How did the Jews manage a 365.25-day year with their 360-day calender?

by dorayakii 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • dorayakii

    There are actually about 365.25 (or 365 1/4) days in each year. With the Gregorian Calender that most of the "western" world now uses, we add a day to February every 4 years to ensure that the seasons are always in synch with the months. We call this the "leap-day" and it is added to the "leap-year".

    How did they accomplish this in Jewish times with their 360 day calender?

    (Im sure its in the "Insight" book, but i can't be bothered to read that drivel)

    Also how do other Calenders around the world do it? How did the pagans do it, and how was it done in the Julian Calender (which we used in the West until 1582)?

    Corrected from "Georgian" to "Gregorian"

  • aniron

    To put it simply every so often they inserted a 13th month into the calendar.

    If you don't want to look at a WT publication. Just check a Jewish website that deals with calendars.

  • TheListener

    OK, let me understand the fallacy part of the calendar thing:

    7 times (found in Daniel) means 7 years (according to WTS)

    7 years x 360 = 2,520

    7 years x 365.25 = 2556.75

    for a difference of 36.75 years.

    But the WTS has always said that 360 day years is a prophetic year. Can anyone explain if there is any sense at all to a difference between a regular 365.25 year vs. a 360 day prophetic year?

    The website goes to great lengths to show the appropriateness of a 360 day prophetic calendar

    Found this at a website called:

    12 months x 3½-years (of 360 days) = 42 months, (Rev. 11:2)

    42 months x 30 days = 1260 days, (Rev. 11:3)

    1260 days + 30 more days = 1290 days, (Dan. 12:11)

    The well-known '3½-years' is simply half of a full seven-year period, Dan. 9:27

  • Leolaia

    There is no such thing as a "prophetic year" that omits the intercalaneries. It is an invention of Adventism to convert the day periods of Daniel and Revelation into calendar years.

    I touch a little on the calendar issue and the time periods in Daniel in the following post:

  • peacefulpete
    Not strictly on topic but close: Just for chuckles...years 365 or 360
  • Poztate
    I touch a little on the calendar issue and the time periods in Daniel in the following post:

    My mind just goes blank when I have to deal with all the numbers.It seems like just another WT study to me.

    In one or two sentences can you explain to me why the lunar years of 360 days were changed to 365 days which they did to make up 1914.??

    I am old...take pity on me...

  • aniron

    The Israelites used the lunar year which is 360 days. Every so often they had to insert an extra month to bring it back in ine with the solar year.

    The JW in their working out of the time for the 2,520 years from 607bce to 1914ce used the lunar year of 360 days.

    If you convert 2,520 years to days (2530x360) you get 907,200 days. If you then count those days from say 1st September 607bce you would end up at September 1878.

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