New ministry, you don’t give a witness

by Mikejw 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Vidiot
    Mikejw - “…what would be hilarious is if JWs from different congregations actually did this new informal approach on each other in parks or on the streets and they both didn’t know they were JWs…”

    Like two Siris arguing. 😏

  • Diogenesister

    This is kinda how it works in China, according to Amber Scorah in her book "Leaving the Witness". You make friends with householders in informal settings - such places as the launderette, café, library etc. You don't raise the issue of religion until much later, initially explaining your faith in terms of Christian bible stories etc.

    Because JWs are banned in China it may be years before you raise specifically Watchtower doctrine.

    I always thought it was somewhat cruel. To befriend someone over years and years and then just drop them if they aren't interested in becoming a JW. At least with the western Bible study model you know where you stand from the start (well...mostly.I know this point is arguable, there's still quite a bit JWs hide from Bible students)

  • Mikejw
    I don't get it. You mean they will try and strike up a conversation about whatever I am interested in? So I want to talk recipes or politics

    Yes that’s exactly what they do now and then pat themselves on the back thinking they are doing what Jesus told them to do.

    I think the idea is indeed to build rapport and after enough time invite them to the meetings.

    the numbers are desperate. Hardly any new ones coming into the org and 2 out of 3 born ins are leaving.

    this new informal non witnessing is a desperate measure as what they were doing just wasn’t working

  • Dagney
    There are assignments on the life and ministry school now where they are suggested to just talk to people without giving a witness.

    It is true, JW's don't know how to just converse with a non-believer, to be just a real person. Can you imagine they have to learn this! But it's true. After decades of indoctrination of "them and us", be separate, they are now being taught the opposite.

    I agree with the whole social thing. I was with a JW relative and their friend, along with my non JW relatives last week. It was really weird. The friend, used to be BFF, talked to me for 1 1/2 hrs afterward and basically caught me up on all the travel and interesting things they are doing in the social "club."

    It keeps them in. And that's what the corporation needs.

  • Ding

    Jehovah's Non-Witnesses

  • carla

    So basically they are trying to tell members, "try to pretend you are just a normal person". If I were to tell a non jw about this whole thing including the history of d2d, they would think I was making it all up.

    Years ago my Mother thought she met a new friend and was really happy they seemed to have so much in common! Then she found out it was all just a ruse to get her to join a mlm scheme. As soon as Mom wasn't interested the woman dropped her like a hot potato. jw's work the same way, I wonder how it will go now?

  • NotFormer

    Mikejw: "Yes that’s exactly what they do now and then pat themselves on the back thinking they are doing what Jesus told them to do.

    "I think the idea is indeed to build rapport and after enough time invite them to the meetings."

    If that's the strategy, then this is where it all falls down. It's not like the WT has any special meeting with an evangelistic bent for "interested one" with no grounding in JW doctrine. It's not like they're handing out leaflets for a JW version of a Billy Graham crusade, where the JW "gospel" will be preached and then the newcomers will be invited to "come forward" to "give your life to Jehovah".

    And it's not like there are any other"pull factors" like tea and bikkies after the service, or social gatherings and outings.

    What's the point? Is it just more busywork, but made a little less unpleasant?

    At least now that the JWs don't have to wear suits, the people being targeted by these chatty JWs won't be thinking they're being set up for a MLM sales pitch. 🙄

  • oncebitten

    This is disturbing. So, essentially they are saying to pick your victim, act as though you are just befriending them, hide who you are and what your agenda is... proceed. . a bunch of twisted actors Can you spell DECEIT.

    I am going to warn everyone I know.

  • oncebitten

    hypocrits! see strongs = actors.

    That is what they are telling them to do. Pretenders

  • oncebitten

    I read the spiels on their site. They are twisting what Jesus and apostles did. This is to be spread out over a series of fake friendship dates pretending to befriend a person over time gently guiding them to bible BOOK studies.

    Yeah, that's what just Jesus and Paul did.......................

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