of sin?s entrance was calculated as 4126 B.C.E. This resulted in their calculating six thousand years of sin as ending in 1874 C.E., in which year also, in the autumn, the seventh millennium began, for the instigator of sin, Satan the Devil, to be bound and cast into the bottomless pit and for Christ to start reigning for the foretold thousand years. This meant that the year of the start of Christ?s reign was also the year of his return and the beginning of his invisible presence or parousia.

    50 The above chronology followed the suggestion that was made in Wilson?s The Emphatic Diaglott, in its footnote on Acts 13:20, which verse read: ?And after these things, he gave Judges about four hundred and fifty years, till Samuel the prophet.? The footnote on this reading of the verse said:

    A difficulty occurs here which has very much puzzled Biblical chronologists. The date given here is at variance with the statement found in 1 Kings 6:1. There have been many solutions offered, but only one which seems entirely satisfactory, i.e., that the text in 1 Kings 6:1 has been corrupted, by substituting the Hebrew character daleth (4) for hay (5) which is very similar in form. This would make 580 years (instead of 480) from the exode to the building of the temple, and exactly agree with Paul?s chronology.

    51 Accordingly, on page 53 of the book entitled ?The Time Is at Hand,? author C. T. Russell wrote, referring to 1 Kings 6:1:

    It evidently should read the five-hundred-and-eightieth year, and was possibly an error in transcribing; for if to Solomon?s four years we add David?s forty, and Saul?s space of forty, and the forty-six years from leaving Egypt to the division of the land, we have one hundred and thirty years, which deducted from four hundred and eighty would leave only three hundred and fifty years for the period of the Judges, instead of the four hundred and fifty years mentioned in the Book of Judges, and by Paul, as heretofore shown. The Hebrew character ?daleth? (4) very much resembles the character ?hay? (5), and it is supposed that in this way the error has occurred, possibly the mistake of a transcriber. I Kings 6:1, then, should read five hundred and eighty, and thus be in perfect harmony with the other statements.

    Thus, by inserting 100 years into the Bible chronology during the period of the Judges, man?s creation was pushed back 100 years to 4128 B.C.E., and the six thousand years of man?s existence on earth ended in 1872 C.E. (The Time Is at Hand, page 42) Then the allowance of two years before the entry of sin led to the year 1874 as the year in which six thousand years of human sin terminated and the seventh thousand years for the elimination of sin by Christ?s reign began. So the Grand Jubilee was then due to begin.

    52 According to the oldest manuscripts of the Christian Greek Scriptures, however, the reading of Acts 13:20 is different from that given in The Emphatic Diaglott and the King James Authorized Version of the Bible. So, according to the most ancient manuscripts, the four hundred and fifty years are not applied to the period of the Judges. In verification of this, The New English Bible (of the year 1970) renders Acts 13:20 as follows: ?for some four hundred and fifty years, and afterwards appointed judges for them until the time of the prophet Samuel.?

    The Jerusalem Bible (English translation of 1966) reads: ?for about four hundred and fifty years. After this he gave them judges, down to the prophet Samuel.? The Revised Standard Version Bible of 1952 reads similarly, and so does the American Standard Version Bible of 1901 C.E.

    53 Furthermore, the oldest Hebrew manuscripts extant, like those of the Dead Sea Scrolls, spell out the numbers of the Bible and do not use alphabetic characters for numerals, thus not allowing for a transcriber?s visual error at 1 Kings 6:1.

    54 The insertion of 100 years into Bible chronology during the period of the Judges is thus seen not to rest upon Scriptural grounds.

    The insertion should therefore be dropped and the Bible should be accepted just as it reads concerning its chronology.

    Unavoidably, then, this would affect the date for the parousia of the Bridegroom Jesus Christ to begin.

    With the Watch Tower magazine?s issue of January 1, 1939, the title was changed to The Watchtower and Herald of Christ?s Kingdom, and with the issue of March 1, 1939, to The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah?s Kingdom.

