Comments You Will NOT Hear at the 11-3 WT Study

by blondie 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Comments You Wont Hear at the November 3, 2002 WT Study



    This talk was given at the 2002 District Convention. I found it insulting and that the audience was being treated like children. Maybe the speakers are tired of seeing the above. Note how the WTS makes it the publishers fault rather than theirs and their spirit-appointed dupes.

    "Distraction can lead to disaster." The WTS then says that Judaism was distracting the Hebrew Christians because they wanted "tangible" worship, to see the priests and smell the burning sacrifices. "Christianity may have seen rather abstract in nature."

    Do JWs walk by sight? Do they believe something only if an elder, CO, DO says it? It isnt enough to see it in the Bible, is it necessary for a human man to say it for it to be true? Can you think of some ways that JWs say, "it is only true if I see it."

    The Hebrew Christians did not know the day and the hour Jerusalem would be destroyed. "Some Christians in Jerusalem lost their sense of urgency." Watch how the WTS ties this in with today.


    "We face an impending destruction. Of course, we do not know the precise day and hour. Nevertheless, we are eyewitnesses to the fulfillment of Bible prophecies that clearly indicate we are in "the last days."" (Here the WTS only cites 2 Timothy 3:1-5) Obviously not much scriptural proof is offered to support the "clearly" indicated prophecy. We dont know the "precise" day and hour. I remember back near 1973 a brother saying, "We dont know the day or the hour but we know the year."

    So what will help us? According to the WTS, being regular in our attendance at Christian meetings, assemblies, and conventions. Being "ardent" students of the Bible. While the WTS brings up the Bible often, the real solution is to "gather for instruction with fellow believers." The serious problem to be addressed now is increasing "our attention span at meetings." Lot of sleepy JWs in the audience evidently.


    What makes paying attention a challenge according to the WTS?

    Crying infants


    Being tired at a long days work (maybe too long, materialism creeping in?)

    Tada, the real culprit is mentioned

    "The one who is speaking from the platform might not be the most captivating speaker" but then nothing, no admonition to the brother to prepare better if he prepared at all, no comment at all.

    The solution, first one

    "It is usually easier to pay attention at meetings if WE are well prepared." WE meaning the audience not the brother giving the talk!

    Second one, "sit close to the front of the Kingdom Hall"

    How many have or had congregations that roped off the back rows because it would fill up. I went to one hall where the first 5 rows were totally empty. The speaker stopped his talk and asked if he had bad breath. Some laughed nervously, as he asked some to move up. Only about 5 did, and that didnt include any elders, MS, or their families.

    Third, fourth, fifth

    "Maintaining eye contact with the speaker, following along in the Bible when a scripture is read, and taking notes are other ways"

    Am I imagining that the WTS, is telling an audience mostly made up of long-time "mature" JWs to follow along in the Bible?!

    Of course, remember why JWs really gather. "We meet with fellow believers primarily to worship Jehovah." I have news for the WTS, the meetings are mostly for social purposes.

    Now the WTS finally addresses the real cause of distraction but look at their spin. "It is true that those on the program should do their utmost to employ the art of teaching and especially to reach hearts. Yet we who are listening should not be unduly critical." "Our prime concern should be, not how well the speaker delivers his talk, but how well we incline our ear.""If we are eager to take in the knowledge of God, we will benefit from meetings, regardless of a speakers abilities." Remember that now when you go to a restaurant. The quality of the food, how it is prepared and served are not the important point but how hungry and appreciative we are. (Believe me, if someone put a cowpie on my plate, no amount of appreciation would get me to eat it!)


    "Reading and pondering over the Bible and Christian publications will furnish us precious opportunities to imbed the truths of Gods Word in our heart. This, in turn, will have a profound effect on the way we think and act."

    First, the WTS is thoroughly convinced that we need Christian publications (what happened to the "Bible-based publications?). Actually, if they had a choice to make, keep the Bible or keep the publications, the Bible would go, after all the necessary scriptures are already in the publications.

    I think the COs and the brothers at the assemblies have been noticing too many dozing out in the audience. Notice these phrases.

    "We need to develop our powers of concentration." "It is so easy to be distracted!" "Minor interruptions cause use to lose focus." "Or we may have a short attention span to begin with." "Good intentions but before long the mind may be grazing in other pastures."

    Of course, the blame is put on the audience again, not those speaking from the platform.

