A question about Crisis of Conscience

by seek2find 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • isaacaustin

    actually he is 86

  • mouthy

    opps sorry Thanks for correcting my error

  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    LOL at ninja!

    I still haven't read CoC yet. Got a copy but just have too many other things to do.

  • Tom Cabeen
    Tom Cabeen

    Hi S2F,

    The reference you refer to is found on pages 329-335 of the first edition of Crisis of Conscience. It is the story of two JW elders from Ireland, Martin Merriman and John May. They came to the US to express their concern to the GB about the trend toward harshness they had observed. Both were promptly disfellowshipped (but very gently, not harshly!!)

    The incident was excised before the third edition of the book was printed in April, 1999 for various reasons, one of which was to make room for other material Ray added as a response to things that appeared in WT publications after the publication of the first edition of CoC.

    Tom Cabeen,
    Publications Director,
    Commentary Press

  • seek2find

    Thanks for the info Tom. seek2find

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