    This did not mean that the publishers of the magazine no longer believed in the presence or parousia of Christ as being then in progress.

    It meant, rather, that more importance was given to the Kingdom, to the kingdom of Jehovah God by Jesus Christ, for it is Jehovah?s kingdom by Christ that will vindicate Jehovah?s universal sovereignty.

    55 In the year 1943 the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society published the book ?The Truth Shall Make You Free.?

    In its chapter 11, entitled ?The Count of Time,? it did away with the insertion of 100 years into the period of the Judges and went according to the oldest and most authentic reading of Acts 13:20 , and accepted the spelled-out numbers of the Hebrew Scriptures.

    This moved forward the end of six thousand years of man?s existence into the decade of the 1970?s.

    Naturally this did away with the year 1874 C.E . as the date of return of the Lord Jesus Christ and the beginning of his invisible presence or parousia.

    The millennium that was to be marked by the detaining of Satan the Devil enchained in the abyss and by the reign of the 144,000 joint heirs with Christ in heavenly glory was therefore yet in the future. What, then, about the parousia (presence) of Christ?

    Page 324 of the above book positively says : ?The King?s presence or parousia began in 1914 .?

    Also, in the Watchtower issue of July 15, 1949 (page 215, paragraph 22), the statement is made:

    ? . . . Messiah, the Son of man, came into Kingdom power A.D. 1914 and . . . this constitutes his second coming and the beginning of his second parousía or presence.?

    56 In the year 1950, there was published the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures, with the most authentic reading of Acts 13:20, and translating pa·rou·si'a every time as ?presence.? Immediately afterward appeared the book ?This Means Everlasting Life.? Its chapter 21 was entitled ?Second Presence of Life?s Chief Agent.?

    Here was a whole chapter on the subject according to the straight Bible timetable.

    On pages 220-222, we read:

    The evidence already considered proves that A.D. 1914 God?s kingdom was born and his Son was enthroned with authority to rule with an iron rod amid his foes. Eventually he will dash them to pieces and rid the universe of all fighters against God?s rightful sovereignty.?Psalm 2:8, 9.

    So A.D. 1914 marks the time of Christ?s invisible return in spirit. . . . His coming into the Kingdom in 1914 marks the beginning of his second presence or pa·rou·si'a. This Greek word means presence.

    . . . Although invisible in spirit, his second presence is of such importance to people over all the earth that it must not be kept secret, and it will not be. . . . ?For just as the lightning comes out of eastern parts and shines over to western parts, so the presence [pa·rou·si'a] of the Son of man will be.??Matthew 24:26, 27, NW.

    Since 1914 the present Christ has been making the evidences of his second presence or pa·rou·si'a manifest and understandable to men everywhere.

    57 How harmonious with the inspired Scriptures it is, then, that Christ did not begin reigning forty years before the end of the Gentile Times in 1914!

    Rather, he waited till then at his heavenly Father?s right hand to begin ruling in the midst of his earthly enemies, whom Jehovah places as a stool for his feet! (Psalm 110:1, 2; Hebrews 10:12, 13)

    Rightly, then, his royal presence or parousia began in that year. In the year 1919, as history proves, he caused the midnight cry to sound on earth and roused the sleeping ?virgins? to the urgency of the situation. ?Here is the bridegroom! Be on your way out to meet him.? That cry assured them of the heavenly Bridegroom?s presence. The ?discreet? virgin class has since been on its way out to meet him. They are seen shining as luminaries in this benighted world. This in itself is an evidence that the promised presence of Christ is upon us. It is also an evidence that God?s kingdom by Christ of a thousand years has approached!


    48. (a) The editor and publisher of Zion?s Watch Tower calculated that Christ?s presence began in what year? (b) Also, what was the date of man?s creation, as published on the cover page of The Watch Tower for some years?

    49. (a) When was sin?s entrance calculated to have occurred? (b) When, therefore, was the millennium to begin for Satan?s casting into the bottomless pit and for Christ?s reign?

