Drama at the RC

by leaving_quietly 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • leaving_quietly

    I sat through part 1 of the drama yesterday. I thought they did a fairly decent job with it, except for the weird questions asked up front by an ancient guy asking "How do you know Jehovah's Witnesses have the truth?" That has absolutely NOTHING to do with how he was convinced Jesus was the Messiah. But, I digress...

    I caught something... a bit nit-picky, I know, but thought I would point it out. When they showed Jesus reading from the scrolls in the synagogue a prophecy in Isaiah that applied to him, after reading, I expected Jesus to sit down, then say, "Today this scripture that you just heard is fulfilled" as per the account in Luke 4:20. But he didn't. Instead, the Jesus in the drama stepped to the side of the podium and said those words. I don't even recall him handing the scroll to any attendant, but I wasn't focused on that, so maybe I missed it.

    Yes, I know this is nit-picking, but for an organization that is constantly harping on "accurate knowledge" and where individual members criticize movies for not following the Bible accounts exactly, this seemingly small thing irritated me. Sure, the drama embellished on some things, but when it's clearly stated in the account one way, there's no justification for taking liberties to portray it another way.

    Just my two cents.

  • FayeDunaway

    Who ever knew witnesses to be accurate? they talk about being accurate but they don't actually do it. Especially not lately, when they gloss over facts, to make themselves appear more reasonable than they are. It's like Fox News saying constantly that they are the only fair news source. Watch it often enough without watching other news and people start believing it. Accuracy not so important. Dramatic effect.

  • Bobcat


    Where was the RC you were at (if it is okay to tell me)?


  • Finkelstein

    an ancient guy asking "How do you know Jehovah's Witnesses have the truth?"

    Well because the WTS's leaders themselves proclaimed they have accurate bible truth and interpretation.

    In reality they are nothing but lying and deceiving relgoius charlatans looking for people to exploit and manipulate .

    The Watchtower created a commercialized version of the Gospel and disregarded Christ's commandant and direction toward "NOT" setting times on God's own sacred time.

    But who cares about what Jesus Christ says or his directing guidance for his true followers.

  • The_Doctor10

    What bugged me about the Drama was that the two women are actually being extremely reasonable with their doubts about Jesus and this is portrayed as shortsighted because of, "faith."

    "How do we know she was really sick before being 'healed?'" and "He ordered everyone out of the house except for the mother, father, and three of his own apostles, so how do we know if she was actually dead and not just asleep?"

    The narrator dude even said that Jehovah doesn't want "blind faith, but for you to take into account all of the evidence and observe the facts." First off, 'blind faith,' is a redundant term, all faith is blind, if we have absolute proof of something then there's no faith required because we absolutely know by facts what something is. What was being asked of those two women was EXACTLY blind faith, they had ample reasons for doubt, but we're being told they should show faith.

    We should question faith every opportunity we have, it's ridiculous what the WTS requires of its followers, it needs people to blindly follow.


    Follow the facts. JWFacts.com.


  • Quarterback
    Well, we actually don't know what colour his Robe was on that occasion, how he parted his hair, if he wore jewellery, or if he stood on the left of the podium. The one who told this story embellished here and there, but not so much as to destroy the fine portrayal of Christ. I'm tired of only seeing images of Jesus suffering, and walking around sad, and depressed as he is portrayed in Christendom.
  • leaving_quietly

    Where was the RC you were at (if it is okay to tell me)?

    Tacoma, Washington, USA

    I re-read the account... there was more that they got wrong. In the account, they rushed Jesus out to the mountainside to push him over the cliff, but in the drama, they tried to accost him in the synagogue and he escaped there. (Luke 4:29,30)


  • Bobcat
    Tacoma, Washington, USA

    Thanks LQ. Just checking if we were in the same location. I was visiting the RC in Jax, FL Friday.


  • Vidiot

    First-Century synagogues had podiums?

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