Comments you will not hear at the 9-29-02 WTS

by blondie 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Watchtower Study Article for the Week of September 23-29, 2002

    August 15, 2002 issue

    "I Set The Pattern for You"

    "You ought to be teachers in view of the time."Hebrews 5:12

    Pre-review comments

    : The only WTS publication I have every really enjoyed studying was "The Greatest Man" book. One, it is not set up in the normal fashion of read a paragraph, ask the question. The whole chapter or sometimes half a chapter is read first. The chronological scriptures in all 4 gospel books are read. Then several questions are asked. It is not so easy to find the answer in the "paragraph" since the question and paragraph may be several pages are set apart. Second, it is one of the few WTS books that focuses almost exclusively on Jesus, his personality, and his life. As I studied it was apparent how few JWs actual model themselves after Jesus, especially the elders. It became more and more apparent that the elders more closely resembled the Pharisees.

    I feel that while the WTS does a good job in once again pointing Jesus qualities, it is sad to think that they see what truly Christians should be doing and yet they are not doing it in their daily lives.


    In recent months the WTS is realizing the while JWs put in some time monthly in the door-to-door work, few are making return visits or starting Bible studies. Elders do not go door-to-door with the publishers with a view to training them to be teachers, assuming the elders themselves are trying to be more than preachers. The Theocratic School is a joke as far as teaching publishers teaching skills and the Service Meeting with its canned presentations and demonstrations never reach the field as the publishers used their 10 to 30-year-old standby presentation.

    "As followers of Christ, we know that we must be teachers. . .our teaching can even make a life-or-death difference to those whom we teach!" That is the key point, it is the everlasting life of those out in the world that is involved. JWs everlasting life is an assured thing whether they bring anybody into "the truth" or not. Since their own personal salvation is what motivates them, JWs see no need to overexert themselves by making return visits and conducting Bible studies.

    "Am I really the teacher I ought to be? How can I improve?"

    So what does the WTS say? "If we think of teaching, solely in terms of some studied techniques, we might feel overwhelmed by the prospect of making improvements." (Why make any improvements if my salvation is assured either way?)

    "not technique. . . primarily a matter of love. Of course, his perspective was that of a secular teacher (then why quote him as an authority?!)"

    The WTS says that love characterized Jesus ministry and in 2 ways, "he loved the truths he taught (Jesus had confidence and deep understanding of what God wanted; not like the WTS, FDS, GB, or elders), and he loved the people he taught (which the JWs view as goats going off into destruction, birdfood, and have no problem wishing 6 billion dead by wishing Armageddon would come tomorrow.)


    "A teachers attitude toward his subject has a considerable bearing on the quality of his teaching. Any indifference will likely show and spread to his students." (This indifference certainly is evident in that the majority of JWs do not pre-study for their congregation book studies, written reviews (soon to be oral only), WT studies, Theocratic School or Service Meetings. Few raise their hands and their answers are mostly reading it from the paragraph. If this isnt indifference, what is?)

    "Precious truths." How precious can they be if no one bothers to look up the scriptures beforehand or use them in their answers

    "While growing up as a human on earth, Jesus continued to love divine wisdom. . .Evidently, Jesus was then able to recall his prehuman existence." (This is a concept peculiar to JWs, that Jesus recalled his prehuman existence at his baptism in 29 CE. I was called on this point on this DB and made to re-examine that belief. There is nothing in the Bible to support this. It is one of the WTS "evidently" scams. If you see this word (or likely), be assured that there is no scriptural basis. But I do believe that Jesus remembered his life in heaven.)

    Both Jesus and Satan quote from the Hebrew (not the Old Testament) Scriptures. "Satan twisted Gods Word, disrespectfully using it to serve his own selfish ends. . . Jesus . . . using Gods Word carefully in each reply." (And who use the scriptures to serve their own selfish ends?)

    "Precious truths" (2 nd time) . . . Jesus loved all the truths that Jehovah had taught him." (The only way Jesus could know these were Jehovahs truths was to study the Bible, not believe what the scribes and Pharisees taught.)


    Jesus "might easily have developed his own ideas. . . he loved divine truths far too much to replace them with his own thinking." (Now I am sure they are pointing a finger at apostates but they forget that there 3 fingers pointing back at themselves.)

    While Jesus performed miracles he did not rely on them to establish that he had Jehovahs backing. "he always relied on Gods Word in his teaching." This means that the so-called increases are not to be relied upon. If Gods Word does not back up the WTS teachings, they cannot be from God.

    "Jesus loyal love moved him to defend Gods Word against the efforts of religious leaders to twist it to their own ends or bury it under a morass of human traditions." (I read this and could only think of the WTS and its innumerable rules about blood products, dress and grooming, entertainment, disfellowshipping. The Talmud has a rule that says if a chicken lays an egg on the Sabbath you can pick it up if you are raising the chicken for meat, but if it is a egg-laying chicken, picking it up would be work and a violation of the Sabbath law. Im sure we can all think of rules that are just as ridiculous.)

    Jesus did not teach "merely by rote" or "in a manner that was tired or mechanical." (But the elders do. The public speakers are so bad that I would be embarrassed if any co-workers came to hear them. Unpolished, all over the topic, unrealistic or inapplicable illustrations, few scriptures, etc.)


