Imitate their Faith - New book coming

by 2kingdom1914 39 Replies latest watchtower bible


    WBT$ Jehovah Sock Puppet..

    WBT$ Jesus Sock Puppet ..

    Worship the WBT$ Sock Puppet Masters!..

    The WBT$ GB Popes..

    The End..

    .............................. photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Auntfancy

    LOL! AWOL, I can see it!!

  • Giordano
  • Giordano

    Definitely an alien! I couldn't see it at first because my post was blank but now I can SEE!

  • AnnOMaly

    To me it looks like a wizened old guy with a turban, mustache and no nose who is about to sneeze.

  • GoneAwol

    ...and looks like its about to box someone! Weird. Now look at the big picture on the first post again. The eye is drawn every time to the alien boxing baby. You cant miss it. Coincidence? mmmmm...


  • humbled

    Faith destroying @$$holes! The last thing they encourage is faith. They HATE everything to do with honesty or integrity.

    They don't even want a PALE IMITATION of faith showing up at their halls. They DF anything that vaguely resembles the small independence that faith requires.


  • steve2

    I have longed so very much for encouragement to practice the uplifting ways of the men who populated the Old Testament (er, sorry, I mean the Hebrew Scriptures).

    I admire those men of ancient times and their humble and unquestioning acceptance of such enlightened and loving practices as (drum-roll, please)

    divinely-directed genocide,


    slave ownership,

    stoning to death rule breakers

    putting rape victims on trial

    - and the best part, walking into cities and, standing in public places, shouting out divine denunciations of all who dare disobey the commandments. I have always wanting to be stark-raving mad in public places - and all I await is divine instruction and I'll be willing and ready.

    I particularly await instruction on how to manifest those superior godly qualities of righteous and jealous rage, pious self-deprivation and attributing all manner of human behaviors, including epilepsy, to demons.

    "Imitate their faith?!", you ask, disbelievingly. F-off, man. I'm there already you godless suckers.

  • Mum

    . . . and how to twist the fabric of my clothing into an "alien baby" image.

  • WTWizard

    They have been putting out that kind of rubbish as long as I remember. They have way too many old testament examples--any religion that places Tyrant David as being an example to imitate is not worth following. (And not because of the three major sins that thing committed--because of the intolerance that thing displayed toward anyone not worshiping its joke-hova.) Their faith is misplaced--first, because the whole thing is fiction. And even if it was real, just because joke-hova treated one person a certain way, does that mean everyone is getting that treatment? What if those people were treated like that only because Jesus needed to come through that line, or so joke-hova could point to it in lieu of treating us decently today?

    And what about imitating Satan? Remember, Satan did so much to liberate us from joke-hova's tyranny even at great personal cost to Himself. Joke-hova only "lost" its son for a few days, and watched it suffer a short time. Jesus only had to suffer a short time. Satan, on the other hand, has been defamed and attacked by joke-hova and its filthy angels for trying to set us free from tyranny and enslavement. Satan wishes to teach us to empower ourselves. Does joke-hova? I don't think so.

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