    50. That chronology followed what footnote on Acts 13:20 as found in Wilson?s Emphatic Diaglott?

    51. (a) Accordingly, what did author C. T. Russell say on page 53 of ?The Time Is at Hand? regarding 1 Kings 6:1? (b) According to that, when was man created, when did 6,000 years of sin end, and when did the Grand Jubilee begin?

    52. According to the oldest Greek manuscripts, the 450 years of Acts 13:20 apply before or during the period of the Judges, as shown by modern Bible translations?

    53. Did the ancient Hebrew Bible manuscripts use alphabetic characters to stand for numbers?

    Footnote :

    When, after Bible times, the Hebrews used alphabetic letters for numbers, they had no symbol for zero, as their system had no zero. Hence 400 was not represented by the letter daleth followed by two zeros, and 500 by the letter he followed by two zeros. The number 400 was represented by one Hebrew letter (taw), and the number 500 was represented by two Hebrew letters (taw qoph). The number eighty was represented by the Hebrew letter pe, whereas ten was represented by the one letter yod. So there was no likelihood of mistaking taw pe (480) as distinguished from taw qoph pe (580).

    54. (a) The accepting of Bible chronology just as written would affect the beginning of what period here under discussion? (b) Did dropping of ?Presence? from the Watchtower title mean that Christ?s presence was no longer believed in?

    55. (a) When and how was the insertion of 100 years into the period of the Judges done away with, so that 6,000 years of man?s existence ended when? (b) How did this affect the date 1874 C.E., and what question arose?

    56. (a) In 1950, what new Bible translation was published, and with what rendering of Acts 13:20? (b) Also, what statement was made about Christ?s presence according to straight Bible chronology?

    57. (a) Did Christ begin reigning amidst his enemies before the end of the Gentile Times in 1914? (b) When did the Bridegroom cause the midnight cry to be heard, and what has taken place since is evidence of what important facts?

    (When reading the above material, please, do compare its content with the 'Zion Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence ' published on October 1st 1907 , Reprints 4067 (p.294 ), subtitle 'KNOWLEDGE AND FAITH REGARDING CHRONOLOGY' .-

    Do notice also some quite strange expressions i.e.


    **? .. It is true that the editor and publisher .... calculated that the

    ?presence? or parousia ....began in the year 1874 C.E.'

    *? ....as calculated by Russell and his associates. ' etc. etc.

    Clearly, all the above mentioned quotes, from the WTBS Inc.?s publications, prove that the new date - for the return of Jesus Christ , i.e. 1914, as replacement of the date 1874 , was officially made in the year 1943 ! All this by a simple stroke of a pen i.e. the publication of the WTBS Inc.?s new book : "The Truth Shall Make You Free" published in the year 1943 .-

    * Quote from the year 1943 ? given as reminder in a 1973 publication ? thanks to ? Dirtclod .com . -


    were come out of the land of Egypt,in the

    fourth year of Solomon's reign over Israel,in

    the month iv,which is the second month,that

    he began to build the house of Jehovah ."There-

    after Solomon reigned thirty-six years.1 Kings

    6 1,,2,A.R.V.11 42 In the original Hebrew

    text of these verses the numbers of years are

    written spelled out in full .It was first hundreds

    of years after Christ that alphabetic letters be-

    gan to be used as symbols of numbers,and then

    these were used merely to number the chapters

    and verses,but NOT to change the original He-

    brew text .Without any other definite Scripture

    time statement we accept 1 Kings 6 1,,2,and

    proceed with measuring the time .

