Satan thrown to earth "about" 1914?

by wearewatchingyouman 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Farkel

    :Satan thrown to earth "about" 1914?

    Give or take about 100 years.

    It's all fungible, you know.


  • Jeffro


    It's all fungible, you know.

    That would suggest something of value. So probably not.

  • wasblind

    Other religions don't calculate the 7 times of daniel . counting foward in time from 607 BCE you wind up with 1914. To me 1914 fits____Heathen



    Hello there Heathen

    The WTS has to twist things to fit what they teach

    All references, secular and religious point to Jerusalem bein' destroyed in 587-586 BCE



    Here's another example of how the WTS twist things to fit what they teach

    One generation now equals you, your dad, AND your gran'dad

    who'd a thunk it ? The WTS of course



    Why ? To make it look like that generation on the front of the May 15, 1984 WT is still alive



    You know. The generation they claimed would not die. You have to remember, Satan told that same ol' lie



    All secular sources and even the Bible in Exodus 1:6 shows what is meant by a generation

    and it don't over lap into one

    anyway BTTT



  • AnnOMaly

    Some references of past pronouncements on the timing. Probably why they've given up and just put 'about 1914' in the RNWT appendix:

    w00 1/1 p. 8 par. 10 Serving With the Watchman

    True to Bible prophecy, this world’s “conclusion” began in 1914 and was marked by the outbreak of the first world war. (Matthew 24:3, 7) There is strong evidence that Satan and his demonic hordes were cast out of heaven following that year.[1915, then]

    w83 5/15 pp. 22-23 pars. 5-6 The Glorious Work That Follows the Ride of the Horsemen

    Since the fiery-colored horse and its war-minded rider followed the rider on the white horse, does this mean that the first horseman started World War I after his coronation in 1914 and thus started using his “bow”? Not at all! Revelation chapter 12 pictures what would follow the birth of the Kingdom of the first horseman in 1914 [what would follow after October 1914]: an invisible, superhuman war. “And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels battled with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels battled but it did not prevail, neither was a place found for them any longer in heaven. So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him. And I heard a loud voice in heaven say: ‘Now have come to pass the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ, because the accuser of our brothers has been hurled down, who accuses them day and night before our God! . . . On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time.’”—Verses 7-12.

    6 That account places the blame for the first world war [which preceded October and Satan's ousting and wrath] that claimed more than 8 million human lives from July 28, 1914, squarely upon the Devil and his demons.

    w70 12/15 p. 757 par. 28 End of Worldwide Witnessing Gets Nearer

    After his enthronement in heaven [October 1914], World War I on earth was overshadowed by the fact that “war broke out in heaven” and Satan was cast down to the earth [sometime after October, therefore].—Rev. 12:1-13.

    Finished Mystery (1969), p. 314 Birth of God's Messianic Kingdom

    The ouster of the 'great dragon' and his demons from heaven was apparently fully accomplished by the end of World War I [by 1918 - lots of wiggle room there].

    w53 2/15 p. 119 par. 23 When Will God’s Kingdom Come?

    God knew that Satan the wicked one would attempt to turn the attention of the people away from God’s kingdom when it was established. So it was when Satan was ousted from the heavens down to the earth. [that'll be 1914] He was wrathful. He plunged the nations into World War I. [in August] He wanted to turn the attention of the people away from the significant event that then was taking place [in October] and he proceeded to do so in the most deceptive ways. But he must hurry! Why? Listen to the inspired account at Revelation 12:9, 12 (NW): “So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; . . . Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time.”

  • Jeffro


    To me 1914 fits because it matches jesus words of what his presence would be like in mathew 24 , nations would rise against nation and kingdom against kindgom ... more or less pin pointing a world war

    No, no and no.

    For starters, "World War I" is just a label, and the 'Great War' wasn't even called World War I until 1939.

    There had been earlier wars that involved countries in every inhabited contintent. Various wars prior to WWI had been regarded as "world wars", including the Napoleonic Wars, the 30 Years War, the 80 Years War, and the 7 Years War.

    The words attributed to Jesus in Matthew 24 were an allusion to events leading up to a final attack on Jerusalem by the Romans, but aside from that, the events of the supposed 'composite sign' can be attributed to any period.

    And aside from all that, 607 BCE for the destruction of Jerusalem is just plain wrong, and there is no genuine basis at all for arriving at 1914 for 'Jesus' doing anything at all.

  • Jeffro

    AnnOMaly (quoting w53 2/15 p. 119 par 23):

    God knew that Satan the wicked one would attempt to turn the attention of the people away from God’s kingdom when it was established. So it was when Satan was ousted from the heavens down to the earth. He was wrathful. He plunged the nations into World War I. He wanted to turn the attention of the people away from the significant event that then was taking place and he proceeded to do so in the most deceptive ways.

    Yes... apparently World War I was started by 'Satan' to 'turn attention' away from something that supposedly happened 'invisibly' in 'heaven', which no one would have noticed anyway because nothing actually happened. (How very crafty. ) Once again, Watch Tower comes through with 'brilliant' 'logic'.

  • wearewatchingyouman

    nooooooooo liiiiiggghhht. Oh how we are blessed to live in a time when things are becoming sooooooo clear. God is most certainly working through the organization.

  • Comatose

    lol Jeffro. What would Jesus have done if the Devil hadn't started World War 1? Would wonderful happy things have happened instead? Does this mean that Jesus is weaker than Satan?

  • wasblind

    Thank you so much for the full run down AnnOMally

    The WTS constantly contradict themselves " as the day is firmly established " ( Proverbs 4:18 )



    w 53 2/15 p. 119 par. 23 When will God's Kingdom come

    " So it was when Satan was ousted from the heavens down to the earth. He was wrathful. He plunged the nations into WWI." ( 1914 )



    w 00 1/1 p. 8 par .10 Serving With the Watchman

    " True to Bible prophecy , this world's conclusion began in 1914 , and was marked by the outbreak of the first WW. There is strong evidence that Satan and his demonic hoardes were cast out of heaven that following year " ( 1915 )



    When will the WTS realize they can't have it both ways


  • Jeffro


    Does this mean that Jesus is weaker than Satan?

    Absolutely not.

    Though there isn't any strong evidence that Jesus actually existed, and no reliable evidence about anything attributed to him in the Bible, it is plausible that there was a guy named Jesus (ישוע) who was a bit of a political revolutionary and was killed by the Romans.

    Whilst that person, assuming he actually existed, is long dead, there are atoms still in existence that were once part of Jesus. Conversely, since 'Satan' is an entirely fictional concept, it has no particles whatsoever.

    Therefore, based simply on the first law of thermodynamics, Jesus is not weaker than Satan. At worst, he didn't exist at all, making him exactly equal to Satan.

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