Disaster preparedness

by ElderBerry 85 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    "The need to track" ,,, IS,, to prevent fading .


  • enoughisenough

    I remember watching part of a convention where they people were going into the refugee camps. (and a JW donation box was in place!) Anyway, the point I will try to make is the preemptive programming to go to the camps. Well, if you look into some of the conspiracy videos, these are actually death camps to get rid of people in the future. They are equipped with guillotines. I have thought about why guillotines- maybe organ harvesting?Just a randon thought. The point is those guillotines are not there for the health and welfare of the campers! I have watched videos about agenda 21 and and 30 and sustainable design and there is a plan for to reduce the population and I THINK the JW org is a puppet of those in power who pull the strings of those agendas.-so teach your people to pack a bag and go to a camp! Then there is video footage of fields full of mass caskets stacked up. (coincidence!) When the congregation was first gathering details of where you would go,etc,, I thought how loving they are to look after us...but now I don't have rose colored glasses.

  • Mikejw

    Enoughisenough do you ever think maybe you watch too many conspiracy videos? I hope you know it’s all nonsense.

    There is no great conspiracy to get people to go to concentration camps with guillotines, oh and you do know zombie’s are not real don’t you?

    What is real is that unexpected disaster could strike at any place at any time.

    To be part of a community that looks after each other is far better than being a lone wolf.

    If not the cong of JWs then perhaps another church or organisation. But actually the JWs are one of the best at taking care of each other.

    They are nearly always the first in with aid and the last out after rebuilding work.

    Im PIMA so only staying in for the social club aspects and the disaster preparation aspect. I’m agnostic if God exists but I love having hope in the Bibles promises.

    I know I will be taken good care of if Im in a terrible situation and I will also help others in my cong if they are in need. This is what Jesus taught.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    It's just so ironic.

    That the Borg practices this disaster awareness & taking care of people when in need.

    But they will disfellowship you and leave you for dead for changing your mind on doctrinal policies. They will disassociate you for looking after yourself and saving your life by accepting a life saving blood transfusiion. Cutting off your friends and family ostracizing you and throwing you to the dogs.

  • blondie

    "Blondie, are you implying that the main reason they are now suggesting that disaster preparation is a good idea is because they lost some paperwork." I do know from elders in that area, had no idea how to contact people in their congregation before Hurricane Katrina. Thus when the written records were gone (and not backed up or available) some jws seemed to fall through the cracks, moving to all sorts of places, family, etc., to get back on their feet and that had no way of find who or where. Few jws had not prepared, like many non-jws had not done. Some jws even thought that their god would protect them from such things especially in the US. The WTS is an organization of records, knowing where the majority of jws are, how to find them and make sure they are toeing the WTS line. It was different then, so many years after Katrina, few jws know how it was or even if they lived then, have forgotten how bad it was. I can remember how many times an elder would call me and ask how they could contact "brother" or "sister" so; and I would say, don't you have that information. How can you say you are paying attention to the flock as your bible says? "The line I heard before Katrina was "god will provide." I wonder where their god was then. Yes, it was not until Katrina, the WTS realized that they needed to educate their "flock" to "prepare." Yes, the WTS said in the past there was no need to "prepare" for the chaos of the "great tribulation."

  • Balaamsass2

    Having lived through a disaster with 30,000 people evacuating it opened my eyes to the fallacies of most "disaster plans".

    1. ALWAYS having enough gas in the car to travel 100 + miles away from the danger zone. Local power and cell towers are frequently gone. No power for ATMs, gas pumps, water pumps, TVs, cash registers, grocery stores, internet, etc. A few hundred dollars CASH in small bills can really help. There will be few places to stay nearby if thousands of people are displaced. I was surprised at how quickly the criminal element gathered their friends and weapons and started patrolling closed areas looking for easy targets to loot. Distance is your friend.

  • blondie
    Good advice BA2, I use most of those. If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.
  • LV101

    enoughisenough - good info. I recall videos of camps on alternative news info and agree WT is a puppet.

    The required "vaccinations" might be one factor so many are bailing or split.

    BA2 - Yes -- good advice. Thx for reminder.

  • LV101
    I doubt gov funds would be spent to eliminate the populace -- much easier methods available.
  • Mikejw
    ALWAYS having enough gas in the car to travel 100 + miles away from the danger zone. Local power and cell towers are frequently gone. No power for ATMs, gas pumps, water pumps, TVs, cash registers, grocery stores, internet, etc. A few hundred dollars CASH in small bills can really help. There will be few places to stay nearby if thousands of people are displaced. I was surprised at how quickly the criminal element gathered their friends and weapons and started patrolling closed areas looking for easy targets to loot. Distance is your friend.

    There was an interesting line in the new movie Civil war. “$300 that will buy you a sandwich, we have ham or cheese”

    she really wanted fuel.

    The JW idea is that those with the ability to house other JWs who need it will willingly let them in. It all sound rosey but extremely problematic.

    Here in the UK many JW Ukraine and other refugees were housed by JWs who didn’t think it through. They probably thought it was going to be for a short time, but now they want them out and they regret letting them in to start with. The poor refugees struggling to learn English and didn’t want to leave home.

    The government don’t prioritise those who are not homeless and the JWs are not going to kick them out on the streets, but that’s the only was the government will help them so it’s a catch 22.

    The elders don’t know what to do they keep asking the branch but only get directions to lovingly take care of the refugees.

    I don’t know what the answer is but it’s all very well saying those JWs with the ability to house JWs who need it just let them in. But for how long and who is going to pay for everything?

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