FAITHandREASON R they compatible

by plmkrzy 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • plmkrzy

    Well ok here tiz,

    The April 1st WT came in the mail today.

    Topic on page 1:

    "Should Faith be Based on Reasoning?"

    The next Ch. explains the previous begining with:

    "Search for God With Your HEART AND MIND"

    The apostle Paul exorted Christians to use their "power of reason" and to "prove to [themselves]the good and acceptable and perfect will of God" (Romans 12:1,2)

    "The fellow that agrees with everything you say is either a fool or he is getting ready to skin you."
    - Kin Hubbard
  • Pathofthorns

    It is too bad that they only let their own members "reason" within the closed loop of their own teachings. What is the point of reason and thinking when you can only reach their often wrong conclusions?


  • Sirona

    OK so have faith and reason but:

    1. Dont ask questions of the society
    2. All bad things about the org are apostate lies
    3. Dont read any alternative religious literature or associate with those of other religions
    4. You can reason, but only if you reason like we say
    5. If you reason that JWs are wrong, then we will throw you out! you pig who returns to the mire!

    ** **

  • patio34

    My 34-yr-old son who is inactive called me last nite about that article and was annoyed, upset, concerned about it.

    Sirona, i would add to your list of don'ts from the WT view are any scientific information that disagrees with the WT view (read, any scientific info at all then).


    WTBS: Quit peeing on my leg and telling me it's raining.
  • plmkrzy

    I can remember way back when I felt lucky that I wasn't born a female in the Catholic religion long ago because unlike them we were allow'd to read along in our own Bibles.
    My Mother-in-Law told me when they were little they wern't allow'd to read the Bible. Wemon were considered to stupid to understand it without there men folk.
    Pretty crazy were now in the 21st Century and things haven't changed much 'IN A SENSE'

  • waiting

    Hey plm,

    I was raised a roman catholic. No catholic, male or female, were supposed to have bibles in their homes until the late 50's (1957?). The church aversion to their ignorant layeity reading for themselves was lifted - and millions of those huge coffee table bibles were sold.
    Of course, no one read them - but they made great holders for birth certificates, etc. I don't believe the aversion had much to do with men vs. women. The church thought all were too ignorant to understand such "deep thoughts."

    We had a red one in our house - I loved all the pictures.


  • puzzled

    I remember those Bibles. My Mom still has one put away somewhere. Probably in a safe deposit box.
    I loved looking at them. I was in aah of the gold leafing and even the
    book mark tassel i remember.

  • Adonai438

    Thought these quotes were appropriate on the subject:

    Now, since the Lord has invited us to "reason together", no man can reason unless he puts aside prejudice. Neither should any man permit any one else to do his thinking, whether that man be a rabbi or preacher. (Life; 1929; 1,000,000 ed.; pp. 210)
    Straight from the GB themselves! Do they mean it?:
    And what if a different view about some belief is presented to you? Loyally adhere to the Scriptural information provided by God through "the faithful and discreet slave." (The Watchtower; 11/15/1989; pp. 17)

    AHHHHHHH! There it is! Don't really reason or be logical. Just do as you're told.

    Faith is in reality compatible with reason but as in regards to JW doctrine and teaching etc.. it doesn't work. One has to consider fact and reason and stick to the results otherwise the principle means nothing.

  • ElijahTheThird

    Then as you reason, check the passages in several major mainstream religion's bible translations. You will discover some major differences.
    (dont be dumb and just check protestant ones, rofl)
    Try the JW, Catholic, RSV, KJV, and Greek Orthodox, and etc.


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