    From God's covenant with

    Abraham to the exodus was 430 years

    From the exodus to the begin-

    ning of the temple 480 years

    To Solomon's death and Rehoboam's reign 36 years

    To Abijah's reign 17 years

    To Asa's reign 3 years

    To Jehoshaphat's reign 41 years

    To Jehoram's reign 25 years

    To Ahaziah's reign 8 years

    To Athaliah's reign 1 ye a r

    To Joash's reign 6 years

    To Amaziah's reign 40 years

    To Uzziah's reign 29 years

    To Jotham's reign 52 years

    Page 151 THE COUNT OF TIME

    To Ahaz's reign

    To Hezekiah's reign

    To Manasseh's reign

    To Amon's reign

    To Josiah's reign

    To Jehoahaz's reign

    To Jehoiakim's reign

    To Jehoiachin's reign

    To edekiah's reign

    16 years

    16 years

    29 years

    55 years

    2 years

    31 years

    3 months

    11 years

    3 months

    To Jerusalem's desolation 11 years

    To the end of seventy years'

    desolation in the first year

    of King Cyrus of Persia 70 years

    To the end ancient time

    of the year B .C.1 536 years

    From the Abrahamic covenant

    through B .C.1 1,945 years

    The above figures are based upon the record of Israel's kings as given in 2 Chronicles,chap-

    ters 12 to 36 .Both 2 Chronicles 36 19--23 and

    Ezra 1 1--6,and Daniel 5 28--31,agree that it

    was in the first year of Cyrus'reign that he per-

    mitted the Jews to depart from Babylon and

    return to Jerusalem to build the temple,thus

    ending the seventy years'desolation of the land

    of Judea.

    It is well established that two years

    after the overthrow of Babylon in 538 B .C.by

    Darius the Mede and his nephew,Cyrus the

    Persian,the first year of Cyrus'exclusive rule

    began,which year was 536 B .C.So,putting


    together the three great periods of time from

    Adam's creation onward,we get the following


    From Adam's creation to the Flood was 1,656 years

    From the Flood to the

    Abrahamic covenant was 427 years

    From the Abrahamic cove-

    nant to end of B .C.1 was 1,945 years

    From Adam's creation to

    the end of B .C.1 was 4,028 years

    Thereafter the so-called Anno Domini or A.D.

    period began.

    From the beginning of A.D.1,or Year of the

    ord 1,to the beginning of A .D.1944 is 1,943

    full years,which,being added to the above

    table,give the time measurement from Adam's

    creation to date

    From Adam's creation to

    the end of B .C.1 was 4,028 years

    From beginning of A .D.1

    to the end of 1943 is 1,943 years

    From Adam's creation to

    the end of 1943 A.D.is 5,971 years

    We are therefore near the end of six

    thousand years of human history ,with

    conditions upon us and tremendous events at

    hand foreshadowed by those of Noah's day .-Luke

    17 26--30 .

    In conclusion to this second part, I do believe that the many quotes from the WTBS Inc's own publications , are beyond any doubt ?convincing evidence? that the 1874 date was consistently maintained for about 54 years , i.e. - from 1876 to 1930 ? .

    When examining the publications of the WTBS Inc. we do well to keep in mind , among other things, the following statement:

    *** g84 8/22 p. 28 From Our Readers ***

    ?. The Catholic Church occupies a very significant position in the world and claims to be the way of salvation for hundreds of millions of people. Any organization that assumes that position should be willing to submit to scrutiny and criticism. All who criticize have the obligation to be truthful in presenting the facts and fair and objective in assessing such. In both respects we try to live up to that obligation.?ED.

    With all the above material, ends part TWO.

    Greetings, J.C. MacHislopp

    « The truth can never be hurt by a lie, but a lie can be

    exposed by the truth «

  • invictus

    hi J.C.

    Thank you very much for this good post.it is truly amazing how wt on one hand criticise catholic church that it does not stand to scrutiny yet there own words condemn them.

    regarding all that dates and calculating times that wt does, do you think society took into consideration the fact that according to jewish calculation of time every 3,6,8,11,14,17 and 19th year one month would be added for each year in every 19th period.that would add some extra years wouldn`t it?

    please do not mind me asking do you know where did society find that there was" two years before entry of sin"? it is amazing how they come up with some statement and then they just add " convincing evidence" and many of us would accept without questioning.

    thank you again.


  • AlanF

    Hi Mac,

    Nice work!

