Crazy Religions

by Qcmbr 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Qcmbr

    I think you can weave atheism into a dogmatic philosophy such as Stalinism but atheism itself isn't a belief unless contextualised as part of a philosophy. You could decide to enforce atheism as a central tenet of a philosophy at which point it ceases to simply be a stance of skepticism and you could turn it into a measure of commitment to a worldview. In certain Communist states I would be happy to say atheism is part of a belief system because you are expected to adopt a rejection of all gods as part of your faith in a political system. Here in the West not so much, there is no overarching political philosophy claiming it so it isn't subject to the same understanding, IMO, as a faith based belief. Atheism is pretty simple in this context.

    Religion is part of the faith based paradigm that is so poisonous to mankind. When you decide you have a source of absolute truth you stop asking questions, you stop re-examining assumptions and you start making close minded decisions. You start defending a religion / party / philosophy and turning a blind eye to immorality. You end up with sane moral people sanctioning gas chambers, drinking kook aid laced with poison, flying aircraft into buildings and preaching door to door about an arbitrary set of statements that cannot be questioned. Faith is an all consuming beast, a true slave master and all the faithful are slaves whether they glory in it or not.

    What is 'crazy' is our continuance in narrow paths of thought when a wealth of empiricle evidence is at our fingertips and self education is free. This is the first age when we truly choose to be ignorant or not.

  • tec

    When you decide you have a source of absolute truth

    In all sincerity, Q... if you states that all faith (anything other than atheism) is wrong, and deluded, and 'crazy' at its core... then are you not also stating your own worldview (atheism) is the only absolute truth?

    Imo, that is why some view some atheists just as dogmatic and absolute in their attitudes.



  • Qcmbr

    Not at all - if God appeared tomorrow the evidence would change my mind. For a believer who has faith in a young earth the evidence of the entire earth and all sciences is not enough. This is the difference and danger of faith as opposed to rational skepticism.

  • cofty

    A good example of how atheism can go hand-in-hand with irrational dogma is the way Stalin rejected Mendelian genetics in favour of Lamarkianism as promoted by Trofim Lysenko.

    Darwinism wasn't egalitarian enough for the dictator.

    The result was mass famine and the greatest preventable famine the world has ever seen .

    Rationalism, skepticism, a commitment to reason - to be led by evidence and a rejection of the supernatural - these things are a virtue.

    Atheism is merely a corollary of reason.

  • jgnat

    *unnecessary deaths.

    My old pastor fell victim to this sort of malapropism all the time. It kept me entertained, let me tell you.

    Edited to add: you found it!

  • tec

    I think you are missing the point, Q.

    Every world view other than the one you agree with is wrong, deluded, crazy. The only view that you agree with is atheism because that is the conclusion you come to based on the evidence you have at hand. No problem. Others may have different evidence or they may process the evidence that is present in a different way than you. But they are still wrong, deluded, crazy if their conclusion (faith) does not agree with yours (atheism).

    Everyone is wrong except for those who agree with what I agree with. That is what I get from your opinion on faith and/or religion. Am I incorrect? If I am, then how?



  • jgnat

    tec, your definition of "evidence" is highly personal and is not used by the skeptic. Therefore, your evidence does not have the same value.

  • tec

    That may be true, jgnat, but it is an attitude that I am questioning.



  • cofty

    jgnat - How is unnecessary deaths a malapropism?

    By the time you posted I had edited as I couldn't find a death toll and was not sure if it was in the millions or 100s of thousands

    Malapropism - Ludicrous misuse of a word, especially by confusion with one of similar sound.

  • jgnat

    You wrote "necessary deaths", cofty, but edited it as I commented.

    tec, how do you judge an attitude? Is it the tone of the writing?

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