    Meditation "helps us to get Gods thoughts off the printed page and into our heart." What printed page do you think the WTS means? The Bible or the WT?

    To all you last-minute highlighters and underliners, note this. "Our goal should be to linger in study rather than to rush through it." And dont miss out on this, "And we can do further research using the vast amount of material provided by the faithful and discreet slave class." What happened to the vast amount of material provided by Jehovah, the Bible?! "There is great value in peering into the deep things of God." Well, you wont find them anywhere but the Bible!

    Well, that was pretty lightweight stuff compared to next weeks KEEP PRACTICING THE THINGS YOU HAVE LEARNED, translated to KEEP AWAY FROM THOSE APOSTATES. See how they apply 1 John 4:1, "test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God." Learn how the WTS says seeds of doubt can be sown by the media, the Internet and by modern-day apostates. I have comments written all over. If you have any observations, experiences or comments yourself on this weeks crap please post. Save any for next week. I should have it up by Wednesday depending on the vomit factor.


    Edited by - Blondie on 1 November 2002 7:42:36

  • surferdude


    nice job,, keep up the good work,,, i think i will use some of your comments during the study, i have to agree that i hate the study articles that are just the manuscripts of talks given at conventions, i Hate repetition, and i also hate when studies are way too simplistic . NO ONE needs a study to learn how to pay attention!!!! either you do or you don't . either you want to or you don't want to! the only excuse most people come up with for a study like this is " it is for the new ones, young ones, and those in countries FAR less advanced than our country (ie. third world contries)... but that is crap.

    keep up the "studying"


  • blondie

    Thanks, surferdude. They do insult our intelligence weekly!

    Can't say anything negative. I call it the "Emperor's New Clothes" syndrome.

  • PurpleV

    OK, now that I've stopped hurling, I can reply.

    Still blaming the victim. It's always everyone else's fault but the GB. It's the molestee that's to blame, not the molester. It's not the speaker's fault, we're not listening correctly. My personal fave: We NEVER said it was 1975. You all leapt to conclusions. Well, smack my hand!


    Thanks, Blondie!

    Hugs, V

  • jgnat

    Thanks, blondie. You have inspired me to undertake a whole different type of note-taking. Makes study time so much more fun. Here are my marginal notes for this week's study.

    For this reason, it is necessary to pay more than the usual attention to the things heard by us, that we may never drift away Hebrews 2:1

    1 Car Wrecks caused by inattentive drivers. That is the illustration used for this study. The message is clear. Keep your eye on the FDS class teachings, or you will end up in the ditch. It got me to wondering. What kind of distractions should drivers be paying attention to? How about street signs, other drivers, where they are going...if you are no longer sure where you are heading, it might be a good idea to pull over to check your map. Why are you a part of the WTS? Is the organization still going in the direction you want to go?

    2 Hebrews 2:1 as quoted at the beginning of the article is an incomplete sentence. The scriptures start with For this reason. When I study, a sentence like that leads me to read the preceding verses. The reason is Christ's sovereignty. He did an amazing thing at Cavalry, and we should never forget it. This is the only paragraph in the study that identifies the reason to pay attention. Ah, well. Major point missed. Lets see what nutritious food the FDS has prepared for us..

    3" ..some Hebrew Christians were starting to drift away from the true faith." Note the subtle use of the word true. As compared to what? False faith? That couldn't be referring to all of Christendom's churches, could it?

    4." ...the system of worship under the Law involved tangible things." The FDS couldn't be referring to ties, hem lengths and time cards, could they?

    For I delight in loving-kindness, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt-offerings. Hos 6:6 Darby

    5 Note that Christianity introduced a whole new system of worship, not based on outward acts. This is important later.

    6, 7 Can't forget the Fear Factor. "They took their eyes off the road, as it were. If they did not adjust their thinking, disaster was certain." Don't investigate. Don't question. Adjust your thinking to the stated truth. Since the FDS class can't possibly be wrong, it must be you. Could fear be a major reason the other sheep continue to be faithful to the slave?

    8 The message is that the other sheep must live in a constant state of urgency and fear. Or else. Adrenaline causes blood to pool in the major organs and away from the brain. Higher thinking is temporarily cut off, as the body prepares for immediate action. That is why my biggest mistakes at work have happened when I was zipping around on adrenaline. Boy, did I look stupid when it was all over!