    Jesus "was never intimidating." "Jesus wanted his disciples to be moved by their own love of precious truths (3 rd time) regarding God, not by dread of their instructor." (Do the elders inspire love or dread?)

    "Jesus love for the people he taught was also evident in the empathy he felt for them." He was "moved to help them." (How do the elders help? By demanding that people do more, not acknowledging their limitations or circumstances, handing out canned advice, etc.)

    "Jesus acknowledged that her illness had caused her suffering, perhaps severe physical and emotional pain." (How many of you have had the elders do this? Instead they point out someone else in the congregation or circuit and say that sister is regular pioneering and her circumstances are worse than yours implying that you are the one with the problem.)

    "Jesus also showed love for people, by looking for the good in them." (The elders could learn from this. Recognition of sincere effort and commendation goes a long way. But nothing anyone does is good enough. If someone stumbles, they say I always knew that it was a mistake to baptize that one; or appoint that one.)

    "Jesus knew (not the elders/WTS) well that taking a negative, critical view of others would only serve to discourage them." (Imagine, a body of elders sitting around taking inventory of every individual and family in the congregation. What score do you think you would get? What the elders do then, would be considered gossip/slander if the R&F did it. Yet, the elders can make aspersions and negative comments without proof and poison the minds of the other elders on the body.)


    "Another powerful evidence of Jesus love for the people he taught was his willingness to serve them." (Do you think the elders are willing? Of course, if they arent the Bible says it is the congregation that has made them "sigh."

    "Jesus did not expect to be waited on and served." (When I worked in food service, I was expected to take food to the elders in higher positions that were too important to wait in line like the rest of us. I was at a get-together and the elders were allowed to go first, even ahead of the older ones! When was the last time that you heard from the platform that the elders were to be servants to the congregation publishers?)

    "Jesus. . . readily expending himself on their behalf. . . walking hundreds of miles." "He remain humble and approachable. . . women, even societys outcasts." (How many elders or other JWs would drive 3 miles for you? It is very hard to get JWs to pickup others for meetings and field service. It interferes too much with their own personal schedule.)

    "Jesus . . . teaching them kindly and patiently. When they were slow to grasp some vital lessons, he did not give up, lose his temper or berate them." (When you refused to accept some unscriptural viewpoint from an elder, have they lost their temper and berated you?)

    "Jesus did not merely tell. . . he taught them by example. . . Jesus humbly showed his students exactly what his teachings meant by living them, putting them into practice." (What have you learned from the elders examples? How to hide child molestors or wifebeaters? How to cheat on your taxes or cheat a witness employee? How to preach not to be materialistic but build a new house and buy a big boat? How to have an affair with your friends wife? How to DF a child molestor and reinstate him a few months later? How elders can associate with DFd family members but when you say something to another elder, no judicial committee is formed to deal with, etc.)

    Final comments:

    If anything here resonates with you as to Jesus loving example or the hypocrisy in the congregation, please let me know. Dont let what the hypocrites say and do, make you reject Jesus practical teachings. I have met some at the KH that are practicing what they preach, and I have met people outside the KH that are practicing what Jesus preached. The key is the Bible not the organization.

    Next weeks issue is how the WTS thinks JWs should apply this material. Since I love the Bibles account of Jesus life, I may seem somewhat agreeable this time. Next week, will be different. I hate hypocrisy. I dont mind people making mistakes, acknowledging them, and trying hard not to do it again. But hypocrisy is lying in action.

  • Gopher

    Thanks for the summary, Blondie. It's interesting to find out what truths stuff is being taught at the Watchtower lessons these days. I haven't had a subscription for a year and a half, yet what is being taught is "nothing new".

    So you said you're going to really get angry at the hypocrisy NEXT time? This week is full of info about the elders' hypocrisy and selfishness, and the general laziness of the rank-and-file JW's, just doing enough to get by but not really motivated by love of God and neighbor!!

    Yeah Jesus set a pattern, but it seems to be getting "lost in the translation" by the WT teachers.

  • Matty

    I love your summaries of the Watchtower study, they definitely help me get more from the Sunday meeting!

  • blondie

    Hi matty and gopher. I'm happy to share. I start making comments in the margins and highlighting phrases as soon as I get the magazines. It helps me deal with being there, as I've said. So many are brain-dead. Half the comments are one-word answers from very small children and read haltingly by older children who stumble over most of the words, who know neither the meaning of the sentence of the individual words.

    For those who do go, do the elders and their wives comment very much? Do you have one or two families that do most of commenting and when they are gone, the conductor is up the creek?

    It's my little entertainment. Some day I will not have to attend. I am "easing on down the road." It must be harder when you're an elder.

  • minimus

    Who's the BEST? Blondie is!!!

  • blondie

    Thanks minimus, but I think there are many fine writers here on JWD. It's just that we have a unique situation, still having to sit through this crap. I'm afraid one day I will forget and raise my hand and say one of these comments.

  • minimus

    now that would be COOL!!!

  • Quotes

    Blondie said:

    I'm afraid one day I will forget and raise my hand and say one of these comments.

    Please provide a tape recording when you do!

  • blondie

    I'm sure someone will save it for my JC meeting.

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