    Several years ago I attempted to figure out exactly when, between 1929 and 1943, the WTS actually changed its doctrine that Christ invisibly returned in 1874 to 1914. Various books and The Watchtower contain statements that waffle back and forth. I never really could make any sense of it. Likely, Rutherford was unwilling to make a complete break with 1874 because he had made so many grandiose claims about the date. Only after his death could Freddie Franz make a complete break with the past, and as you've seen in the God's Kingdom of a Thousand Years book, he did it via a good deal of obfuscation.

    Another interesting and blatantly dishonest change was made in 1943 and 1944: migrating the 606 date to 607 B.C. This was done on page 239 of The Truth Shall Make You Free and pages 171+ of The Kingdom Is At Hand. For a long discussion of this, see the two articles on "606 to 607" here: http://www.geocities.com/osarsif/index2.htm


  • JCanon

    Thanks, JC, this is a wonderful article! I note the following good points:

    1. That they had the 6,000 years well in mind back then. I didn't realize it was such a focus. So that was interesting.

    2. The "450 years" changed to 500 years was also of very interesting note. It was perceived to be an error because they couldn't accommodate the difference between the 480 years from Exodus to 4th of Solomon and and the 450 years of period of Judges down to Samuel. Of course, there is no contradiction. The age of the judges included Moses down to the death of Samuel, which if that was only 450 years, we can presume he died 30 years before the 4th of Solomon. Thus some of the period of the "judges" overlaps the period of the "kings", no problem, no conflict. Samuel died before Saul. Still, we see a rather absolute desperation to make the "chronology" work.

    3. AlanF makes a big deal out of the 606BCE vs 607BCE but it's not that big of a point, only a technicality, after all 1914 is 40 years from 1874.

    Of course, when you consider that the witnesses are suposed to be the temple organization, God's chosen people, and the light gets brighter and brighter, one looks a little closer at some of their primary doctrines. Thus 1874 is a 120-year "Noah's generation" to 1994, and the "last generation" of 1914, the generation of a modern man of 80 years (Ps 90:10) is 80 years from 1914 to 1996. So both dates are still Biblical dates as far as chronology is concerned, whether the witnesses ever got it straight as to exactly what significance those dates had.

    Finally, those paying really close attention do not confuse "second coming" and "parousia", nor do they ignore a point in which "Michael stands up". Thus, Michael "stands up" (Daniel 12) in 1874, his "parousia" begins in 1914 (events specifically noted to occur in the generation leading up to Christ's second coming, like a procession of events in a caravan preceeding the dignitary), a PERIOD OF TIME, unlike the POINT IN TIME of the "second coming, a specifically dated event that occurs near the end of the "parousia".

    1874 -- Michael stands up, beings 120-year 'Noah's day" generation.

    1914 - Parousia begins, leading to second coming prior to 80 years expiration in 1994, begins "last generation"

    1994 - Ends "last generation" of 120 years from 1874 and 80 years from 1994 and occurs just after the "second coming".

    Thanks, again for the details!!!


  • MacHislopp

    Hello everyone,

    These few lines to acknowledge your addition

    to the subject.


    Thanks for the comments and your appreciative words.

    As for the answer to your questions? some of the WTBS Inc.

    informations/explanations/viewpoints/ and so on are pure

    ?men?s idea but passed as ??spirit directed? !


    Thanks for your comments and your words of appreciation.

    Coming from you?well it?s nice.

    Thanks also for the link concerning the two articles "606 to 607".

    You can be sure that I?ll look at it. Btw I do agree with your choice

    of words concerning the WTBS Inc. change : ? ? blatantly dishonest?.


    Thanks for the comment and your appreciation.

    Concerning the ?chronology? after all the mess made

    By the mighty WTBS Inc., I do believe that all Christians

    should just pay attention to Jesus? words :

    « Keep on watch ? »

    and also :

    ?When the Son of Man arrives, will he really find the

    faith on earth??

    So, when the Great Judge will decide?we better be found prepared.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

    P.S. Part THREE is ready.

  • yesidid

    Just bring up part 2 of this brilliant series.

  • yesidid

    Sorry double post.

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