    9, 10" can we show that we are paying more than the usual attention to spiritual things?" Oops. Back to the old Hebrew emphasis on works. See paragraphs 4 and 5. And what happened to worship? Worship involves psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. It includes musical instruments and dancing. See Jeremiah 31:13, 1 Chronicles 16:9, All of the Psalms (check out Psalm 150), Isaiah 12:5. "The information we take in will help us to make wise and beneficial decision that please Jehovah and make his heart rejoice." When did worship become study and meeting attendance? I must have missed that talk.

    Improving our Concentration at Meetings

    What happened to the message of the sovereignty of Christ? Where is the in-depth study on the meaning and methods of worship? Worship is apparently reduced by the FDS to meeting attendance and study. The article degrades in to a finger-pointing exercise. Note how many times the sheep are to take responsibility for their own boredom.

    • In view of the vital information being presented, we should do well to improve our powers of concentration at congregation meetings.
    • It is usually easier to pay attention if we are well prepared.
    • ..sit close to the front of the Kingdom Hall...
    • ..maintaining eye contact with the speaker..(actually, that one could be a lot of fun. Especially if the eye contact is steady, unwavering, and continuous)
    • We need to appreciate the purpose of our gathering together (where is worship?)
    • Do you not agree that our prime concern should be, not how well the speaker delivers his talk, but how well we incline our ear? (I hate this kind of directed question. What is your choice other than agree?)
    • We need to cultivate an avid interest in the subject matter under consideration. (In other words, you are not to pay attention to the fact that you are being fed the same bland spiritual food every week. Read baby food.)

    How about a little BS Bingo to liven things up? Mulan has a great thread for livening up your next meeting.

    Here is another great link, with a great question. With your life ebbing away, do you really want the last song you ever hear to be something you hate?

    Edited by - jgnat on 1 November 2002 10:40:26

  • Tashawaa

    Blondie - again awesome job. Next week, since its dealing with apostates, I may have to throw in a few comments of my own.

    Hey I noticed you ended one of your comment on a thread that you were an ex-pioneer. Same here.

    I once caused a real uncomfortable silence at a pioneer meeting when I gave the wrong answer. We were all asked "What motivated you to enter the full time ministry". I put up my hand and answered "Guilt. I always felt like I wasn't doing enough." OOPS wrong answer. LOVE was what was suppose to motivate me.

    Silly me!!! I guess I didn't study ahead. Turned out, as a pioneer, I still wasn't "doing enough". Not enough studies, RV's, mag placements, balanced lifestye, not enough money - you should know the drill. Not making my time.

    I don't feel guilty anymore. Or afraid. Or judgmental (oops, I mean discerning). hmmm seems to be alot more room for Love.

  • blondie

    Thanks jgnat and Purple V. Very good comments! I already have my own personalized BS Bingo Card which I use mostly at assemblies. Works = worship, the foundation of the JW Creed.

    One brother said it was good to have personal study but meeting attendance was more important.


    Whoops, missed you Tash. One of my school teachers said there were no bad answers, only bad questions. Yes, next week I will need to put my waders on to get through the BS.

    Edited by - Blondie on 1 November 2002 11:42:23

  • Dutchie

    Thanks Blondie, I really enjoyed that.

    Imagine, they spent all that time and effort just to Say what they could have said in a few words: PAY ATTENTION AT THE MEETINGS.

  • blondie

    Actually, Dutchie, I think the title covers or camouflages the real reason the article was written. As Purple V and jgnat pointed out the real problem is that the meetings are so boring and badly prepared. The WTS has to keep repeating themselves because the elders are hypocrites. Jesus said of the Pharisees, do as they say not as they do. I had a non-JW aunt who said it was more effective to live a sermon than to give a sermon.

    The day will come when they will be preaching to an empty building.

    Blondie (who is doing her part to make that come true)

  • acsot

    I've been lurking here only a couple of months and now have made a few posts, and I must say I've learned more in this short time about the Bible and the WTS than at the Watchtower "studies" I've attended in the past 30+ years. Thanks Blondie! I too glanced over what we'll have to regurgitate for Sunday, also received the latest mags at the KH last night. In one of the study articles, (I guess we'll be doing it in January ?) there was a phrase about us appreciating the fact that although the GB is made up of imperfect men they are serving out of pure motives and not to forget that!! I couldn't read any more. At least in the Awake there's an article about Highland Bagpipes (my ancestors are Scottish), but I probably learned more about the bagpipes from the kids giving us a tour of the Piping College in Prince Edward Island that I will from the Awake.

    Thanks again

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